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Tanggal Publikasi: 15 Sep 2024

Sustainable Financing for Green Businesses from the Perspective of Islamic Finance

Sustainable financing for green businesses is becoming an increasingly prominent topic among academics, practitioners, and policymakers.


Tanggal Publikasi: 14 Sep 2024

The Role of Social Media Marketing, Brand Awareness, and Price on Consumer Purchasing Decisions on the GoFood Marketplace Platform

This research aims to analyze the influence of Social Media Marketing, Brand Awareness and Price variables on purchasing decisions for Gacoan Noodles on the GoFood marketplace platform. This research uses quantitative methods with the research object being Generation Z Mie Gacoan consumers in Jabodetabek. In this research, the Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis technique was used with the Partial Least Square (PLS) method and the data was processed with the help of the SmartPLS 4 application. The results of this research stated that the role of Social Media Marketing, Brand Awareness, and Price had a positive and significant effect on Decision to Purchase Gacoan Noodles on the GoFood marketplace platform. There is an indirect influence between Social Media Marketing, Brand Awareness, and Purchasing Decisions which shows positive and significant results.


Tanggal Publikasi: 13 Sep 2024

Pengaruh Citra Merek, Harga, Kualitas Produk dan Promosi terhadap Keputusan Pembelian

The reason researchers chose the uniqlo brand as research in Jabodetabek is based on the very high mobility of the capital city community, requiring comfortable clothing for outdoor and indoor activities. This study was conducted to determine the effect of brand image, price, product quality and promotion on purchasing decisions of uniqlo consumers in the cities of Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi. The research methodology uses a descriptive quantitative approach using multiple linear regression analysis which includes classical assumption tests, hypothesis testing and multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis, the equation purchase decision (Y) = 2.752 + 0.273(brand image) + 0.279(price) + 0.230(product quality) + 0.022(promotion) with an r square value of 0.431. The independent variable in this study only has a contribution of 43.1% to influence the dependent variable. While the other 56.9% is influenced by other factors.


Tanggal Publikasi: 13 Sep 2024

Analisis Pengaruh Kemudahan, Efisiensi, dan Reliability Penggunaan terhadap Minat Penggunaan Media Chatbot Sebagai Sarana dalam Pemasaran Digital (Studi Kasus Pedagang E-Commerce)

This research aims to analyze the direct influence of the variables ease of use, efficiency and reliability of use on interest in using chatbot media as a means of digital marketing. This research is quantitative research. The type of data used is primary data obtained through a questionnaire that was distributed to a total of 199 respondents and secondary data obtained from literature related to the problems studied. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistics and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis with the Partial Least Square (PLS) method, all data of which will be processed in the Smartpls 4 application. The results of this study found that there is a positive and significant influence between the ease of use variable on interest in use, then the variable efficiency of use on interest in use and the positive and insignificant influence between the variable reliability of use on interest in using chatbot media as a means of digital marketing



Tanggal Publikasi: 2 Sep 2024

Pengaruh Distrupsi Digitalisasi Terhadap Preferensi Konsumen: Studi Kasus pada Mahasiswa Tazkia di Pasar Dramaga

The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of digital disruption on consumer preferences in product or service selection. This study utilizes the Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) model. The results indicate that digital disruption significantly affects consumer preferences. Changes in consumer behavior triggered by digital advancements, such as the ease of shopping through online platforms, are crucial factors influencing consumer preferences. However, in this context, the influence of price on consumer preferences is not significant. Although important, price is not the primary factor in purchasing decisions, as other factors such as product quality, service, and halal labeling have a greater influence. Halal certification is also an important consideration for consumers, as it reflects values of halalness and cleanliness that are deemed important. This study provides valuable insights for businesses in understanding the impact of digital disruption on consumer behavior and implementing appropriate marketing strategies to enhance consumer preferences.


Tanggal Publikasi: 2 Sep 2024

Systematic Literature Review Analisa Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Minat Mayarakat dalam Menggunakan Layanan di Koperasi Syariah

The aim of this research is to analyze factors that can influence people's interest in using services in sharia cooperatives, where sharia cooperatives have an important role in the economy after banking. This research uses qualitative methods, using the Publish or Perish application to analyze various journals that already exist on Google Scholar. which includes behavioral research on why people choose sharia cooperatives to use the services offered by sharia cooperatives. After that, what variables are found that influence members to want to use services at sharia cooperatives and then analyzed and identified. Using the method of collecting research results based on the reasons why people are interested in choosing to use services in sharia cooperatives that are not yet available, the results of this research can be used as evaluation material and become the basis for sharia cooperatives in designing strategies with significant variables that continue to develop or progress. The results of the analysis show that factors such as trust or religiosity, social and knowledge about sharia cooperatives themselves influence people's decisions in using services at sharia cooperatives. These findings provide insight or can be used as evaluation material for cooperative managers to increase community participation in using services in cooperative institutions.



Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Sep 2024

The Impact of Macroeconomic Variables Shocks on Sustainable and Islamic Indices in Indonesia (2016-2023)

Purpose – This study aims to analyze the influence of shocks in macroeconomic variables on the Sharia index and sustainable index represented by ISSI and JII as the Sharia index and SKEHATI as the sustainable index on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. By studying the impact of macroeconomic shocks on the aforementioned indices, it is hoped to provide guidance for investors and stakeholders in making investment decisions and taking appropriate precautions in fluctuating market conditions.

Methodology – Descriptive quantitative analysis with VAR/VECM analysis to examine the shocks of macroeconomic factors to the three indices. The data used consists of the data from the last 10 years from Bloomberg’s terminal.

Findings – From this study, it was found that JII can respond to macroeconomic shocks more quickly compared to ISSI and SKEHATI. SKEHATI is the dominant factor influencing the Sharia index, including ISSI and JII.


Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Agt 2024


Indonesia offers significant opportunities for the halal sector thanks to its predominantly Muslim population. However, there is a notable lack of certified halal medicines, which is surprising given the crucial role that medicines play in human life. This study aims to investigate how awareness of halal practises influences Muslim consumers' intention to purchase halal medicines, with a particular focus on the Jabodetabek region. The study is based on a total of 150 respondents and employs a partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). From the analysis, it is found that awareness of halal products has a significant influence on the intention to purchase halal medicines. In addition, both subjective norms and perceived behavioural control are identified as significant factors influencing the intention to purchase halal medicines. However, it is worth noting that attitude does not have a statistically significant influence on the intention to purchase halal medicines. This result may be attributed to the limited availability of halal-certified medicines, which influences the attitude of individuals in the decision-making process.


Tanggal Publikasi: 22 Agt 2024

Menakar Keabsahan Gharar Dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam (Studi Komparatif Gharar Menurut Para Fuqaha)

Gharar adalah salah satu konsep penting dalam hukum Islam yang terkait dengan ketidakpastian atau ketidakjelasan dalam suatu transaksi. Konsep ini memiliki dampak yang signifikan terhadap keabsahan suatu kontrak atau akad dalam konteks keuangan dan perdagangan dalam syariah. Oleh karena itu, pemahaman yang mendalam tentang gharar sangat penting dalam menentukan kehalalan suatu transaksi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan studi komparasi tentang pandangan ulama terhadap konsep gharar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif dengan mengumpulkan data melalui studi literatur dan analisis terhadap pendapat ulama yang berbeda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pandangan ulama terhadap gharar memiliki variasi dan perbedaan yang dapat dibedakan dalam beberapa kategori. Salah satu kategori adalah ulama yang menganggap gharar sebagai sesuatu yang harus dihindari sepenuhnya, dan mereka cenderung membatasi transaksi yang mengandung ketidakpastian yang signifikan. Sementara itu, ada juga ulama yang memperbolehkan tingkat gharar tertentu dalam transaksi, dengan syarat adanya manfaat ekonomi yang jelas dan tidak adanya penipuan atau ketidakadilan. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perbedaan pandangan ulama terhadap gharar. Faktor-faktor tersebut meliputi pemahaman terhadap nash-nash syariah yang terkait, konteks historis dan sosial, serta pemahaman terhadap tujuan syariah yang ingin dicapai melalui konsep gharar


Tanggal Publikasi: 7 Agt 2024

The Determinants of Millennial Interest in Investing on Sharia Securities Crowdfunding Platforms In Indonesia

This research aims to analyze the influence of attitude variables, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control on interest upon investing in SCF sharia as well as the influence of the variables of Islamic financial literacy, religiosity, risk and return on attitudes towards investing among the millennial generation in SCF Syariah. The research employed a quantitative approach utilizing the Structural Equation Model Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) with primary data gathered through purposive sampling. The technique was conducted by an online method on 152 individuals from the millennial generation. Not all TPB factors significantly influence the interest to invest in Sharia Securities Crowdfunding. Attitude and Behavior Control Perception have a positive impact on the interest to invest in Sharia SCF. Subjective Norm does not have an impact on the interest to invest in Sharia SCF. Sharia financial literacy does not significantly affect attitude. Religiosity significantly affects attitude. Risk and return significantly affect attitude.


