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Tanggal Publikasi: 2 Jul 2023

Integrating zakat into Indonesian fiscal system in the light of siyasah shar’iyyah

Nowadays, the idea of integrating zakat into fiscal system has arisen in Muslim countries including Indonesia. It is argued that zakat, in history, has played a significant role to create welfare among societies. It is proven at the time of Caliph ‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz that zakat has alleviated poverty at that time alongside tax. Having considered such achievement, some scholars argued that zakat should be reintegrated into current fiscal system. This paper, therefore, attempts to study the feasibility of integrating zakat into Indonesian fiscal system. Employing descriptive analysis based on SiyasahShar‘iyyah (high objectives of the Shari‘ah). Therefore, the objectives of the study are set with these following points: 1) to address the strength and the weakness of the implementation of this idea, 2) to assess its opportunity as well as its threat, 3) to examine whether the integration of zakat will secure maslahah (benefit) or create mafsadah (harm). The result shows that the integration of zakat into current fiscal system is in line with the SiyasahShar‘iyyah. Hence, the strong willingness and commitment of government is strongly required to apply it. The proper model of integration also should be planned well. Moreover, nurturing the understanding to all parties especially to the non-Muslims and secularists that this idea is really beneficial and not discriminatory should be promoted.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jul 2023

Convergence of Maqashid Syariah, Hifzul Bi’ah and Islamic Stock Index

This study aims to explore the urgency of converging the principles of environment protection and Sustainable Responsible Investment from the perspective of Maqashid Syariah into the selection process of Islamic Stock Index. In-depth analysis on current literature practices on Maqashid Syariah, hifdzul bi’ah and Islamic stock index.  The convergence of Maqashid Syariah, in particular Hifzul Bi’ah and stock index screening process will allow a creation of a new Islamic index or rejuvenating current Islamic stock index in Indonesia. We suggest that Dewan Syariah Nasional to start implementing Maqashid Syariah and Hifzul Bi’ah principle in the process of stock screening for Islamic Stock Indexes. This study is among the first of its kind to offer integration of Maqashid Syariah in particular Hifzul Bi’ah to the Islamic stock index.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jul 2023


The concern over SharÊÑah-compliant transactions is firmly entrenched in the activities and operations of Islamic financial institutions (IFIs). As a business entity established within the ambit of SharÊÑah, an IFI is expected to be guided by values, principles, objectives and rulings of the SharÊÑah. However, ensuring effective SharÊÑah compliance is not a straightforward matter. As financial markets become increasingly sophisticated, heightened product innovations and engineering in Islamic finance entail genuine concern over the need to strengthen SharÊÑah compliance throughout the product life cycle. This means that, while a product may be deemed SharÊÑah compliant prior to its launch (ex-ante), the IFI must also be cognizant of the need to ensure that the entire ex-post process—including contract execution, utilization of funds, investment activities, the audit and governance process—are all in place. This paper focuses on the framework for dealing with SharÊÑah non-compliant transactions in Islamic finance. The framework delineates the concept of illegitimate income and its sources from the Islamic perspective in order to develop a coherent approach to dealing with diverse non-compliance situations based on established principles of the SharÊÑah. Although it is not expected that an IFI will deliberately involve itself in illegitimate activities, any incident of non-compliance needs to be immediately addressed, rectified and reported. This is not only to ensure the purity of the income earned but, more importantly, for IFIs to put in place adequate systems and controls to ensure such that non-compliance with SharÊÑah rules and principles can be averted.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jul 2023

Covid-19, Maqasid Sharia & Islamic Economic Law: VOSviewer Application

This study aims to determine the map of the development of research on the theme of Islamic economic law from the point of view of the maqashid sharia in the Covid-19 pandemic published by indexed journals. The study was conducted in November 2020. The data analyzed were more than 50 published papers. The object of study is a published journal published in 2020. The data is then processed and analyzed using the VOSviewer application program to determine the bibliometric mapping of the development of Islamic economic law research from the perspective of maqashid sharia in the Covid-19 pandemic. The results showed that the research development map of this theme was divided into 6 clusters. Cluster 1 consists of 10 topics, cluster 2 consists of 10 topics, cluster 3 consists of 8 topics, cluster 4 consists of 7 topics, cluster 5 consists of 6 topics and cluster 6 consists of 4 topics. The findings from this study indicate that the sharia economy and its instruments and products are in accordance with the maqashid sharia, all the aspect of maqashid sharia must be guarded by all parties involved in Islamic economic activities, especially the government in charge of managing state finances while maintaining a balance of prices and can be applied and this concept even become a solution during the Covid-19 pandemic, where the objectives of each sharia economic instrument become more focused and their usefulness in this field can be optimized. All economic instruments in Islam that are based on maqashid sharia are expected to be a solution that reduces the impact of the economic crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic and can continue to be utilized in a sustainable manner.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jul 2023


