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Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Des 2022

Covid-19 And Recovery Proposals From Islamic Philanthropy Studies: A Bibliometric Analysis

Covid 19 has disrupted the global economic steadiness. Countries worldwide are now struggling to survive and to recover from the pandemic. Among lesson learned from the crisis is that the economy needs more help from philanthropic sectors. Islam has various altruistic mode of economic support. Research on Islamic philanthropy has also been performed from various aspects and methods. This study analyses research conducted during Covid-19, especially related to Islamic Philanthropy. Google Scholar Indexed articles are analysed to achieve the objective of the study. Systematic literature review, bibliometric analysis, and Atlas.ti word cloud are also employed to answer the research questions. The results showed that there are various proposals offered by authors. Waqf models combined with Islamic commercial contracts are the most proposed scheme offered to assist the economic recovery during and post-Covid 19. Keywords: Covid 19, Islamic Philanthropy, Recovery Proposals


Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Nov 2022


Thisstudy is a literature study on the thought of Baqir As-Sadr in a national wealth management. This study is also explain aboutthe background of Baqir As-Sadr and the basis of his thought in the wealth management. This study adopting a qualitative approach with dual-stage analysis, that is a literature review method to analyze the thought of Baqir As-Sadr in national wealth management. Futhermore, descriptive analysis method to explain about Baqir As-Sadr thought of national wealth management in context of Indonesia. The result of this study shows the aims of national wealth management is prosperity. To achieve that purpose, a several strategic policy is required to be implemented, such as abolition of private land ownership. The private sector only has use rights or land management rights. This is intended so that production can be controlled according to needs and the state can regulate its distribution


Tanggal Publikasi: 16 Nov 2022


Pasar  wisata  religiyang  berupa  penyelenggaraan  ibadah  umrah,  sangat besar potensinya di Indonesia. Ratusan ribu jamaah tiap tahun berangkat ke Baitullah dengan menggunakan moda transportasi pesawat terbang. Salah satu maskapai yang menyediakan layanan penerbangan bagi jamaah umrah adalah PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. Pada tahun 2019 Garuda Indonesia mengeluarkan surat edaran GA Info yang berisi perubahan sistem penjualan secara langsung untuk tiket rute Middle East(Jeddah dan Madinah) menjadi sistem penjualan wholesaledengan menunjuk 6 mitra  penjualan.  Pada  tahun  2020  Komisi  Pengawasan  Persaingan  Usaha  (KPPU) mendenda Garuda sebesar 1 miliar atas Praktek Diskriminasi terkait Pemilihan Mitra Penjualan Tiket Umrah Menuju dan dariJeddah dan Madinah. Lalu Garuda Indonesia menggugat  keputusan  KPPU  ini  ke  pengadilan  dan  pada  tanggal  22  Maret  2022 Mahkamah Agung (MA) Republik Indonesia menolak kasasi Garuda Indonesia atas putusan  KPPU. Praktek  monopoli  dan  persaingan  tidak  sehat sertadampaknya terhadap  keadilan  sosial disinggung  oleh  ulama  Yahya  bin  Umar  dalam  kitabnya Ahkam  al-Suq.  Tulisan  ini  akan  membahas  kebijakan monopolistik Garuda yang menciptakan persaingan usaha yang tidak sehatmenurut perspektif Yahya bin Umar.


Tanggal Publikasi: 14 Nov 2022

Compiling a Sharia Indicators of Wedding Organiser

The sharia wedding organizer industry is starting to provide an alternative sharia version. However, no specific index can be used as a standard for sharia compliance of a wedding organizer. This study aims to compile a sharia wedding organizing index from the perspective of Maqashid Sharia. The sharia wedding organizer index can then be used as an indicator in viewing the sharia wedding organizer. By using a literature review method, this study will collect literature in the form of postulate and previous studies as a basis for compiling an index. In calculating the weights, this study uses the Simple Additive Weighting approach. The primary basis for compiling the index is the Maqashid Sharia index theory by Al-Ghazali. The findings show that 13 indicators are used as indexes that measure the sharia of the wedding organizer. The indicators are seclusion, tradition, pre-wedding, make-up artist, prayer time, eating etiquette, food, fashion style, contract form, package options, transaction medium, music, and marriage motivations. This study is the first to compile a list of sharia requirements and rules that sharia wedding organizers must meet.