Tanggal Publikasi: 3 Agt 2024

The Impact of Management Knowledge Capability on Organizational Performance with Innovation as a Mediator

This research aims to explore the influence of knowledge management capabilities on organizational performance, especially in the context of Batik MSMEs in Klaten, Central Java, Indonesia. This research uses a purposive sampling technique. Data was taken using a questionnaire with a total of 60 respondents. This research involves independent variables, namely knowledge management capability, the dependent variable, namely organizational performance, and the mediating variable innovation. The data analysis technique used is smartPLS analysis. The results of this research show that knowledge management capability has a positive effect on organizational performance, knowledge management capability has a positive effect on innovation, and innovation has a positive effect on organizational performance. Innovation can mediate the influence of knowledge management capabilities on organizational …


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Agt 2024

Factors Affecting Mobile Banking Satisfaction: A Case Study of Bank

Syariah Indonesia

Main Objective The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of efficiency, fulfilment, system availability, privacy, responsiveness, feature and reliability to customer satisfaction study case in Indonesia Sharia Bank in JABODETABEK. Method This research uses a descriptive quantitative approach with a case study of PT.Bank Syariah Indonesia in JABOBETABEK costumer. The data collection technique was obtained from distributing questionnaires via google form and the data was processed using software. By using multiple linear regression analysis. Key Findings The results showed that the seven variables had a significant effect on mobile banking customer satisfaction. The strongest dimensions in explaining the quality of BSI mobile services are feature, reliability, and privacy, respectively. Factors affecting reliability and feature variables have the strongest influence on mobile banking customer satisfaction. Theoretical and Practical Implications The results of this study show that system vailability and responsiveness have no effect on mobile banking customer satisfaction, indicating that customer satisfaction is not directly influenced by the BSI mobile system which is not the main factor taken into consideration by customers in using the mobile BSI.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Agt 2024

This study aims to analyze the efficient market form of the Jakarta Islamic Index. The methodology used is an event study with a window period of 20 days, including ten days before and ten days after the announcement of composition changes held twice a year. The sample consists of 102, with 30 companies listed during the study period and 36 companies excluded and re-listed following the composition change announcements. The analysis technique used is the Paired Sample T-test. The findings reveal no differences in abnormal returns and trading volume activity before and after the announcement. This suggests that the market had already absorbed the announcement information before the event, resulting in a weak reaction and indicating that the announcement did not significantly impact the Jakarta Islamic Index. This implies that the index operates in a semi-strong form of market efficiency. Consequently, companies listed in the index may need additional strategies to improve their stock performance. To provide further insight, this study also examines the average stock trading activity of companies that enter and exit the composition of the Jakarta Islamic Index for the 2019-2023 periods.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Jul 2024


This study aims to analyze  whether there is a direct and indirect influence of the variables of Demographic Factors, Social Factors, Psychological Factors and Financial Literacy Levels on Financial Planning.This study uses a descriptive quantitative approach. The technique used in sampling is non-probability sampling and purposive sampling by distributing questionnaires to 100 people with an age range of 20-40 years in the Pangkalpinang City. The analysis method used is Path Analysis.The results found in this study are 1) Demographic factors do not directly affect financial literacy. This means that a person's ability to manage his finances does not depend on demographic factors such as gender, age, income and others. However, demographic factors have an indirect influence mediated by the variable level of financial literacy which has a significant influence on financial planning. 2) Social factors do not have a direct and significant effect on financial literacy where the results of this study indicate that a person's intelligence in managing his finances does not depend on social factors such as the social environment including family, friends and place of residence. This study also cannot prove that there is a significant indirect effect of social factor variables mediated by financial literacy level variables on financial planning. 3) Psychological factors have a direct and significant effect on financial literacy. This shows that a person's intelligence to be able to manage his finances is based on the person's inner self in the form of awareness, experience and motivation within himself. This study can also prove that there is an indirect and significant influence on psychological factors that have an indirect effect mediated by the variable level of financial literacy on financial planning. 4) Financial Literacy has a direct and significant effect on financial planning. This shows that the higher the level of a person's financial literacy, the higher the level of financial planning.


Tanggal Publikasi: 12 Jul 2024

Tadabbur Surah Yusuf: Praksis Akuntan Beretika

Abstrak – Tadabur Surah Yusuf: Praksis Akuntan yang Beretika

Tujuan Utama – Penelitian berupaya mengeksplorasi prinsip-prinsip dasar etika akuntan yang terkandung dalam Surah Yusuf.