Currently, the issuance of Paper on Islamic Regtech published by a journal equipped with title and abstract identifiers is registered in Dimension. ai from 2019 to 2023 explored in this bibliometric study. The focus of the investigation is on the keyword and author's pattern. The data was examined from the 15 Dimension research article (https://dimension. ai).'Islamic Regtech'is a search keyword. On February 23, 2023, the search used to make a collection of study data was updated. The bibliometric map was found using a descriptive statistical approach and bibliometric analysis using a VOS viewer. The quantity of paper on Islamic Regtech, as well as the growth of Islamic digital regulations, has increased dramatically in recent years. This topic is covered by a number of journals, one of the best is Ethical Concerns in Artificial Intelligence (AI): The Role of Regtech and Islamic Finance. Research, Disruption, and Islamic Financial Institution are the most commonly used terms. This study provides an overview of the most popular keywords and writers in the publication with the topic of Islamic Regtech, with the hope that it can be useful information for academics who work in this field. Thus, this concept will potentially be further developed in the future.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jul 2023


Rumah Pemotong Ayam (RPA) merupakan salah satu komponen hilir usaha peternakan ayam. Penyediaan daging ayam harus memenuhi persyaratan aman dan layak untuk dikonsumsi.(Achmanu dan Muharlien 2011). Penyembelihan dalam Islam merupakan salah satu hal yang sangat penting, karena binatang yang disembelih bukan atas nama Allah SWT menjadi haram hukumnya untuk dimakan. Peraturan dasar mengenai penyembelihan terhadap hewan yang hendak dimakan adalah firman Allah dalam Al Qur’an surat Al-An’aam ayat 181 dan 121. Tingginya kebutuhan para konsumen untuk mengkonsumsi daging ayam menjadi salah satu alasan untuk mendirikan rumah potong ayam (RPA) serta menjadi solusi atas permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan yaitu harga jual ayam broiler hidup yang bersifat fluktuatif. Suwaji Farm merupakan salah satu perusahaan agribisnis dalam bidang pembesaran ayam broiler yang berada di Kabupaten Tangerang.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jul 2023


Islamic banking and finance has shown progressive development all over the world since its inception as a commercial banking model in mid-1970s. Indonesia, as the largest Moslem nation in the world, has initiated some policies to expand the Islamic banking industry in the country. Similar to conventional banks, Islamic banks face a number of risk areas, which may affect their performance and operations. One of such risk areas is liquidity risk, which shows additional features in the case of Islamic banks. Both the international banking standards and the Sharia guidance suggest that banks should have: robust liquidity risk management policies, a responsive asset and liability committee, effective information and internal control systems and, methods for managing deposits to reduce on-demand liquidity, to manage liquidity risk. The aim of this research, hence, is to analyze the management of liquidity risk in Islamic banks through balancing assets and liabilities with the ultimate objective to recommend policies to improve the management of liquidity risk. This aim is fulfilled in the case of Indonesian Islamic banking industry. The data collection and analysis method in this research involve triangulation method with a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to achieve such aim and objective. Particularly, both the performance analysis of the industry and the econometric time series analysis were conducted to analyze the liquidity risk and its management for Islamic banking, which includes the liquidity behavior of banking depositors and Islamic banks. In addition, the primary data through questionnaire survey was also assembled with the aim of knowing the actual practices and problems of managing liquidity risk. It was investigated from the perceptions of Islamic banking depositors and Islamic bankers to shed further lights on the liquidity risk issues, which were not captured in the time-series analysis. The empirical analyses conducted in this research demonstrate: (i) the non optimal organizational structure of Islamic banks to manage liquidity, (ii) the significant demand for liquidity withdrawals from depositors and fragility of Islamic banks to mitigate certain scenarios of liquidity withdrawals, (iii) critical factors explaining liquidity behavior of banking depositors and Islamic banks, (iv) reasons for depositors to withdraw funds from Islamic banks and the non ideal management of funds by Islamic banks and, (v) the limited Islamic money market instruments to manage the demand for liquidity from depositors. Based on these findings, the research then constructs an integrated and comprehensive program to manage liquidity risk, which consists of three elements: (i) institutional deepening, (ii) restructuring the management of liquidity on the asset and liability sides and, (iii) revitalizing the usage of Islamic liquid instruments. This integrated and comprehensive program of liquidity risk management recommends a better way of managing liquidity risk based on Sharia compliant instruments and international standard banking practices.