Tanggal Publikasi: 14 Nov 2022

Inefficiency In Sukuk Implementation In Indonesia: Data Envelopment Analysis

This study aims to measure the efficiency value of Retail Sukuk issuance and to see what factors influence the inefficiency of Sukuk both internally and externally, to provide alternative strategies for the government to achieve Retail Sukuk efficiency. The used method in this study is a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) using MaxDEA 6.1 software and interviews with relevant sources. Based on the analysis using the DEA method, it is known that in overall (CRS) and scale, there are 5 series that achieve efficient values or namely SR006, SR008, SR009, SR010, and SR011. The source of inefficiency in Retail Sukuk is dominantly influenced by the Coupon and Total Employee variables. Where coupons have an effect of 41% and total employees by 26% and also fee marketing.


Tanggal Publikasi: 14 Nov 2022

Pemanfaatan Zakat untuk Pemulihan Ekonomi Pasca Pandemi Covid-19

The research is aim to analyze the effect of the zakat instrument on poverty and unemployment and test the zakat instrument as an alternative solution to the economic impact of the middle to the lower-class post-pandemic community. It uses least square regression as the method of analysis. Where the method is in line with the research objectives which is to test the form of the relationship and the level of significance of the effect of the observed variable. Findings show that H0 1 is rejected and H1 1 is accepted, or the zakat instrument has a negative relationship with the poverty and unemployment instrument. As well as the zakat instrument also has a significant effect on the poverty and unemployment instrument or H1 2 accepted. This research is limited to the geography of Indonesian research. By taking secondary data from reliable sources related to research topics, such as the Baznaz and BPS websites. The time interval for data in this study was taken from 2002 to 2019. Developed by Beik & Arsyanti (2016) and published in the journal of Islamic monetary economics and finance 1 (2) pages 141-160 with the title Measuring Zakat Impact on Poverty and Welfare using the Cibest Model. And current research will review empirical evidence through secondary data about the effectiveness of the zakat instrument in overcoming economic problems in middle to lower society, especially regarding poverty and unemployment. This aims to strengthen the reasons for submitting zakat instruments to be applied as an alternative solution for post-pandemic economic restoration tools. By taking case simulations from previous crises and testing their effects in the long run. Therefore, in the current research, the method that will be applied is least square regression. Because it is to the objectives and research conditions at this time. It is a form of refinement on previous research and development with the latest economic cases.


Tanggal Publikasi: 14 Nov 2022

An Empirical Analysis of Islamic Banking (IBs) Contribution to Indonesia’s Inclusive Growth

The research is aim to attest and assess empirically the contribution of Islamic banking (IBs) on the inclusive growth in Indonesia. By taking a trial-stage method i.e. descriptive analysis to elaborate statistical data, an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model to assess empirically the contribution in the long-term, and an error correction model (ECM) to assess the contribution in the short-term empirically. The findings are, total deposits and total financing only contribute positively significantly to GDP and Gini ratio in the long-term, that similar to the previous study. Then, total financing contributes negatively to all indicators of inclusive growth in the long-term, but, its only significance is on GDP and Gini ratio. This means it contributed significantly to all indicators in the short term.


Tanggal Publikasi: 14 Nov 2022

Christian Tithe vis-a-vis Islamic Zakat Concept: A Comparative Study in Socio-Economic Scope

This study aims to compare a social fund concept in Islam and Christianity. Comparing a tithe as an instrument of Christian social funds and zakat as an instrument of Islamic social funds. Moreover, this study will delve into a scheme of each concept and compare its efficiency in achieving socioeconomic goals. The study applied dual qualitative methods. The first is the literature review method, which is used to identify relevant theories of a study. Theories will be compared by a second method, that is, the qualitative comparative analysis method. The findings are, tithe and zakat have the same objective, that is, human prosperity. But, both of these differences in the collecting and distribution procedure. A tithe is collected of 10% from a congregation when he gets sustenance. And the distribution is left to the church for any purpose. Meanwhile, the total collection fund of zakat is only 2.5% per Muslim. Then, it's only obligated to a man who meets the requirement. Distribution concept that was regulated in Islamic scripture (Qur'an). The research only compares a tithe and zakat instruments as a representation of Islam and Christian social funds.