Metode – Penelitian ini menggunakan metode tadabur dan wawancara. Informan penelitian ini adalah akuntan dan ahli agama.

Temuan Utama - Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa adanya keselarasan antara serapan-serapan etika dari kisah Nabi Yusuf dengan prinsip dasar etika akuntan. Nabi Yusuf merupakan seorang bendaharawan kerajaan dan suri tauladan bagi pengelola keuangan. Episode-episode kehidupan Nabi Yusuf merefleksikan prinsip dasar etik akuntan.

Implikasi Teori dan Kebijakan – Penelitian ini menawarkan prinsip dasar etika akuntan dari sudut pandang tadabur Surah Yusuf. Selain itu, penelitian ini menjadikan Nabi Yusuf sebagai suri tauladan bagi akuntan dan auditor yang beretika.

Kebaruan Penelitian - Penelitian ini menjelaskan prinsip dasar etika dari serapan kisah Nabi Yusuf yang merupakan pengelola keuangan kerajaan.


Tanggal Publikasi: 11 Jul 2024

Analisis Pengaruh Variabel Makroekonomi terhadap Biaya Perjalanan Ibadah Haji

Purpose: This study analyzes the impact of macroeconomic factors such as exchange rates, global oil prices, and inflation on Hajj pilgrimage costs.

Methodology: This is a qualitative study. Time-series data from 1980 to 2022 were used in this study. The data were analyzed using the VECM method.

Results: The results show that, in the long run, exchange rates, crude oil prices, and inflation have a significant impact on the cost of Hajj.

Limitations: Difficulty in obtaining annual data. This is a common limitation of research that relies on secondary data sources. Annual data may not be readily available or may be difficult to access.

Contribution: One of the main contributions of this study is that it identifies factors that can affect the long-term cost of the Hajj pilgrimage. This information can be used by stakeholders to maintain the stability of the Hajj pilgrimage costs by considering these factors.


Tanggal Publikasi: 11 Jul 2024


This research aims to find out, analyze, and provide alternative solutions regarding productive endowment management of paddy endowment land using a benefit principle approach. This paper examines the optimization of production from rice fields standing on endowment land through the use of modern irrigation technology. The study of productive endowment on endowment rice fields was then studied using the approach of Article 43 of the Endowment Law which explains productive endowment. Since 2004, many productive endowment development projects have begun to be developed. Especially rice field endowment is the dominant object of the endowment allocation aspect in Indonesia. Apart from that, rice endowment is also an object that has the potential to generate benefits for the economic climate in Indonesia. The output of the endowment is a benefit. The application of the principle of benefit in managing rice endowment needs to be considered. One way to achieve the goals and implementation of the principles, endowment managers and rice farmers can develop them through modern irrigation technology. This study supports current issues in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) regarding food.


Tanggal Publikasi: 7 Jul 2024


CBDC has gained popularity in many countries as a result of technological development. Central banks in a number of nations have been experimenting, piloting, launching, and promoting CBDC. Therefore, this study maps CBDC-related literature using a bibliometric approach and content analysis of the Scopus database. The Biblioshiny R Package was used in this study to analyse 190 documents with the keywords “central bank digital currency”. The analysis focuses on the main information about all documents, analysis of scientific production by areas (journals, authors, and countries), document and keyword analysis, and policy recommendations from the previous literature. The results show that CBDCs have had profound effects on monetary and payment systems, and their development could set the stage for a global central bank. The review also addresses the motivations and advantages of issuing a CBDC, including increasing financial inclusion, enhancing monetary policy, and
promoting efficient digital payments. The analysis also reveals that numerous central banks are investigating the possibility of issuing CBDCs due to the numerous advantages of this form of money. There is a lot of potential for theoretical expansion, contextual coverage, and methodological contributions. Furthermore, some policy recommendations from previous literature and directions for future studies are provided in this study.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jul 2024


Over-the-counter and restricted over-the-counter medications are commonly used by students because they are easily accessible and can be purchased when feeling unwell. The aim of this study is to understand the purchasing behaviour of over-the-counter and restricted over-the-counter medicines labelled as halal among students in the Jabodetabek region. In particular, this study examines the influence of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), which includes behavioural control, subjective norms and attitudes, on the purchasing behaviour of halal labelled medicines. The research results show that behavioural control and subjective norms significantly influence the purchasing behaviour of halal medicines among students in the Jabodetabek region. However, contrary to initial expectations, no significant influence of the attitudinal variable was found on halal medicine purchasing behaviour among students in the Jabodetabek region.