Hasil Pencarian
Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Jul 2013
Analysis on Determinants in Implementation of Accounting Standards for Islamic Financial Institutions; Narrative Study between United Kingdom and Indonesia
The main objective of this paper is to analyse determinants that influence implementation of accounting standards for Islamic financial institutions by examining the history of accounting standards and two different contexts as applied to Islamic financial institutions in the United Kingdom and Indonesia. The paper explores available texts and literature mainly from international journals and text books. Employing the Ibn Khaldun perspective, this study analyses two determinants i.e. institutional setting that may be suitable in the context of the United Kingdom, and accounting needs in the case of Indonesia. The research shows the determinants are well fitted with interdisciplinary characters of Ibn Khaldun model of civilization i.e. G = f(S, N, W, j and g). This explains a civilized society is led by the political authority (G) which is influenced concurrently by factors such as the direction of Shari’ah (S), the role of people (N), the use of wealth (W), the development of a country (g), and the promotion of justice (j). This paper has practical significance for accounting standard setters in the Islamic finance industry and policy makers, for understanding the environmental determinant perspective of the country and using this perspective for positioning important aspect in accounting standard setting, developing policies; and articulating procedures to maximize development of Islamic finance
Tanggal Publikasi: 12 Jul 2013
What you sell is what you lend? Revealing complexity of riba in loan contract
The purpose of this paper is to resolve and examine the possible modus operandi of riba on selling and loan contract according to the Sharia’s precepts. This paper investigate the Qur’an, hadith, and juristic views on such relevant issues based on the survey done on the several sources, i.e., previous studies, Al-Qur’an and Al-Hadith and juristic views and deviate from the existing studies in two aspects, i.e., the selling and buying of goods do not involve riba and also the banks provide loan without riba. The findings of this paper are: First, the concept of interest in lending is widely accepted both in theory and practice. Second, riba exists in selling and lending. Third, the categorization and application of extensive and complex subjects of riba in economic life bring all speculative and usurious transactions under the rubric of riba prohibition. This paper important because express and disclosure riba in both exchange of goods and loans, also the social and economic developments. This is an original undertaking of this paper.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jul 2013
A comparative analysis of the efficiency of takaful and conventional insurance in Malaysia
The purpose of this study is to compare the cost efficiency of takaful and its conventional insurance counterparts in Malaysia. The study measures the cost efficiency scores of takaful and conventional insurance companies in Malaysia over the period 2009-2011 using non-parametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) based on selected multiple input and output variables. Output variables used are gross premium and investment income while input variables are management expenses, fees and commission expenses. The study finds that conventional insurance companies in Malaysia performed better efficiency than takaful companies in 2011. The finding is consistent with study by Ismail, et al (2011) and Saad (2012). The study suggests that takaful and conventional insurance companies should allocate input more efficiently and improve the quality of services as the average scale efficiency is higher than the average of overall and technical efficiency. Takaful must also be more alert towards external factor costs as the scale of efficiency continuously decreased. In order to be more focused, the study only compares the efficiency of takaful and conventional insurance companies from an input oriented approach. The study is also limited to 7 takaful operators and 19 conventional insurance companies and, as such, the finding is most probably indicative, but does not reflect the overall performance of the takaful industry. As part of a policy recommendation, the study provides data on cost efficiency of conventional insurance and takaful companies in Malaysia, which is valuable for regulators in formulating appropriate policy to enhance the competitiveness of the takaful industry in Malaysia.
Tanggal Publikasi: 10 Jun 2013
Volatilitas Pasar Modal Syariah Dan Indikator Makro Ekonomi: Studi Banding Malaysia dan Indonesia
This study attempts to examine the short-term and long-term relationship among selected global and domestic macroeconomic variables from each country (Fed rate, crude oil price, Dow Jones Index, interest rate, exchange rate and inflation). Two main indexes will be analyzed namely Jakarta Islamic Index (III,) FTSE Bursa Malaysia Hijrah Shariah Index (FHSI). The methodology used in this study is vector error correction model (VECM) for the monthly data starting from January 2006 to December 2010. The result shows, all selected macroeconomic variable have significantly affect both Islamic stock market FHSI and JII, Analysis of FE VD (Forecast Error Variance Decomposition).The result also shows that the amount of influence of global and domestic macroeconomic variables on Islamic capital market volatility in Indonesia and Malaysia have different sequences. Volatility of III is influenced by variables sequentially OIL, BIR, ERI, DOW, CPI and FED. While volatility of FHSI sequentially influenced by variables of FED, OIL, MYR, CPIM, DOW and ERM. Different result is due to two main factors: the difference macroeconomic stability and the amount of global intervention on the economy.