Tanggal Publikasi: 14 Nov 2022

A Comparative Study Of Khaldun, Smith, and Marx Thinking about The Labor Theory Of Value

The value of the goods or commodities depends on the worker's performance, according to the labor theory of value. Therefore, every worker must have a clear calculation of receiving wages. But how to determine the right calculation for the wages of a worker? In this case, Islam, capitalism, and socialism have their respective views. So, this study aims to determine the views of the three schools about the labor theory of value. The method used by researchers in conducting this research is to use the method of literature study and comparative analysis. And to compare the thoughts of the three schools of economics, the researcher refers to the figure of the school's experts as representatives. Researchers chose Khaldun from the Islamic side, Adam Smith as a representative of capitalism, and Karl Marx as a reference figure for socialism. 



Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Nov 2022


Islamic banking faces new challenges due to the instability of global economy. The condition requires a strong management to avoid the adversely effect of company's performance, indicated by the increasing of NPF. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the management problems in controlling NPF level, analyse the management implementation model, and formulate priority strategies. The management aspects evaluated are managerial capabilities, business strategy, Good Corporate Governance, and financing supervision. The method used is Analytic Network Process with two groups of respondents, namely Islamic banking practitioners and experts. The result shows that the main problems of management in controlling NPF are i) inconsistency business strategy, ii) low competitive advantage, iii) lack of education on risk management, iv) low leadership skills, and v) lack of monitoring and supervision. Meanwhile, the management implementation model for controlling NPF is showed in the form of causality relationships, in which explains the effectiveness to control NPF that influenced by the success of management in addressing problems in aspects of business strategy and managerial capability. The strategies to be implemented are i) develop business strategy periodically, ii) create distinctive values, iii) review business strategies regularly, iv) risk management training, v) leadership training, and vi) sharing sessions.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Nov 2022


Tujuan - Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari dan menganalisis mekanisme penentuan penerima mafaat uang pertanggungan jiwa asurasi syari’ah dan status kedudukan atas manfaat pertanggungan jiwa dalam perspektif hukum Islam di PT. Asuransi Allianz life Indonesia unit syari’ah distribusi bancassurance Maybank.

Desain/metodologi/pendekatan – Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengadakan observasi (pengamatan), interview (wawancara) dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan melakukan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan dengan mereview data dan teori yang telah dibangun dalam penelitian. Pengecekan keabsahan data dengan triangulasi sumber.

Temuan – Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mekanisme penentuan penerima manfaat atas uang pertanggungan jiwa di PT. Asuransi Allianz life Indonesia unit syari’ah distribusi bancassurance Maybank merupakan hak prerogratif peserta asuransi, baginya diperbolehkan memilih dan menunjuk penerima manfaat dengan syarat antara pihak yang diasuransikan dengan termaslahat/penerima manfaat ada hubungan insurable interest. Dengan skema pemberian (hibah) uang pertanggungan, adapun hibah tersebut baru bisa berlaku setelah pihak yang diasuransikan meninggal dunia dan klaim atas uang pertanggungan jiwa disetujui (hibah muallaqah bi syarth maut al wahib). Kedudukan uang pertanggungan jiwa pada asuransi Allianz syari’ah adalah sebagai mauhub (harta benda yang diberikan), sedangkan pihak yang diasuransikan menempati kedudukanya wahib (pemberi), termaslahat menempati kedudukanya mauhub lahu (penerima).

Keterbatasan/implikasi penelitian – Studi ini meminta perhatian DSN-MUI dan regulator untuk mengeluarkan fatwa dan peraturan bahwa kedudukan uang pertanggungan jiwa adalah sebagai mauhub (harta benda yang diberikan), Pihak yang diasuransikan menempati kedudukanya wahib (pemberi), dan Termaslahat menempati kedudukanya mauhub lahu (penerima). Sehingga dengan dasar fatwa dan peraturan tersebut perusahaan asuransi syari’ah bisa mencantumkan dalam klausula polis perihal kedudukan uang pertangguan jiwa dalam asuransi syari’ah adalah sebagai mauhub.

Orisinilitas/nilai – Hal ini menambah literatur tentang mekanisme penentuan penerima mafaat uang pertanggungan jiwa asurasi syari’ah dan status kedudukan atas manfaat pertanggungan jiwa tersebut dalam perspektif hukum Islam. Studi ini juga berkontribusi menghindari konflik sesama ahli waris terkait pembagian tirkah karena kedudukan uang pertanggungan jiwa asurasi syari’ah adalah sebagai mauhub bukan tirkah.


