Hasil Pencarian
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Okt 2019
Control Combating Corruption: A Governance Model from Indonesians' Perspective
The purpose of this study is to propose an appropriate governance model to deal with corruption. This study reveals the indicators, from where and how corruption will be resisted. By using data governance and corruption control as well as the corruption perception index from WGI and TII in 2008-2018, this study proposed a quantitative approach to strengthen the results of the inference tests of the effect of good governance on the potential for corruption, confirming and expanding on work carried out with critical informants by Transparency International Indonesia (TII). The study found that, from the perspective of agency theory, the influence of governance on corruption has been proved, both in the context of the world and Indonesia. Good governance will make the trustee (agent) not arbitrarily follow their wishes through corruption to enrich themselves or other parties, but instead follow the mandate given by the principal (community). This study also shows, in the world context, that by adherence to ethical rules being followed by effective government, in stable political conditions, and public voices being heard, corruption can be eradicated. In the context of Indonesia, to suppress criminal acts of corruption, stable political conditions and guarantees for public votes must be done first, then effective government and compliance with regulations can follow.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Okt 2019
Local Tourism Development and Socio-Economic Change in Belitung
This study aims to describe the implications of socio-economic change caused by tourism development and to explore the relationship between society and tourism from a sociological perspective. By using a qualitative approach with a case study research design, this study analyses data that was obtained through observation, documentation, and interviews. The participants involved were the local community living in Keciput village, the Keciput village staff members, the Tanjung Kelayang Beach tourism manager, and the Belitung Regency tourism office staff members. The study found that the tourism development of Keciput village had caused changes in the social and economic life of the local communities. In terms of social life, the emergence of tourism development had caused interactions to decrease. Previously, when the interactions among the people were still very intense, the economy of the community was also on the rise. However, ever since the tourism development took place, it has changed the people’s type of livelihood: where previously they had worked as fishermen, they are now working as transport services fishermen. The economic value of tourist activities is also classified into a higher category because the yield from the marine sources is very dependent on the season.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Okt 2019
The purpose of this study is to propose an appropriate governance model to deal with corruption. This study reveals the indicators, from where and how corruption will be resisted. By using data governance and corruption control as well as the corruption perception index from WGI and TII in 2008-2018, this study proposed a quantitative approach to strengthen the results of the inference tests of the effect of good governance on the potential for corruption, confirming and expanding on work carried out with critical informants by Transparency International Indonesia (TII). The study found that, from the perspective of agency theory, the influence of governance on corruption has been proved, both in the context of the world and Indonesia. Good governance will make the trustee (agent) not arbitrarily follow their wishes through corruption to enrich themselves or other parties, but instead follow the mandate given by the principal (community). This study also shows, in the world context, that by adherence to ethical rules being followed by effective government, in stable political conditions, and public voices being heard, corruption can be eradicated. In the context of Indonesia, to suppress criminal acts of corruption, stable political conditions and guarantees for public votes must be done first, then effective government and compliance with regulations can follow.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Sep 2019
Jihad is one of the Islamic principles that has evolved over the years. It is negativily being connotated jihad as source of terrorism not only by Western but also some of Muslim people. One of the problems emerged is because of the lack of proper understanding on really meaning and importance of jihad. Therefore, the paper aims to analyse the urgency of jihad in this contemporary time. Methodology used for the study is qualitative by using content analysis to analyse what is the urgency of jihad that have been raised in many literatures. The finding of the study is that urgency of jihad activity is mainly to free Muslim people from exploitation and deterioration. It is needs for worldwide Muslim solidarity that Jihad is not a movement limited to the region, the state but a universal / cosmopolitan movement towards Muslims. In this digital age, jihad is no longer restricted, so the need for a comprehensive and correct explanation of jihad in the current context.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Agt 2019
We report new evidence on Small and Medium Enterprises’ (SMEs’) internal resources, i.e investment capital, business stability, customer size, type of ownership, legal status, industrial structure and location on investment decisions in the Ghanaian oil and gas sector between 2016 and 2017. Overall, we find that SMEs of larger business size, with large investment capital, large fixed assets, more business stability, structured business ownership, large customer size, registered status, operations in urban locations and reinvested annual profits -- are more likely to invest in Ghanaian oil and gas sector. Per contra, the results reveal that industrial structure has no influence on SMEs’ investment decisions. Additionally, our findings are most robust to SMEs that choose to invest in the oil and gas value chain which is consistent with the resource-based theory. This empirical study has been conducted through a survey. Data has been collected using a stratified sampling technique and structured questionnaires with 245 SMEs across diverse industries. The survey data has been analyzed using binominal logit regression and Chisquare test. The results are expected to be of substantial importance for investment decisions in the domestic business environment. We strongly recommend the replication of this study in other emerging oil and gas economies
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Agt 2019
Purpose – Thus the purpose of this research is to examine how Islamic accountants behaviours: personal excellence, inter-personal capital, competence and leadership impact on their performance.