Tanggal Publikasi: 8 Jun 2013
Pemilihan Institusi Perbankan Syariah Di Kalangan Masyarakat Muslim Indonesia
Makalah ini terfokus kepada konsep sikap gaya hidup pengguna Muslim dan proses keputusan pemilihan perbankan syariah di Indonesia. Dalam kenyataannya, predikat negara yang identik berpenduduk mayoritas Muslim ini tidak menjadi tolok ukur kepada pemilihan perbankan syariah karena dinilai masih relatif rendah. Permasalahan yang timbul adalah apakah hal tersebut disebabkan sikap dan psikografi gaya hidup mereka dalam melaksanakan perintah agama? Ataukah karena produk dan fasilitas yang ditawarkan oleh perbankan syariah belum sesuai dengan sikap dan psikografi gaya hidup mereka? Makalah ini dibuat bertujuan untuk membentuk suatu kerangka konseptual tentang sikap dan psikografi gaya hidup pengguna Muslim dan kesannya kepada proses pemilihan perbankan syariah. Kajian ini dilakukan menggunakan kaedah kajian perpustakaan dan analisis deskriptif. Dapatan kajian dijangka dapat membentuk suatu kerangka konseptual mengenai strategi pemasaran perbankan syariah khususnya yang berhubungan dengan sikap dan psikografi gaya hidup pengguna Muslim yang sejalan dengan konsep Islam.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2013
Credit Risk Management in Indonesian Islamic Banking
This research aims to analyze credit risk management in the Indonesia Islamic banking industry. Primarily, the credit risk management is related to policies and procedures, credit risk management activities and credit risk controling or mitigating. Research constructed by weighting a number of indicators that reflect credit risk management activities in Islamic banking. The final results of the research are index of credit risk management of the Indonesia Islamic banking industry and indices of credit risk management in the Islamic banking industry. The Index is counted by the method of scoring with the maximum score of 100 and the industrial index is obtained by combining of each Islamic bank through the calculation of weighted average of individual share of financing. Based on the analysis of primary and secondary data, the index of credit risk management of the Islamic banking industry and index aspects of credit risk management, the index of the Indonesia Islamic banking industry come up to a good criterion. Improving the Quality of credit risk management, can be proceded by bank management by improving risk management aspects which have not been adequately assessed. Moreover, improving the quality of credit risk management by the authority of Islamic banking can be pursued by formulating the banking regulations
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2013
Corruption affects almost every aspects of human life. It’s domino effect widespread on the existence of the nation and the state especially exacerbate the nation’s economic condition. Corruption is not a form of ordinary crime because it was damaging the joints of life’s most basic social ethic that even humanity. The main factor triggering corruption is the internal aspect comes from the private consists of moral aspects, such as lack of faith, honesty, shame, attitudes or behavior of consumption and social life as a family that can drive a person to behave corrupt. While there are external factors that can be traced from the economic aspect. Such as income or salary is not sufficient, political instability, political interests, power, lack of accountability and transparency, and weak law enforcement and social aspects of the environment or the people who do not support anti-corruption behavior. Therefore anti-corruption behavior cultivations can be done through integrity and anti-corruption education. The ASEAN Seminar & Conference: Education ASEAN Societies for Integrity, we hope can make higher education plays a great role in introducing Integrity Education. By collaboration of universities might also positively provide better impact to ASEAN Integrity for Integration.
Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Mei 2013
Peran Intermediasi Sosial Perbankan Syariah bagi Masyarakat Miskin
The ongoing Islamic banking gets a lot of criticisms due to its unability to become the manifestation of the Islamic values which can be utilized by all people. These criticisms can be attributed to at least some indicators such as the dominance of non profit sharing contract (Murabahah) on Islamic banking practices that can only be enjoyed by the middle to upper class of society, or the lack of optimization of the innovative Islamic banking products that can touch the majority of the poor. This paper would like to discuss and explore the possible role of social intermediation that can be carried out by the Islamic banking in addition to its role of financial intermediation. By doing so, it can answer the stigma which states that Islamic banking is not pro poor. Based on the literature review and discussion, the role of social intermediation by using social funds which are accordance to the perspective of Islam namely charity, infaq, Sadaqah, endowments, and grants (ZISWAH) can be applied as the additional products or policies of Islamic banking in order to serve the poor through several strategies, namely: (1) the establishment of special units for social intermediation and (2) the cooperation with LKMS in certain programs special for the poor.