Tanggal Publikasi: 28 Okt 2022

Inefficiency In Sukuk Implementation In Indonesia: Data Envelopment Analysis

This study aims to measure the efficiency value of Retail Sukuk issuance and to see what factors influence the inefficiency of Sukuk both internally and externally, to provide alternative strategies for the government to achieve Retail Sukuk efficiency. The used method in this study is a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) using MaxDEA 6.1 software and interviews with relevant sources. Based on the analysis using the DEA method, it is known that in overall (CRS) and scale, there are 5 series that achieve efficient values or namely SR006, SR008, SR009, SR010, and SR011. The source of inefficiency in Retail Sukuk is dominantly influenced by the Coupon and Total Employee variables. Where coupons have an effect of 41% and total employees by 26% and also fee marketing.


Tanggal Publikasi: 28 Okt 2022


This study aims to analyse whether theories and views of classical Islamic scholars are widely adopted as references in Islamic accounting and finance (IAF), Islamic economics (IE) and Islamic business management (IBM) research studies as part of their contribution to solving current economic and financial problems.


The research adopts a qualitative meta-analysis methodology using NVivo 12 with selected data from 474 international journal articles published between 1981 and 2021. The study considers 172 IAF articles, 111 IE articles and 191 IBM articles.


The results of the study show that the use of theories and views of classical Islamic scholars is not widespread among the examined research papers. The findings show that 90% of researchers tend to acquire modern economics, management, psychological and sociological theories instead of classical theories. Both modern and classical theories have been discussed in the studied articles namely agency theory, stakeholders' theory, ḥisbah (accountability), maqāṣid al-Sharīʿah (objectives of Islamic law) and Waʿd (unilateral promise). The gaps prevail not only in the taxonomy of terms but also in the choice of paradigm references. It is found that 66% of the 474 journal articles adopt a positivist paradigm, followed by interpretivism (19%), post-structuralism (9%) and critical orientation (6%).

Research limitations/implications

This paper considers only ABS ranking journal articles. Future research may consider other journal articles from different ranking groups such as Scopus or Thomson & Reuters.

Practical implications

The paper sheds light on how Islamic educational institutions can develop strategies for the Integration of Knowledge (IOK) in their curriculum.

Social implications

This paper helps to shape the Muslims' way of thinking within an Islamic worldview which will lead to an Islamic way of expressing knowledge, skill and behaviour.


This paper contributes to the model of IOK that has been deliberated among Islamic universities, especially those that develop IAF, IE and IBM studies.


Tanggal Publikasi: 22 Okt 2022

Menyingkap Fungsi Sosial Perbankan Syariah Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan

The social function of Islamic banking is an essential factor in the existence of Islamic banking, and research is still lacking. This study aims to analyze the trend of the social function of Islamic banking, its reporting conformity with accounting standards, and its effect on the financial performance of Islamic banking. The population of this study is Islamic Commercial Banks (ICB) registered with the Financial Services Authority (FSA) from 2014-2019. The sampling technique used purposive sampling and obtained 59 samples. The method of analysis used descriptive analysis and multiple linear regressions. The results show that fines and non-halal income still dominate the social function instrument. Social functions such as zakat, infaq, alms, and waqf tend to be low. Social reports in the form of sources and uses of zakat funds are sufficient. Reports on sources and uses of benevolent funds are also in the sufficient category, but the percentage value is lower. Internal zakat positively affects the performance of Islamic banking as measured by Return on Assets (ROA) and Operating Expenses on Operating Income (BOPO). Other variables do not affect the performance of Islamic banking as measured by ROA, BOPO, and Non-Performing Financing (NPF). This research theoretically confirms that internal zakat can encourage the growth of Islamic banking. Islamic banking must pay attention to social functions, especially zakat, an order from Islam.


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Okt 2022


The purpose of the study is to This will examine the strong influence of communication effectiveness, functional quality and technical quality on commitment to connectedness with trust as a mediating variable, the quantitative method used in this study is path analysis is used to  determine the effect of communication effectiveness, technical quality, functional quality and trust on connectedness commitment. There are 4 stages of regression; The connectedness commitment, The confidence, The functional quality And The technical quality variable. The conclusions obtained from this research are The regression coefficient which shows the relationship between communication effectiveness and connectedness commitment, The effectiveness of communication does not affect trust directly, but through the perception of technical quality and functional quality, Technical quality is also known to influence commitment to connectedness through trust, quality and trust  This shows that the perception of functional quality affects customer connectedness commitment more than technical quality and Service quality is a variable that affects trust, while effective communication will create a higher perception of service quality in the eyes of customers.