Design/methodology/approach – Data were collected from a series of online surveys of Islamic accountant that have been joined the Pro-LM training. The hypothesized relationshsips were tested using regression analyses.
Findings – Result highlight that leadership have significant impact on their performance while others variable (personal excellence, inter-personal capital, competence) have no significant impact.
Research limitations/implications – The questionnaire needed to be re-evaluate by the author of Pro-LM model.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Agt 2019
MENDIDIK ANAK DALAM MENCINTAI AL-QURAN: Studi Kasus di TPA Darussalam Al-Hamidiyah Bogor
This study aims to find out how to educate children to love Al-Quran which is carried out in Darussalam Al-Hamidiyah Al-Quran Education Park in Bogor. Education is a conscious effort carried out by someone who already possess knowledge as a means to make better quality as human beings. Al-Quran as a guideline for human life, as a law of living things in it there are many things that must be done by humans as a guide to life for the world and the hereafter. In this case, Darussalam Al-Hamidiyah Al-Quran Education Park as a place for Al-Quran education dedicated to students who are in Tapos Tenjolaya Bogor. This institution has unique characteristics since it is giving students education to love al-Quran. This was seen as an effort to teach student to love al-Quran for the surrounding community. This study applied qualitative descriptive method. This study found that there were several steps in educating student to love al-Quran namely 1. Introducing Al-Quran in their early childhood 2. Forming habit for children to live with al-Quran, 3. Creating and multiplying activities in the Al-Quran Educational Park Darussalam Al-Hamidiyah 4. Creating a climate and atmosphere that was good in the TPA Darussalam Al-Hamidiyah environment. This study also discussed driving factors and obstacles to educating children to love al-Quran.
Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Jul 2019
Contrasting the drivers of customer loyalty; financing and depositor customer, single and dual customer, in Indonesian Islamic bank
This study aims to investigate the drivers of loyalty in Indonesian Islamic banks, especially group of depositor vs financing customer and single vs dual customer., The objectives of this study were the seven major commercial Indonesian Islamic banks using the purposive sampling technique. In total, 105 questionnaires were processed, consisting of questions regarding depositors, financing, single and dual customer. Structural equation modeling using partial least squares were the analysis methods used to test the hypothesis, while in-depth interviews were conducted with Islamic bank managers to validate the findings., Image has a significant relationship with customer satisfaction, as well as trust. Similarly, customer satisfaction has a significant relationship with trust. Trust has a significant relationship with loyalty. For a financing customer, the image is very influential on customer trust. For a depositor customer, customer satisfaction is very influential on customer trust. For single customer, customer satisfaction has a stronger influence on the image, compared to dual customer., Islamic banks need to maintain good image and service quality to create strong, reliable and long-term relationships with customers, more specifically, in terms of improvement and product innovation. A bank focuses on the micro or macro segment, as well as financing. Financing products should be referred to customers’ needs. Bank reputation can be done by strengthening branding and corporate culture in marketing strategy. Shariah compliance has the highest loading factor to trust customers. Indonesian Islamic banks need to maintain customer trust by sticking to Islamic principles and continuing to ensure that its products and services are in accordance with Islamic principles. In Indonesian Islamic banks, it is very important to keep the legal aspects in all of products and services. Deposit products and services of Islamic banks should be in line with the rules of the financial services authority and Bank of Indonesia culture. Bank efforts to strengthen reputation can be done by strengthening branding and corporate culture in marketing strategy, while increasing the attractiveness of the products by way of research and development (R&D) must endeavor to make products and services attractive in terms of both product characteristics and price. Furthermore, it is necessary to support a good marketing strategy to market their products., Research can be used more widely in determining public policy, by strengthening the marketing strategy and public education. Islamic banks can work together with local religious departments to maximize marketing strategies to educate and convince people to be active economically under Islamic sharia guidance. Islamic banks need to maintain customer trust by sticking to the principles of sharia and continuing to ensure that products and services conform to sharia principles. Islamic bank management can strengthen customer trust by having a good risk management system, so that customers feel secure with Islamic bank transactions. In addition, sharia banks as companies must demonstrate social responsibility by distributing ZIS managed from customers and implementing CSR as a form of awareness of the surrounding community., The study revealed the factors that lead to loyalty on the financing, depositor and the single and dual customers. The study found that improvement and innovation, strategic and sustainability are new indicators used to build images of Islamic banks.