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Jun 2023

Sistem Pintar IoT Berbasis Arduino dan Android untuk Pengontrolan Kondisi pH dan TDS pada Pengairan Hidroponik

IoT merupakan salah satu kemajuan yang signifikan dalam bidang informasi dan teknologi dan terus dapat dikembangkan untuk kemudahan aktivitas manusia. Pada penelitian ini, Sistem pintar IoT berbasis arduino dan android untuk pengukuran keasaman dan nutrisi air pada hidroponik. Arduino digunakan sebagai prosesor data yang masuk dari sensor untuk ditampilkan pada layar dan direspon memlaui relay untuk menghidupkan pompa jika nilai TDS dibawah nilai yang ditentukan. Data dari arduino dikirim ke cloud firebase sehingga bisa diakses melalui perangkat android.  Perangkat lunak prosesor Arduino menggunkan bahasa C yang diedit pada IDE arduino. Android didesain menggunakan XML dan Kotlin untuk membantu proses control aplikasi yang dibuat menggunakan aplikasi android studio. Alat ukur arduino dikalibrasi dengan menggunakan data tegangan dan data PH serta data TDS yang seharusnya pada cairan kalibrasi. Kemudian didapatkan model linier untuk PH dan model polynomial pangkat tiga untuk TDS. Model tersebut diimplementasikan pada arduino dan didapatkan nilai pengukuran mendekati nilai kalibrasi dengan kesalahan 5.86% untuk PH dan 11.1% untuk TDS. Sistem IoT diamati dengan mencoba tampilan data serta otomasi dan control manual melalui android. Hasil tampilan, otomasi dan kontrol  manual bekerja secara efektif sesuai fungsi sebagai IoT.



Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Jun 2023

 Analisis Pengaruh Variabel Ekonomi Makro Terhadap Volatilitas Indeks Saham Syariah Indonesia (ISSI)

This study aims to analyze the impact of the movement of the main macroeconomic indicators on ISSI volatility. Then analyzed how far the influence of ISSI volatility on investors' decisions in investing in ISSI shares. Furthermore, policy proposals can be made to control the impact of the main macroeconomic indicators on ISSI volatility. This study uses the VAR (Vector Autoregression) / VECM (Vector Error Correction Model) method with a sample of 130 (one hundred and thirty) monthly time series data from June 2011 to March 2022. The results of the analysis and findings in this study can provide information that the variables macroeconomics namely Inflation, World Oil Prices, Exchange Rates, Money Supply and Trade Transaction Volume variables significantly influence ISSI volatility. The positive relationship between ISSI Volatility and ISSI Trading Transaction Volume indicates that ISSI Volatility influences investors' decisions to invest in ISSI shares. So that policy priorities are needed in order to control stock volatility, including controlling inflation, world oil prices, exchange rates and the money supply. Control over the volume of trade transactions also needs to be done to reduce investment risk.


Tanggal Publikasi: 22 Jun 2023

The Evaluation of Field Teaching Practice using Kirkpatrick Model

Field teaching practice for students in social studies education deparment in Tazkia has problems from teaching in class and debriefing from campus which is not optimal so that it is necessary to identify it in order to in the future it can take place properly and appropriately. This study aims to evaluate a Field Teaching Practice program to social studies education department student using the Kirkpatrick model. The research method used is a qualitative approach with an evaluation of Kirkpatrick's model which includes reaction, learning, behavior, and result. Data were obtained from interviews and observation. Data analysis techniques used include data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verifying. Data validation techniques were include prolonged engagement, persistent observation, and triangulation. The results show that in the future the social studies education department in Tazkia must improve and develop curriculum, training to strengthen lecturer resources, and design concrete teaching practice programs.
Keywords: Evaluation, Field Teaching Practice, Kirkpatrick’s Model
Submitted: 17 Januari 2023; Revised: 16 Maret 2023; Accepted: 26 Maret 2023


Tanggal Publikasi: 16 Jun 2023

Corporate Governance, Effectiveness of Internal Audit Function and Fraud in Islamic Banking in Indonesia

This research explores the correlation between corporate governance and the effectiveness of internal audit functions in preventing fraud within Islamic banking in Indonesia. This study uses 53 observational data sourced from the annual reports of Islamic banking in Indonesia for the period 2010-2019. The data were analyzed using linear regression. The results of this study indicate that corporate governance has no effect on fraud, while the effectiveness of the internal audit function is able to reduce fraud in Islamic banking in Indonesia. The implication of this research is that Islamic banking is expected to consider the effectiveness of the internal audit function in its formation, so that internal audit performance in fraud prevention can be carried out optimally.