Tanggal Publikasi: 22 Feb 2013
Islamic Banking in Indonesia: New Perspectives on Monetary and Financial Issues
A comprehensive overview of key developments in Islamic banking In Islamic Banking in Indonesia, renowned economist Dr. Rifki Ismal explores current issues in Islamic banking and financial products with a particular focus on the danger of liquidity risk in Indonesia. It approaches liquidity risk from the conventional perspective of international banking standards, as well as from the Islamic banking perspective. Dr. Ismal also covers the issues of asset-liability balancing, liquidity risk index, organizational structures for managing liquidity, industrial analysis, withdrawal risk, bankruptcy risk, moral hazard risk, and market risk. Compiling all the latest academic research on liquidity risk and other risks in Islamic banking, the book provides a theoretical foundation for managing risk that will is highly useful for researchers on Islamic banking and practitioners and academics. Written by a renowned expert on Islamic banking who works on monetary policy at the central bank of Indonesia Covers the latest developments in Islamic banking, particularly liquidity risk, for a rapidly expanding market Ideal for European and American readers, in addition to Asian readers, who need a fuller understanding of Islamic banking institutions, markets, and products With the latest academic research and the expertise of a leading practitioner in Islamic banking, this book offers in-depth coverage of the most pressing issues in the field.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2013
Theoretical Model for Zakat-Based Islamic Microfinance Institutions in Reducing Poverty
The institution of Zakah is instrument instituted by Islam to combat poverty and enhance welfare in the society. Zakah serves as a unique mechanism of compulsory transfers of income and wealth from the haves to the have-nots in the community. This paper seeks guidance from the verses of the Quran and develops a theoretical and workable model of Zakat-based Islamic microfinance institutions (MFIs), which can be used as an alternative approach to reduce poverty. The paper argues that charity-based Islamic MFIs will be financially and socially sustainable as based on the concepts of brotherhood, local philanthropy (decentralization), and volunteer services (joint liability). Zakat-based Islamic MFIs will provide and explore the money for consumption as well as productivity purposes and, thus, can broadly target the economic and social needs of the poorest of the poor. They can help minimize indebtedness and reduce unequal distribution of wealth in society, and also to enhance the ability of the poor to be more productive and not just be dependent of rich people
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2013
Tawarruq has been extensively used by Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) recently, mainly to address liquidity shortages and to structure risk management tools. The common term used in the market to denote tawarruq is “commodity murÉbaÍah” or sometimes “commodity musÉwamah”. The concept of tawarruq has gained wide acceptance among market players due to its flexibility, which allows IFIs to provide cash with predetermined fixed income, just as their conventional counterparts do.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2013
Theoretical Model for Zakat-Based Islamic Microfinance Institutions in Reducing Poverty
The institution of Zakah is instrument instituted by Islam to combat poverty and enhance welfare in the society. Zakah serves as a unique mechanism of compulsory transfers of income and wealth from the haves to the have-nots in the community. This paper seeks guidance from the verses of the Quran and develops a theoretical and workable model of Zakat-based Islamic microfinance institutions (MFIs), which can be used as an alternative approach to reduce poverty. The paper argues that charity-based Islamic MFIs will be financially and socially sustainable as based on the concepts of brotherhood, local philanthropy (decentralization), and volunteer services (joint liability). Zakat-based Islamic MFIs will provide and explore the money for consumption as well as productivity purposes and, thus, can broadly target the economic and social needs of the poorest of the poor. They can help minimize indebtedness and reduce unequal distribution of wealth in society, and also to enhance the ability of the poor to be more productive and not just be dependent of rich people