Tanggal Publikasi: 16 Jul 2019
Decomposing Problems in Cash Waqf Fund-Raising in Indonesia
Cash waqf act has been issued since 2002. However, the cash waqf fund-raising is still far from optimal. The purpose of this study is to decompose the problems in the cash waqf fund-raising so that solutions and recommendations could be made. Of all these problems, the most dominant one will be analysed so as to give recommendation as to what matter should be solved first among all. The method used in this study is ANP (analytic network process). With this method, it is possible to perform measurements and synthesis process of a number of factors that are considered to be problems in cash waqf fund-raising.
Tanggal Publikasi: 15 Jun 2019
Tabung Haji: Public Concern and Future Direction
The organisation of pilgrimage welfare in Malaysia traces back to the Sultanate of Malacca in the 15th century, as recorded in the classical Malay literature of Hikayat Hang Tuah. In modern times, the Muslim Pilgrim Ordinance was launched in 1951 by the British administration to oversee the welfare of pilgrims. Among the primary areas in which the ordinance wishes to assist are the financial management and preparation by the pilgrims before they depart to Mecca, in addition to funeral arrangements of pilgrims who passed away. Based on the idea of Ungku Abdul Aziz bin Ungku Abdul Hamid, a renowned Malay economist and Royal Professor, the Parliament established the Malayan Muslim Pilgrims Savings Corporation in August of 1962, under the Parliament Act No. 34. The corporation was initially established to pioneer a shariah compliant investment vehicle to help Malayan Muslims perform the last pillar of Islam and manage their funds in a shariah-compliant manner.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2019
Determinan Nilai Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar di Indeks Saham Syariah Indonesia
The purpose of this research is to analyze the effects of managerial ownership, audit committees, investment opportunities, profitability, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) on the value of manufacturing companies. This research uses data obtained from a manufacturing account of the manufacturing company registered in the Indonesia Sharia Stocks Index (ISSI) period of 2011-2017 Analysis using the application of the panel data regression model with the e-views 9 and Microsoft excel. Studies show that the most appropriate selection of models for the data panel's regression is a fixed-effect model with the result of research that managerial ownership, profitability, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) have no significant effect on the value of manufacturing companies, while the variable committee's variables and investment opportunities have significant to the value of the company listed on the Indonesia Sharia Stocks Index (ISSI) period of 2011-2017.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Mei 2019
Cash Waqf model for MSMEs in Indonesia
To address the specifi c challenge of fi nancing access, an alternative fi nancing tool for MSMEs is proposed — the Islamic concept of cash Waqf which originated from the Ott oman empire in the 15th century. Briefl y, cash Waqf is a movable type of Waqf where its corpus consisted purely or partially of cash. Of more importance, since the utilization of cash Waqf is permitt ed both in terms of religion and law in Indonesia, is that it can potentially be a successful practical solution to address the lack of fi nancing access
Tanggal Publikasi: 15 Apr 2019
Invesment Decisions in The Interbank Money Market Based on Islamic Principles
This Study aims to investigate decision in the interbank money market based on islamic principles.
Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Mar 2019
Determinant of state-owned enterprises financialhealth: Indonesia empirical evidence
This research is motivated to study the phenomenon of the financial health of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) who are healthy but still dependent on government subsidies. Based on these phenomena, the aim of this study is to determine the factors that affect the company’s financial health. In order to achieve this aim, the present research will employ the purposive sampling method of seven SOEs with observations during the last 11 years. The data analysis employed involves the use of linear regression model and its management through software SPSS-Amos 23. As a result, the study found that subsidy is significant and negatively affects financial health, which means that the financial health of the SOEs is getting down when funding is still maintaining subsidy every year. Instead, financial health would be enhanced if the government limits the subsidies gradually and gives broad authority to decide on the pricing structure and control of resources to support the cost of efficiency. The study also found that firm size strengthens the link between subsidies to financial health with a positive coefficient and is exhibited significantly, which means that the larger the firm size, the stronger the effect of subsidies on the financial health SOEs. This means that the SOEs that have a good asset capability tend to have a better financial health, especially because efficient opportunities are supported by the control of resources and a more economical business scale.
Tanggal Publikasi: 12 Mar 2019
National Culture and Transparency: Evidence from Islamic Banks
: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of predominant cultural values on banking disclosure. On one hand, Islamic banks have practiced Islamic principles which are universal for all countries. Islamic banks are expected to provide transparent information especially in terms of social and Shariah(Islamic) compliant information as Islamic banks claim themselves to have social objectives as the prime consideration. Islamic banks also have Shariah supervisory body to ensure that the banking activities and business operations are in line with Islamic requirements. On the other hand, Hofstede‘s cultural dimensions and Gray‘s hypotheses have rendered remarkable contributions in financial and accounting practices among different nations. Examining 45 Islamic banks in 11 Moslem majority countries, this paper focuses on four particular cultural dimensions namely individualism/collectivism, masculinity/femininity, uncertainty avoidance, and power distance and whether these dimensions have an impact on transparency. This study found that two out of four national cultures still have significant effect on the transparency level in Moslem majority countries.
Tanggal Publikasi: 7 Feb 2019
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan berbagai faktor penyebab kemiskinan di Kota Dumai. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk menganalisis peranan Pemerintah Kota Dumai dalam usahanya mengurangkan kemiskinan di tempat penelitian. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi dan tinjauan dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan program kebijakan Pemerintah Kota Dumai sedikit banyak berhasil mengurangkan kemiskinan meskipun belum sampai ke tahap yang maksimal. Analisis data menunjukkan bahwa faktor agama yang melibatkan unsur dosa dan pahala perlu diperhitungkan dalam mengelola program Pemerintah Kota Dumai untuk menampilkan karakteristik kepentingan umum daripada kepentingan pribadi. Implementasi kebijakan Pemerintah Kota Dumai sedikit banyak juga telah berhasil meningkatkan sistem layanan kepada masyarakat dan meningkatkan standar hidup masyarakat setempat yang diukur oleh faktor dari dalam yang mencakup perbaikan mental masyarakat miskin, bidang pendidikan dan kesehatan, serta faktor dari luar yang meliputi bidang politik, sosial budaya dan bidang ekonomi
Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Jan 2019
Exploring reflexivity and resistance of Indonesian Islamic financial institutions towards IASB and AAOIFI financial reporting standardization projects
This thesis critically explores the reflexivity and resistance of Indonesian Islamic Financial Institutions (IIFIs) towards International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and Accounting and Auditing Organisation of Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) financial reporting standardization projects. The motivation of this study derived from two conflicting arguments as to whether or not Islamic financial institutions require specific financial reporting standards to accommodate their specific Islamic finance transactions. Most of the financial reporting researches adopt a narrative approach in their attempt to answer the ‘Why’ question, but neglect further investigation to respond to the ‘What is going on here?' question. This thesis fills the gap by answering the latter question and unveiling doubts on the required financial reporting standards for IFIs as well as the IIFIs and suggesting way forward for an enhanced stability of the global financial systems, through harmonization of financial reporting regimes. The data of this study was collected from semi structured interviews with 32 participants who are well versed with the knowledge on financial reporting standardization projects for IFIs/IIFIs, Shariah issues, and public policy. One of the chapters employs secondary data from conceptual framework and financial reporting standards issued by IASB, AAOIFI, and Indonesian standard setter. The aspect of reflexivity is examined on the extent of IFRS and AAOIFI adoptions by the IIFIs. It begins with the development of IASB and its promoting journey of IFRS that contains political lobbying in the Indonesian institutional arena. Likewise, the aspect of resistance towards AAOIFI is revealed through exploration of the institutional arena that reflects dissimilar finding with that of IFRS. The study involves not only conventional political discourse but also Islamic political interaction that influences the future of Islamic based financial reporting standardization. In other facet, an analysis of the three reporting standards using Maqāsid ul-Shari’āh lens supports the early assumption on the need of a specific financial reporting for the IIFIs. As a way forward, International Islamic Financial Architecture (IIFA) institutions are also examined to explore what supports required to have Islamic based financial reporting standards for IFIs in general and for the IIFIs in specific.