Tanggal Publikasi: 15 Jun 2023

The Effect of Bankruptcy, Fraud, and Financial Stability on Audit Delay of Indonesian Islamic Banks Listed in Financial Services Authority From 2016-2019: English

The gap of time between the financial report date and audited financial report date shows the time of audit done by the independent auditor, is known as audit delay. The longer the audit delay is finished, the more significant it will affect the decision making because it is one of the most factor that has large contribution in the movement of IHSG. The aim of this study is to find out whether there is or there is not a relationship between Islamic banks reporting delay to the financial determinants of bankruptcy which will be represented with z-score or Altman’s model, fraud which will be presented with M-score or Beneish’s model, and financial stability with ACHANGE as the proxy. The data used are secondary data from annual financial reports of Islamic banks in Indonesia submitted in official website of FSA or their own website, and processed using STATA application. Forty-eight samples used in this research. The result shows that the audit delay of Islamic banks in Indonesia is not affected by either bankruptcy or fraud. Meanwhile, the audit delay of Islamic banks in Indonesia is proven to be quite affected by financial stability.


Tanggal Publikasi: 15 Jun 2023


This study aims to determine whether perceptions of usefulness, perceived convenience, perceptions of security, Islamic financial literacy simultaneously affect the interest in using the LinkAja Syariah Service e-wallet payment system. In this study, researchers used a descriptive quantitative approach with sampling techniques, namely non-probability sampling by distributing questionnaires to 105 respondents in the Jabodetabek area. This research method is multiple linear regression analysis with an error rate of 5%. The results found in this study are (1) the perception of convenience does not affect the interest in using LinkAja Syariah Services. (2) the perception of usefulness has a positive and significant effect on interest in using LinkAja Syariah Services. (3) the perception of security does not affect the interest in using the LinkAja Syariah Service. (4) Islamic Financial Literacy has a positive and significant impact on interest in using LinkAja's Syariah Services. (5) Perception of convenience, perception of usefulness, perception of security and Islamic financial literacy simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on interest in using LinkAja Syariah Services. 


Tanggal Publikasi: 12 Jun 2023


Teknologi semakin berkembang seiring dengaan perkembangan zaman, inovasi tersebut sudah merambat kedalam perekonomian yakni dalam bidang keuangan. Namun dalam perkembangan ini tidak luput dari timbulnya risiko, cara menghadapinya dilakukan dengan cara yang berbeda tergantung pada persepsi setiap individu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara persepsi syariah, persepsi atribut produk, dan persepsi risiko terhadap minat menggunakan aplikasi uang elektronik berbasis server. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada responden. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 27.025. 316 orang dengan karakteristik masyarakat muslim pengguna aplikasi uang elektroni berbasis server. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 400 responden dengan teknik pengambilan sampel berdasarkan cluster sampling. Dengan menggunakan path analysis hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat persepsi syariah berpengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap minat menggunakan aplikasi uang elektronik berbasis server. Pengaruh persepsi atribut produk dan persepsi risiko berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap minat menggunakan aplikasi uang elektronik berbasis server. Kemudian pengaruh persepsi syariah berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap persepsi atribut produk dan persepsi risiko.


Tanggal Publikasi: 12 Jun 2023

Modelling Zakat and Waqf Scheme for Empowering Across-the-board Refugees 

The objective of this study is to propose a model of empowering global refugees by utilizing zakat and waqf through Islamic microfinance institutions. The model introduced is an extended model of the model developed by Kachkar (2017) and Indrawan et al. (2018). A thorough review of relevant literature is conducted to develop this model. The proposed approach, referred to as the Integrated Zakat and Waqf Model for Refugees (IZWMR), introduces the zakat element as an extension of the previous model. Additionally, the waqf component of the model includes not only cash waqf but also land waqf, thereby enabling the optimal utilization of idle waqf assets to empower refugees and support their livelihood. This study aims to raise awareness within society about the challenges faced by refugees, provide a comprehensive model to address the global refugee crisis, and create opportunities for the more effective and impactful utilization of Islamic social finance instruments, such as zakat and waqf. The extended model added the micro-takaful concept which provide insurance or risk management solution for micro enterprise operated by refugees who has get entrepreneurship training.