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Okt 2022


The purpose of the study is to This will examine the strong influence of communication effectiveness, functional quality and technical quality on commitment to connectedness with trust as a mediating variable, the quantitative method used in this study is path analysis is used to  determine the effect of communication effectiveness, technical quality, functional quality and trust on connectedness commitment. There are 4 stages of regression; The connectedness commitment, The confidence, The functional quality And The technical quality variable. The conclusions obtained from this research are The regression coefficient which shows the relationship between communication effectiveness and connectedness commitment, The effectiveness of communication does not affect trust directly, but through the perception of technical quality and functional quality, Technical quality is also known to influence commitment to connectedness through trust, quality and trust  This shows that the perception of functional quality affects customer connectedness commitment more than technical quality and Service quality is a variable that affects trust, while effective communication will create a higher perception of service quality in the eyes of customers.


Tanggal Publikasi: 17 Okt 2022


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kesulitan keuangan terhadap opini audit going concern pada masa sebelum dan selama Covid-19. Tujuan lainnya adalah untuk menganalisis peran moderasi tata kelola perusahaan pada pengaruh kesulitan keuangan terhadap opini audit going concern. Sampel penelitian adalah perusahaan dalam daftar indeks saham syariah Indonesia yang terkena dampak Covid-19 pada tahun 2018-2021. Hasil pengujian dengan teknik SEM-PLS, membuktikan tidak adanya pengaruh signifikan kesulitan keuangan terhadap opini audit going concern sebelum Covid-19. Namun, terdapat pengaruh signifikan kesulitan keuangan terhadap opini audit going concern selama Covid-19. Penelitian ini juga tidak dapat membuktikan adanya peran moderasi tata kelola perusahaan pada pengaruh kesehatan keuangan terhadap opini audit going concern baik pada sebelum maupun selama Covid-19.


Tanggal Publikasi: 14 Okt 2022


The objective of this research is aimed at analyzing the impact of sharia compliance and service quality on the loyalty of Islamic bank customers in Bogor regency with religiosity as mediating variable. This study is quantitative in nature. By using stratified random sampling, there are 277 respondents as the research sample. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is approached to analize the data. The results of this research find that sharia compliance and religiosity partially impact on the loyalty but interestingly service quality has no significat influence on it. Furthermore, it is found that religiosity significantly mediates the influence of sharia compliance on the loyalty but does not mediate the impact of service quality on the customer loyalty.


Tanggal Publikasi: 4 Okt 2022

Compiling a Sharia Indicators of Wedding Organiser

The sharia wedding organizer industry is starting to provide an alternative sharia version. However, no specific index can be used as a standard for sharia compliance of a wedding organizer. This study aims to compile a sharia wedding organizing index from the perspective of Maqashid Sharia. The sharia wedding organizer index can then be used as an indicator in viewing the sharia wedding organizer. By using a literature review method, this study will collect literature in the form of postulate and previous studies as a basis for compiling an index. In calculating the weights, this study uses the Simple Additive Weighting approach. The primary basis for compiling the index is the Maqashid Sharia index theory by Al-Ghazali. The findings show that 13 indicators are used as indexes that measure the sharia of the wedding organizer. The indicators are seclusion, tradition, pre-wedding, make-up artist, prayer time, eating etiquette, food, fashion style, contract form, package options, transaction medium, music, and marriage motivations. This study is the first to compile a list of sharia requirements and rules that sharia wedding organizers must meet.


Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Sep 2022


The objective of this paper is to analyze the short and long run relationship between Islamic financial development and income inequality in Indonesia over the period of 2000-2020. The study has employed the Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bound testing approach and the Error Correction Mechanism (ECM) to examine the existence of long-run and short-run relationship, while variance decomposition (VDC) technique is used to provide Granger causal relationship between the variables. The cointegration tests show that there is a long run relationship between Islamic financial development, economic growth, inflation and income inequality in Indonesia. However, Islamic financial development itself is found to be not statistically significant in influencing income inequality during the sample period for long-run. This study found a positive and statistically significant (10%) effect of Islamic financial development in explaining the changes in income inequality in the short run. In terms of policy, enhancing financial access is needed to ensure that financial development fully supports the reduction of income inequality in Indonesia.