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2013
Ensiklopedia PROLM (prophetic leadership & management wisdom)
“Karir dan harga diri seseorang tergantung pada seberapa amanah dia dalam hidupnya.” Ini bukan slogan kosong, orang yang tidak amanah sama saja dengan benda mati, misalnya sampah. Sifat kedua Nabi Muhammad SAW artinya tidak hanya bisa dipercaya, tapi juga sanggup melakukan setiap hal yang dipercayakan dengan baik, entah dalam bisnis, pergaulan, kekuasaan, dan sosial kemasyarakatan lainnya. Jilid 2 Ensiklopedia Pro-LM karya Muhammad Syafii Antonio ini menyimpulkan bahwa ‘pribadi yang amanah merupakan pribadi yang unggul’ sebagai modal utama dalam berinteraksi dengan mahkluk Allah lainnya. Ada 7 kandungan sifat amanah sebagai inter-personal capital yang fokus dibahas menjadi bab utama buku ini, yaitu: 1. Justice (Adil) 2. Fulfilling Commitment (Menepati Janji dan Komitmen) 3. Realiability (Dapat Diandalkan untuk Mengemban Amanah) 4. Transparency (Keterbukaan) 5. Independency (Kemandirian) 6. Emotional & Physical Fitness (Kesehatan Jiwa dan Fisik) 7. Accountability & Responsibility (Bertanggungjawab)
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2013
Pertumbuhan perbankan syariah yang mencapai 30% per tahun menjadi fenomena tertentu. Namun di lain pihak signifikansinya dilihat belum optimal karena market sharenya masih di bawah 5 % (BI, Februari 2013). Dalam hipotesis penulis, salah satu penyebab belum optimalnya market share dalam 3 tahun terakhir, adalah peran intermediasi yang diduga belum optimal. Belajar dari pengalaman bank konvensional, pernah terjadi fenomena credit crunch (1998-2000) yang menyebabkan pertumbuhan perbankan sempat melambat dalam beberapa kuartal. Isu financing crunch memang belum muncul seperti credit crunch yang kajiannya sudah cukup lengkap, oleh karena itu penelitian ini harus segera diinisiasi. Tujuan penelitian yaitu (1) mengkritisi peran intermediasi perbankan syariah di Indonesia pada kurun waktu 2008-2012 dengan mengungkap ada tidaknya financing crunchi . (2) mengkaji solusi atas permasalahan intermediasi melalui studi pemikiran ekonomi Islam dalam perspektif maqashid shariah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan VECM dan kualitatif dengan content analysis. Hasil penelitian (1) Terdapat dugaan terjadi financing crunch selama kurun waktu penelitian sehingga perbankan syariah harus mencermati kondisi ini. Jika tidak segera menjadi perhatian, maka fenomena ini dapat menjadi kenyataan yang tidak mendukung pertumbuhan perbankan syariah (2) aspek keadilan dan manfaat (mashlahah) dalam maqashid syariah merupakan solusi penting. Produk simpanan jangka panjang skala ritel harus menjadi perhatian untuk menghindari motif spekulasi para deposan sehingga akses kepada pembiayaan syariah dapat diperluas tetap dengan mitigasi resiko.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2013
A Framework of Income Purification for Islamic Financial Institutions
The concern over Shariah compliant transactions is firmly entrenched in activities and operation of Islamic financial institutions (IFI). As a business entity established within the ambit of Shariah, IFI is expected to be guided by values, principles, objectives and rulings of the Shariah. However ensuring effective Shariah compliance is not a straightforward matter. As financial markets are increasingly becoming sophisticated, heightened product innovations and engineering in Islamic finance entails the genuine concern over the need to strengthen Shariah compliance throughout the product life cycle. This inevitably means while a product may be deemed Shariah compliant prior to its launch (ex-ante), IFI must also be cognizant of the need to ensure the entire ex-post process including contract execution, utilization of fund, investment activities, audit and governance process are all in place. This paper focuses on the framework of dealing with Shariah non-compliant transactions in Islamic finance. The framework delineate the concept of illegitimate income and its sources from Islamic perspective insofar to develop a cohesive approach in dealing with diverse non-compliance situations based on established principles of Shariah. Although it is not expected for IFI to deliberately involve in illegitimate activities, any incident of non-compliance needs to be immediately addressed, rectified and reported. This is not only to ensure the purity of the income earned but more importantly for IFI to put in place adequate systems and controls to ensure such non-compliance with Shariah rules and principles can be averted.