The thesis makes four main contributions, both to theories and literatures. Firstly, it shows how the hegemonic political economy of accounting exists within the area of financial reporting standardization, which is not simply by identifying the types of isomorphism that influence the organizations’ involvement in the financial reporting standardization. Secondly, in the context of Islamic financial institutions, the different interpretations of Shariah very much dominate in determining the direction of IFIs towards the implementation of Islamic based financial reporting due to the political influence in the respective countries where Islamic finance operates. Hence, the thesis proposes “Islamic Political Economy of Accounting” as a new theoretical framework to analyse similar discourse. Standard setters and regulators of IFIs are required to be tactful when looking into this issue. Thirdly, as the Islamic finance industry is now at continuous growth and maturity while also facing rising challenges, there must be a different approach to regulate the financial reporting standards. The hybrid way may not be appropriate any longer. This is shown in the analysis of the contents of the standards, where low level of Maqāsid ul- Shari’āh compliance is apparent. Lastly, this thesis also constructs an assumption about the attitude of dominant political leading countries towards the development of Islamic finance. As there is currently no real leadership in the area of Islamic finance, it would require influences from dominant leaders with congregated visions and a mission in line with Islamic values.
Tanggal Publikasi: 22 Jan 2019
This study aims to analyze the difference in earning quality and potential bankruptcy of Islamic banks before and after the adoption of IFRS and to analyze the relationship of earnings quality and potential bankruptcy to the operating cash flow of Islamic bank. Data obtained from the financial statements of 12 Islamic banks in Indonesia and 17 Islamic banks in Malaysia with financial reporting period from 2010 to 2016. Earning quality is measured by discretion of loan loss provision and the potential bankruptcy of Islamic banks is measured using the Altman z score model. The results show that the earning quality of Islamic banks did not have significant differences between before and after IFRS adoption. While Islamic banks in Malaysia have significant differences between before and after the adoption of IFRS. Islamic banks in both countries do not have the potential bankruptcy difference between before and after IFRS adoption. The earnings quality decreased when the potential bankruptcy at high levels.
Tanggal Publikasi: 4 Jan 2019
he Potential of Bait al-M l wa Tamwil (BMT) in Developing The Border Area of Indonesia - Malaysia
This research aims at investigating the potential of Bait al-Māl wa Tamwil (BMT) in the development of border areas of Indonesia-Malaysia by prioritizing the welfare approach. Primary data was obtained through in-depth interviews with respondents from academics, practitioners, and regulators. The Analytic Network Process (ANP) method and Benefit Opportunity Cost Risk (BOCR) network are used to review the interview results. The results reveal that BMT is able to help the development of the border areas. Moreover, the aspects of benefit and opportunity in exploiting BMT is more significant than the cost and risk aspects. There are three alternative strategies to be implemented in order to maximize the benefits and opportunities and also minimize the costs and risks, namely the capital of third parties, linkage programs, and special regulations
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2019
Halal food certification for improving the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises
The purpose of this study is to find out what factors influence and which factors play the most powerful role in influencing efforts to improve the competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises in Eastern Indonesia via a comparative qualitative research method. The results of this study found that there are several factors influencing efforts to improve the competitiveness of Eastern Indonesia Small and Medium Enterprises. In conclusion, the dominant factor is that policy and infrastructure want to illustrate the extent to which the implementation of policies and infrastructure in locations around MSMEs operate can support or hinder businesses to operate