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Tanggal Publikasi: 22 Jun 2022

Islamic social finance and commercial finance: a marriage made in heaven?

Purpose – This paper aims to explore different forms and models of integration between Islamic commercial finance and social finance including the problem that arise as well as the solution of each of the models to promote inclusive economic growth. At the end of the paper, the authors have identified the strategy to execute and validate by the decision-makers. 

Design/methodology/approach – This approach uses two methods which are Delphi and analytical network process (ANP). The authors conduct literature review and four rounds Delphi to construct the integration model, the problem and solution of each model, as well as the questionnaire of ANP. Moreover, using an ANP method, the authors conducted interviews with decision-makers in the areas of Islamic commercial finance as well as social finance, and analyzed the results to identify key models that would create inclusivity and quality of economic growth. To ensure credibility of the results, the authors selected the respondents based on their experience in the fields, as well as their unique perspectives that will complement the group as a whole. 

Findings – After conducting the four rounds Delphi, the authors found five types of Islamic social and commercial integration which are the ownership, institutional, operational, bottom line and mandatory integration. Based on the analysis of the ANP result, the authors argue that all integration can help the country in attaining with the support of government in terms of making the integration as a vision as well as to push the education of social finance more to the stakeholders. 

Originality/value – This study is among the emerging studies that explore operational aspects of integration of social and commercial finance within the context of inclusive growth strategy


Tanggal Publikasi: 6 Jun 2022

Building a Maslahah Economic System; Indonesian Economic System

The social justice as stated in the fifth principle of Pancasila and welfare in accordance with Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution, has not yet been realized. There is an error in determining the ultimate goal of Indonesia's economic development. Independence is not the goal of economic development but self-confidence. The Indonesian economic system is inspired by the Pancasila and characterized by kebersamaan (mutualism), kekeluargaan (brotherhood), non-discrimination, non-exploitation, and anti-monopolism. The system portrays structuralism, cooperation, religiousness, institutionalism, non-usurious, social well-being, independence, and self-esteem. Furthermore, its values are in line with the maslahah (benefits). This exploratory study proposed a maslahah economic system for the Pancasila economic system (Pancasilanomics). It defined the research question regarding “a maslahah economic system” and developed the research design, including formulating a maslahah economic system house. The results showed that the maslahah economic system house includes the maslahah foundation, comprising divinity and caliphate, and fundamental references consisting of Pancasila and Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution. Moreover, the house includes a moral foundation comprising cooperation & participation and kekeluargaan & fair distribution, institutional consisting of cooperatives, BUMN, BUMS, and social institutions. Finally, economic objectives are social welfare and the ultimate economic goal, comprising independence and people’s self-esteem


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2022


This article aims to examine the codification of the Sunnah by focusing on studies in the 3rd and 4th centuries H, because this is an important phase of the process of bookkeeping sunnah or hadith. The compilation of hadith during the time of the Companions was not significant, because they still focused on the compilation of the Qur'an. Companions are also afraid that the verses of the Qur'an and Al-Hadith will be mixed up if they are recorded at the same time. Many of the Companions still memorized the Hadith of the Prophet, so the tradition of spreading it was in oral form. The need to immediately codify the hadith is increasingly urgent because during the Tabi'in period many fake traditions circulated, especially with political tendencies. This research is a library research with a chronologicalhistorical approach. The results of the study indicate that the codification of hadith at this time took place massively on the initiative of Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz of the Umawiya Dynasty and the results of its performance can still be felt today


Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Apr 2022

The Success of Zakat Distribution to Asnaf Muallaf in Maintaining Their Belief and Thoughts on Islam: A Case Study in Terengganu

Zakat is an element of the five pillars of Islam. Zakat also plays a very important role in taking and pleasing Muallaf to follow Islam's way of life more comfortably. Besides connecting us with God, zakat can also connect us with humans. The study of the distribution of zakat to the asnaf of the muallaf is highly emphasized because those who are new to Islam, the muallaf, require spiritual and physical assistance. The objective of this study is to identify and examine the relief given to the asnaf muallaf via the amount of zakat given to the asnaf muallaf to maintain the belief and thoughts of Islam in Kuala Terengganu. The method of this study uses descriptive and inferential statistic analyses. It aims to describe the characteristics of the variable and investigate the correlation between the amount distribution of zakat and three dependent variables namely the faith, the understanding of the Islamic Syariah and the effectiveness of zakat to asnaf muallaf. This study found that there is a significant correlation between the amount of zakah distribution with three dependent variables namely the faith, the understanding of the Islamic Syariah, and the effectiveness of zakat to asnaf muallaf. In conclusion, this study has successfully identified that the distribution of zakat to asnaf muallaf can help them increase their faith and thoughts towards Islam due to apart from help in physical form, they also need spiritual assistance.