Tanggal Publikasi: 5 Jun 2023

Impact of Financing Problems on Baitul Mal wa Tamwil during Covid-19

The study aims to evaluate cause and effect of financing problems on Baitul Mal wa Tamwil (BMT)
during Covid 19 and to analyze the strategy undertaken by BMT to handling financing problems.
This study is qualitative research. The primary and secondary data obtained from observations,
interviews, and documentation. The informant of study are top management and members of BMT Al-
Hidayah Kotaraja Lombok Timur. The data are analyzed using the FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect
analysis) approach. FMEA method is a systematic method used to identify and prevent problems with
a company's product or business process. All process is calculated in score, namely Risk Priority
Number (RPN) and showed in the Pareto diagram. Financing problems are categorized as substandard,
doubtful, and bad financing. The causes are lack of employee ability to assess prospective member's
character who does not want to pay installments and natural disaster (Covid-19 pandemic) as well.
Financing problems has an impact on the emergence of financing risk. The direct impact felt by BMT
Al Hidayah Kotaraja is that the circulation of money is not smooth, while the return for profit sharing
to deposit members must still be given every month. The lack of employee ability to assess
prospective members is the main cause. The strategy undertaken to tackle financing problems is not
appropriate. They focus on members. They should focus to improve the ability of employees to assess
prospective members. The study also found that FMEA is effective in overcoming financing problems
in BMT.

Keywords: Financing problems, NPF, BMT, FMEA


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2023


In Indonesia, the development of Islamic banking has increased significantly from year to year. Controlling the money supply through financing can be used with SBIS selling contracts as one of the sharia monetary policy instruments. The purpose of this research is to see how far the interaction and contribution of SBIS selling contracts with Islamic banking financing. The analytical method used is VECM. The results show that the causality between these two variables is not significant and for the interaction response both show stability in both the short and long term. This research recommends that SBIS is not only in the form of a ju'alah contract but also the implementation of the contracts given by the MUI.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2023

Analisis Penggunaan Aplikasi Simba Dalam Pengelolaan Zakat Di Badan Amil Zakat Kota Bukittinggi

This reseearch aims to discuss the use of the SIMBA application and discuss the level of effectiveness of SIMBA in the management of zakat funds at BAZNAS Bukittinggi. This research was conducted at the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) of Bukittinggi City in 2022 using a qualitative approach where data collection was carried out by conducting interviews and document reviews. This study uses primary and secondary data obtained from BAZNAS Bukittinggi City. Researchers used data analysis to measure the level of effectiveness. In this study, it was found that SIMBA has been implemented by BAZNAS Bukittinggi City since 2018. The presence of SIMBA not only collects and records all existing data and activities, but also presents financial reports of all zakat fund management activities transparently and presented in balance sheets and other reports. The use of the SIMBA application has been proven effective with the achievement of indicators of effectiveness, namely the achievement of goals, integrity, and adaptation. In the results of the calculation and measurement of the effectiveness/efficiency ratio using the formula 19 the ratio of collection costs in 2021 with a result of 2.49% and formula 20 the ratio of collection in 2021 with a result of 0.28%. From the calculation results, it can be said that the collection of funds at BAZNAS Bukittinggi has been effective and efficient. The more effective and efficient the institution is in conducting collections that is right on target and also saves the energy and time needed, the better the governance of zakat institutions will be. 




Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2023

Politik Ekonomi Syariah Dalam Perspektifal-Qur’an (Analisis Sektor Industri Halal Di Indonesia)