Tanggal Publikasi: 3 Des 2012
Do Credit Channel and Interest Rate Channel Play Important Role in Monetary Transmission Mechanism in Indonesia? : A Structural Vector Autoregression Model
This paper assesses the importance role of two monetary transmission mechanism channels in managing inflation and contributing to economic growth, by employing Structural Vector Autoregression (SVAR) model. The monetary transmission channels are interest rate channel and credit-bank lending channel. The model is then solved by implementing forecasting error variance decomposition to investigate the contribution of each variables to both inflation and economic growth. It is shown that interest rate channel plays important role in monetary transmission mechanism for maintaining inflation but has limited role in the economic growth. In the other hand, credit-bank lending channel can effectively affect economic growth
Tanggal Publikasi: 2 Nov 2012
inerja bisnis berbasis shari> 'ah seharusnya diukur dengan sistem pengukuran kinerja berbasis maqasid shari> 'ah. Bisnis berbasis shari> 'ah yang diukur dengan menggunakan sistem pengukuran kinerja konvensional maka hasil pengukurannya menjadi bias. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kinerja PT. Asuransi Takaful Keluarga (PT. ATK) dengan menggunakan mas}lah}a score card (MaSC). Penelitian menunjukan bahwa PT. ATK memiliki kinerja hasil 0,691. MaSC memiliki range kinerja hasil: 0,000 mengindikasikan bahwa bisnis tidak memberikan kemaslahatan dan 1,000 mengindikasikan bahwa bisnis memberikan kemaslahatan. PT. ATK memiliki kinerja: orientasi ibadah (0,110), orientasi proses internal (0,166), orientasi tenaga kerja (0,083), orientasi pembelajaran (0,166), orientasi pelanggan (0,083) dan orientasi harta kekayaan (0,083). PT. ATK memiliki kinerja proses sebesar 0,666. MaSC memiliki range kinerja proses: 0.000 mengindikasikan bahwa bisnis tidak melaksanakan MaSC dan 1.000 mengindikasikan bahwa bisnis telah melaksanakan MaSC secara penuh. PT. ATK memiliki kinerja proses: Mengidentifikasi fondasi kemaslahatan (0,111), Mendapatkan perilaku kemaslahatan (0,111), Menentukan sasaran strategis (0,111), Menentukan ukuran mas}lah}a (0,111), Menetapkan target (0,000), Menentukan inisiatif strategis (0,111), Melakukan pengukuran kinerja (0,111), Melakukan evaluasi hasil pengukuran (0,00), Melakukan perbaikan dan peningkatan (0,000)
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Okt 2012
Shari'ah parameters for the application of Wadi'ah concept in traditional family takaful products
The objective of the paper is to set parameters for the application of wadi'ah concept in family takaful which is the alternative of guaranteed benefits (non-participating benefits) of life insurance for family takaful. The paper uses analytical and evaluative approach to set parameters to ensure Shari'ah compliancy of the product and therefore, classical and modern Islamic jurisprudence literatures has been reviewed. The wadi'ah-based family takaful product allows various forms of guaranteed benefits (non-participating benefits) to be offered to participants in a manner similar to their conventional counterparts. However, there are some guidelines that should be followed. Every contract should be executed separately to avoid Shari'ah prohibition. Different types of funds need to be separated as well. Takaful Operators (TOs) can provide guaranteed cash surrender benefits only from the Participants' Wadi'ah Fund (PWF). Finally, Takaful Operators (TOs) should be transparent in the dripping process and charges. Takaful Operators (TOs) should be transparent in taking charges for managing wadi'ah funds, sharing investment profit ratio under mudarabah contract and sharing surplus from the tabarru' fund. The study would serve the needs of the takaful industry, particularly family takaful, in order for them to avoid Shari'ah compliance risk. Key words: Takaful, wadi'ah, tabarru', Participants' Wadi'ah Fund, Shari'ah Parameter
Tanggal Publikasi: 15 Sep 2012
Maslaha Scorecard, Sistem Pengukuran Kinerja Bisnis Berbasis Maqosid Shariah
Institusi bisnis berbasis shari>’ah saat ini tumbuh dengan pesatnya, namun sayang kinerjanya belum dapat diukur dengan tepat karena belum ada metode pengukuran kinerja yang cocok untuk bisnis berbasis shari>’ah. Masih minimnya penelitian tentang pengukuran kinerja bisnis berbasis shari>’ah menyebabkan kinerja bisnis berbasis shari>’ah belum dapat diukur dengan akurat. Beberapa usaha telah dilakukan untuk mengukur kinerja bisnis shari>’ah tetapi karena metode pengukurannya menggunakan pengukuran kinerja bisnis konvensional sehingga hasil pengukuran kinerja cenderung tidak tepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengusulkan metode pengukuran kinerja bisnis berbasis shari>’ah dengan pendekatan mas}lah}ah sesuai maqosid shari>’ah. Penelitian ini merupakan pengembangan dari pengukuran kinerja bisnis Balanced Scorecard (BSC) dan Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence merujuk pada konsep mas}lah}ah. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa konsep mas}lah}ah dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar pengukuran kinerja bisnis berbasis shari>’ah secara tepat berlandaskan maqosid shari>’ah. Pengukuran kinerja bisnis berbasis shari>’ah dilakukan dengan sembilan langkah pengukuran kinerja: Mengidentifikasi item yang seharusnya ada pada orientasi mas}lah}ah, Mendapatkan perilaku yang dibutuhkan bagi tercapainya orientasi mas}lah}ah, Menentukan sasaran strategis orientasi mas}lah}ah, Menentukan ukuran (measures) untuk mengukur kinerja mas}lah}ah, Menetapkan target yang ingin dicapai, Menentukan inisiatif strategis yang akan dilakukan untuk mencapai target, Melakukan pengukuran kinerja, Melakukan evaluasi hasil pengukuran kinerja, Melakukan perbaikan dan peningkatan Kinerja bisnis berbasis shari>’ah diukur pada masing-masing aspek mas}lah}ah yaitu orientasi ibadah mengukur kinerja agama, orientasi proses internal mengukur kinerja jiwa, orientasi tenaga kerja mengukur kinerja keturunan, orientasi pembelajaran mengukur kinerja akal, orientasi harta kekayaan mengukur kinerja harta. Oleh karena bisnis tidak dapat dilepaskan dari pelanggan sehingga kinerja aspek pelanggan harus diukur dengan orientasi pelanggan. Pengukuran kinerja bisnis ini dinamakan Mas}lah}ah Scorecard.
Tanggal Publikasi: 5 Agt 2012
Islamic Economics for the Needy: Prospect and Challenges in Islamic Microinsurance in Indonesia
Shariah-compliance could be a positive element towards the realization of the poverty alleviation in the developing economy. By this spirit, the number of Micro Islamic Financial Institutions has grown significantly. It proves the alignment between Islamic economics and the subsistence society. By February 2012, there are about 344 sharia cooperation and 5000 Islamic Micro Financial Institution spread all over Indonesia.
Other than needs for financial access, low income society also needs for insurance services. The poor face more potential risks compared to the wealthy, yet they are more vulnerable to the same risks for they don’t have enough resources to cover them.
As microinsurance until now is a relatively new concept within the microfinance industry only few MFIs offer insurance products. The first Islamic Microinsurance was established in 1997 in Lebanon (Erlbeck et.all, 2011). Later, other majority Muslim populated countries started to establish the Islamic microinsurance service providers around 2010; Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Bahrain and Pakistan (Patel, n.a.; ICMIF takaful, 2010). In Indonesia, there are now two existing providers and one other new comer yet to offer the Islamic microinsurance service.
This research will study the prospect and challenges for the Islamic microinsurance service in Indonesia. To achieve the goal, focus will be given to observing and exploring problems and challenges encountered in providing the service, and so the proper order of priorities and potential solutions could be given in order to broaden the untapped market segment. Thus, the significance of this research is to put effort on decreasing the gap between the big population of Muslim in Indonesia and the number of Islamic microinsurance service provider.
Both primary and secondary data are utilized to explore the problems, challenges, and alternatives of solution of providing Islamic microinsurance services. Some suggestions are made for the sustainability of the present findings. Row data will be gathered through depth interviews and questionnaires mainly containing 2 questions about the problem and potential solution in developing Islamic microinsurance in Indonesia. Interviewees included experts; some of them are managers in Islamic Microfinancial institutions, and some others are academician and researchers.
The ANP approach allows us to use quantitative and qualitative information; this makes this methodology more flexible. The method will contribute many advantages since this research counts on the experts’ perception for making estimations. The process of ANP comprises four major steps, which are: 1) Model construction and problem structuring, where the problems and challenges will be decomposed into a rational system like a network; 2) Pairwise comparisons matrices and priority vectors; 3) Supermatrix formation; and 4) Selection of best alternatives (Chung et al, 2006).
The remainder of this research will be structured as follows: Section two will discuss the theories underpinning the study. Section three will make an overview of Islamic microfinance with brief discussion on the profile of the Islamic microinsurance providers in Indonesia. Section four will discusses the methodology used for the study while section five will present the findings. Section six will highlight the limitation of the study while section seven will conclude.