Tanggal Publikasi: 12 Apr 2022

Regional sukuk issuance strategy (islamic municipal bonds) in indonesia

Islamic Municipal Bonds (sukuk) is one out of fund sources that can be used by regions for financing regional development projects. However, discussion about the  Islamic Municipal Bonds issuing in Indonesia are still in the form of discourse. The aims of this study are to analyze the problem of issuing Islamic Municipal Bonds in Indonesia, and to find the best solutions and strategies for launching sukuk in Indonesia. The method that used in this research was the concept of Tawhidy String Relation (TSR) combined with the Delphi and the Analytical Network Process (ANP). The 2 (two) main problems that become obstacles and also root causes in the publishing of Islamic Municipal Bonds are low literacy of sharia and legal and regulatory barriers. The implication of this research was that sharia economic actors could improve economic and financial literacy of sharia. Meanwhile, regarding legal and regulatory issues, the government must encourage the creation of harmonization of laws and implementing regulations that provide legal certainty and accelerate the implementation of the issuance of regional sukuk in Indonesia. Finally, by publishing the Islamic Municipal Bonds, there is an increase in cross-sectoral economic activities based on sharia economics.


Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Mar 2022

Society’s perspective on the waste bank impact toward economic, social, and health

This study aims to investigate the community's perspective on the existence of a waste bank on the economy, social and health. The research method used was a quantitative approach with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Partial Least Square (PLS). Respondents who participated were 120 waste bank customers in Bogor district (Bojonggede, Cimandala and Nanggewer) with exogenous variables saving waste, training in waste management and waste utilization and recycle, while the endogenous variables were income level (economic), job opportunity (social) and health with waste literacy as mediating variable. The results show that 6 variables, namely waste literacy had a significant positive effect on health and job opportunity, waste savings had a significant positive effect on income levels and waste literacy, waste utilization and recycle had a positive effect on health and ends with waste utilization and recycle effect positive significant on waste literacy at all levels alpha 0.05


Tanggal Publikasi: 27 Mar 2022

Islamic Social Finance: A Bibliometric Analysis

Islamic social finance was discussed in 2013 by IRTI-IDB as a new spirit in solving the economic problem by allocating funds for humanitarian social works by using zakah, infaq, sadaqah, waqf, qardh al-hasan, and Islamic micro-insurance and Islamic microfinance. Islamic social finance has many imperatives to solve socio-economic problems. Therefore, it is needed to study the current state of Islamic social finance research to date. Thus, the study attempts to explore the status of Islamic social finance literature using bibliometric analysis by identifying statistics number of publications year by year, influential aspects, visualization of co-occurrence of keywords, and data texts related to the topic of Islamic social finance by using VOSviewer software. The finding of the study indicated that few articles discussed Islamic social finance. The most discussion of Islamic social finance was in 2019, which tried to handle the issues of the Covid-19 pandemic. Consequently, the journals that contributed the most to the study of Islamic social finance were al-Shajarah and the International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management. IIUM and INCEIF have contributed the most in the literature related to Islamic social finance from the author's affiliation. Malaysia is the most contributing country in writing Islamic social finance literature. Furthermore, the most selected keywords of Islamic finance research are Islamic social finance, maqasid syariah, value-based intermediation, sustainable development goals, and waqf. For the most co-occurrence text data, six clusters discussed the role of Islamic social finance in Covid-19, culture and country case on Islamic social finance, sustainable development goals, ecosystem, and maqashid syari’ah


Tanggal Publikasi: 19 Mar 2022

Cross-Border Shuttle Trade Indonesia And Egypt: Challenges And Solutions

With the development of technology, it is possible to establish communication with people among countries, with the aim to offer products and services to potential customers abroad. Shuttle trade business is mushrooming among millennials, this is motivated by the desire to take a vacation to a certain destination, so courier service open up opportunities to stay efficient on vacation by performing shuttle trade activity through Whatsapp Group or Instagram. The purpose of the research is to identify challenges and solutions in performing a cross-border shuttle trade business. This study applied action research method and qualitative approaches through in-depth online interview with 30 respondents consisted of travelers, requesters, and candidates of travelers and requesters occupied in Egypt and Indonesia. The result indicates that challenges of the shuttle trade are price competition, packing, platform, and custom clearance. A final solution given is that there must be a competitive price, safety packaging, special and legal platform to perform the shuttle trade activity that can give guarantee over the unexpected situation such as damaged goods, delayed arrival of goods, and goods has not arrived.


Tanggal Publikasi: 17 Mar 2022

Maqashid sharia-based mosque empowerment index


This study aims to formulate an index formula for mosque empowerment based on Maqashid Syariah as a measuring tool for the level of mosque empowerment.