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjawabbagaimana politik ekonomi syariah dalam konteks sektor industri halal di Indonesia dalam perspektif Al-Qur’an.Disertasi ini menggunakan metodologi penelitian kualitatif melalui analisa data sekunder berupa tafsîr Al-Qur’an dan pendekatan Grounded Theory. Jenis tafsîr yang digunakan adalahtafsîr tematik (al-maudū’i)ketika menganalisis ayat maupun isyarat Al-Qur’an yang berkaitan dengan politik dan ekonomi pada sektor industri halal. Rujukan tafsîr Al-Qur’an adalah menggunakan Tafsîr Al-Munir, Tafsîr Al-Azhar, dan TafsîrAl-Nukat wa al-Uyūn Tafsîr Al-Mawardi, mengingat ketiga tafsîr tersebut memiliki bahasan yang relevan dengan judul Disertasi yaitu yang berkenaan dengan politik dan ekonomi.
Isyarat Al-Qur’an dibahas ke dalam fase perkembangan politik dan ekonomi syariah dan fase praktik dalam sektor industri halal. Tahapan pembahasan isyarat Al-Qur’an menunjukan bahwa Al-Qur’an sebagai pedoman hidup bagi manusia tetap relevan dalam masa manapun (Al-Qur'an shâlih li kulli zamân wa makân), namun secara praktik mengalami interupsi akibat perubahan sikap manusia terhadap politik, ekonomi dan pengaruh sekulerisme.
Akhirnya, Disertasi ini menemukan bahwa isyarat Al-Qur’an dalam politik ekonomi syariah dan praktik politik pada sektor industri halal mengalami perubahan dari sekedar pemenuhan kebutuhan ekonomi manusia menjadi pemenuhantujuan kekuasaan danlegasi politik. Didapati bahwa gerakanpolitik yang berbeda dapat mempengaruhi perkembanganberbeda juga di setiap bidang industri halal; pendekatan kepentingan politik kepada pelaksanaan ekonomi syariah di Indonesia memberikan keuntungan pada sektor industri halal; dan pelaksanaan hukum syariah yang kuat memberi pengaruh pada perkembangan sektor industri halal.
Kesimpulan tersebut kemudian menghasilkan rumusan tiga konsep yaitu: 1. Konsep Politik Ekonomi Syariah dalam Sektor Industri Halal; 2. Konsep Industri Halal yang perlu penguatan nilai-nilai Islam; dan 3. Konsep Politik Negara (State Politics) dalam Bidang Ekonomi Syariah. Daritiga konsep tersebut,Disertasi ini mengusulkanModel Politik Ekonomi Syariah sebagai pendekatan kritis yang didasarkan pada kebijakan publik yang bersifat Mubâhât - مباحات berlandaskan hukum syariah yang bertujuan untuk mengkritisasi interaksi antara berbagai pemangku kepentingan dan aparat sosial-politik yang terlibat dalam mengembangkan sebuah sistem ekonomi syariah. Disertasi ini memiliki persamaan pandangan denganMasudul Alam Choudhury (2005) yang mengembangkan ilmu politik ekonomi syariah yang terus dikembangkan oleh Mehmet Asutay (2007) dalam pendekatan politik ekonomi pada ekonomi syariah sebagai alternatif ekonomi, juga pada Jane Pollard dan Michael Samers (2007) yang menekankan perkembangan perbankan dan keuangan syariah dalam arena geopolitik. Persamaan didapati juga pada Murniati Mukhlisin (2014) yang mengusulkan politik ekonomi akuntansi dalam pembahasannya mengenai penyusunan standar akuntansi global. Dari sisi pendekatan tafsîr Al-Qur’an, Disertasi ini sejalan denganAmdahurifky. B. (2022) yang menekankan konteks peranan nilai agama dan ketuhanan dalam aspek politik dan mengedepankan sisi kebaikan manusia yang substantif.
Namun Disertasi ini berbeda dengan Rachel M. McCleary and Robert J.Barro(2006) yang menggunakan teori religiosity dengan penekanan secularization hypothesis dan the religion-market modelmenyatakan bahwa tidak sepenuhnya politik dan agama berjalan bersama. Hal ini dikarenakan dengan semakin kuatnya sekularisasi, partisipasi agama dan kepercayaan dalam politik makin menghilang.


Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Mei 2023

Islamic Business and Performance Management-
The Maslahah-Based Performance Management System

This unique book discovers a new dimension in the study of strategic and performance management in Islamic Business studies. It addresses the missing link of spirituality from modern-day organizational structure in the presence of high-tech pressure in all areas of human endeavours.

The authors propose an integrated study of Islamic business approach to strategic and performance management systems to achieve sustainable organizational performance. The book explores employees’ wellbeing and organizations’ perceiving work environment as a spiritual pathway to cultivate values in Islamic business ecosystem to sustain humanity. It is all about care, empathy, and sustenance of others, about truthfulness and management being truthful to themselves and others and endeavouring to live their values more effusively while performing their work. The book stresses the impact of spirituality in performance management, concluding that for any organization to run efficiently, spirituality is the core component to attain happiness, contentment, and success.

The book will be of interest to a variety of management scholars, including those researching and studying performance management, talent management, strategic management, and business ethics.