This study uses a qualitative and quantitative approach (mixed method). Data collection techniques are carried out by in-depth interviews with experts consisting of academics, practitioners, scholars and regulators. The data analysis technique uses the Analytical Network Process (ANP) with Super Decision 2.10 software to construct the index model structure.


The results indicate that the mosque has a multi-field role, including in the fields of worship, social, education, politics, economy and culture. This study produces an index of mosque empowerment based on Maqashid Syariah, composed of sic criteria, namely, elements of Maqashid Syariah; protect religion, soul, mind, lineage, property and environment. The weighting results of the criteria indicate that maintaining religion is the main criterion with a weighted value of 0.209. Each of these criteria consists of five indicators. Of all indicators, environmental safety is the top priority, with a weighted value of 0.056.


This study is the first comprehensive study that discusses the mosque empowerment index by weighting the ANP method to produce an index of mosque empowerment based on Maqashid Syariah.


Tanggal Publikasi: 16 Mar 2022


Industrial revolution 4.0 is a tough challenge for education in Indonesia. The fourth industrial revolution (4.0) is changing economies, jobs, and even society. These changes require a strong character, especially religious character, to equip the next generation with good character, high literacy skills, and superior 21stcentury competencies. They were namely being able to think critically and analytically, creatively, communicatively, and collaboratively. Rapid progress in the industrial revolution 4.0 and the global pandemic situation forces every generation to behave and adapt to the current digital world and social media. To achieve these goals and targets, and needs, it is essential that every educator has adequate competence and high militancy by providing education or training both informally and informally so that students can contribute significantly and effectively to Islamic da'wah education in this millennial era.


Tanggal Publikasi: 10 Mar 2022

Teaching and Research Methods for Islamic Economics and Finance

Methods and techniques adopted in teaching, training, learning, research, professional development, or capacity building are generally standardized across most traditional disciplines, particularly within developing countries. This is not the case, however, when it comes to the Islamic disciplines, and, in particular, in relation to the study of Islamic economics and finance, which is influenced by conventional standards and techniques. This is primarily due to the lack of availability of the requisite standards and mechanisms designed within the spirit of Maqsid al-Shari’ah. This book offers a unique resource and a comprehensive overview of the contemporary methods and smart techniques available for teaching, learning, and researching Islamic eco-finance, and it presents solutions to the challenges in implementing them. Further, the book gives deep insight into the most appropriate methodologies that could be employed empirically to explore, model, analyze, and evaluate Islamic finance theories and models, respectively. It also gives recommendations for improving learning, teaching, and research outcomes in Islamic eco-finance. The book also addresses how, in this advanced technological era, smart tools like artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, Zoom, and the internet of things can be adapted to help equip students, researchers, and scholars with smart skills. The book will enable those studying Islamic economics and finance to grasp the appropriate tools for research and learning. Additionally, the Islamic economics and finance sector is growing at a significant rate and therefore requires the upskilling and capacity building of its human resources; thus, the book will also be highly beneficial for practitioners involved in the industry.


Tanggal Publikasi: 8 Feb 2022


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui reaksi pasar atas informasi kepatuhan syariah diperoleh melalui pengumuman perubahan komposisi saham dalam penghitungan Indeks Saham Syariah Indonesia tanggal sejak tahun 2011 hingga tahun 2019 terhadap emiten yang memenuhi dan tidak memenuhi aspek kepatuhan syariah. Informasi kepatuhan syariah ini. Dengan menggunakan metodologi event study (studi peristiwa), penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sekitar 86% atau 12 dari 14 pengujian reaksi pasar atas pengungkapan kepatuhan syariah pada pengumuman perubahan komposisi saham dalam penghitungan ISSI,  yang artinya terdapat reaksi pasar yang positif terhadap saham perusahaan yang patuh syariah sebesar 86% dari seluruh pengujian yang tersedia. Masuknya perusahaan ke dalam Indeks Saham Syariah Indonesia dianggap sebagai sinyal positif oleh para investor, terutama bagi investor ritel dan manajer investasi yang mengkhususkan diri atau hanya fokus untuk menyalurkan dananya pada produk yang memenuhi aspek syariah saja. Sinyal positif ini kemudian disikapi dengan melakukan pembelian atas saham-saham patuh syariah tersebut.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Feb 2022

Designing of digital-based Islamic social finance model through role of mosque

 This study aims to optimize the role of mosques in increasing economic welfare and reducing widespread public usury loans. Moreover, this study also aims to determine the right model for Islamic financial activities. This is a qualitative study and the Analytic Network Process (ANP) BOCR model was utilized to obtain the ideal model according to literature reviews and expert opinion. This study conducted in-depth interviews with 5 experts (Ulama, Regulators (Financial Services Authority), Fintech Practitioners, fintech academics, and the Indonesian Mosque Council). Three alternative models were chosen by the experts, namely the Crowdfunding Model (0.47), Peer-to-Peer landing (0.37), and Bank Infaq (0.17). In addition, the experts suggested for attention to be made to the cost factor (0.47) so as not to burden the mosque. Moreover, according to the experts, the benefits (0.28) that will be obtained will be greater for the welfare of the mosque and residents around the mosque if fintech crowdfunding is implemented.  Research on the role of mosques in improving people's welfare by utilizing fintech is very rarely done. The results of this study are expected to increase the role of the community in collecting funds and controlling the distribution of tabarru' funds. This type of research is exploratory, and empirical research is needed for in-depth results.  this research is implemented, it will accelerate the recovery of economic conditions during a crisis. The successful implementation of the Islamic Social Finance (ISF) model by utilizing the role of the mosque will improve the welfare of the community evenly


Tanggal Publikasi: 29 Jan 2022

Tingkat Kesuksesan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Daerah (SIMDA) Dari Perspektif Pengguna Pada Masa Pandemi

Pada masa pandemi, pemerintah menetapkan sebagian pegawai pada lembaga pemerintah bekerja dari rumah (WFH). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat keberhasilan sistem informasi manajemen daerah (SIMDA) dari perspektif pengguna di masa pandemi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan teknik Partial Least Square (PLS). Model yang digunakan adalah model dari De Lone dan Mc Lean untuk pengembangan kuesioner. Hasil dari penelitian ini memberikan bukti bahwa semakin tinggi bagus kualitas informasi yang dihasilkan SIMDA maka akan semakin meningkatkan tingkat kegunaan SIMDA. Semakin bagus kualitas SIMDA dan kualitas informasi yang dihasilkan dapat meningkatkan tingkat kepuasan pengguna. Namun penelitian ini membuktikan tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara tingkat kegunaan SIMDA dan tingkat kepuasan pengguna terhadap dampak individu pegawai. Disisi lain semakin tinggi dampak individu yang dirasakan pegawai terhadap SIMDA dapat meningkatkan dampak organisasi. Penelitian terbatas pada pegawai Kab. Aceh Singkil sehingga hasil yang diharapkan tidak dapat digeneralisir ke seluruh Indonesia. Namun dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan SIMDA berjalan dengan baik walaupun di masa pandemi dan masih dapat meningkatkan kinerja organisasi secara keseluruhan dalam mempertahankan opini Wajar tanpa Pengecualian (WTP).


Tanggal Publikasi: 28 Jan 2022

Analysis of the Behavior and Characteristics of Millennial Employees in Jakarta Province and West Java Province Towards the Payment of Zakat on Income and Services

Research purposes - This study aims to analyze the determinants of millennial employees’ decisions in the Provinces of DKI Jakarta and West Java on the payment of zakat on income and services. The study analyzed the behavioral variables of millennial employees which included zakat literacy, the influence of social media and religiosity and the characteristic factors of millennial employees which included: muzakki education level, type of institution where zakat was paid, frequency of zakat payments, and experience in zakat as factors for millennial employees in doing decision to pay zakat on income and services.


Research methods – The millennial working population is represented by residents aged 20 - 39 years. The distribution of questionnaires is done through Google forms. Respondents who filled out the questionnaire were 400 persons whom 64 people of them live in DKI Jakarta Province and 64 people of them live in West Java Province. Data analysis using SEM PLS.


Results – The decision to pay zakat on income and services among millennial employees  in DKI Jakarta Province and West Java Province is influenced by social media and religiosity factors. Information about zakat on social media is believed to be valid by the millennial generation so that it becomes a determining factor in paying zakat on income and services. Another factor that determines the millennial generation in paying zakat on income and services is the literacy aspect, namely understanding the amount of zakat and the terms in zakat, mustahik, muzakki, amil, nishab. Furthermore, millennials who regularly follow studies on Islam tend to pay more attention to paying zakat on income and services. Thus, the aspect of religiosity becomes one of the determining factors. Then the decision to pay zakat on income and services among millennial employees is also influenced by factors of education level, type of zakat payment preference institution, frequency of zakat payment, and experience in zakat. Where the higher the education, the higher the ability to pay zakat and trust in zakat management institutions/institutions are also believed to be factors for millenials as muzakki to pay zakat. Then the frequency of zakat payments that have been made and experience in paying zakat are believed to have an influence in the decision to pay zakat on income and services.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2022

Optimal Portfolio Based Risk and Return of Corporate Sukuk in Indonesia

This study aims to analyze the optimal portfolio of corporate sukuk in Indonesia using the risk return analysis approach and the CML (Capital Market Line) model in order to foster investor interest in investing in corporate sukuk instruments. This research was conducted using data throughout 2014 – 2018 and is divided into three measurement periods, namely the crisis period (2014-2016), post-crisis (2016-2018) and long-term (2014-2018), each period representing Indonesia's economic condition. and globally. The results showed that during the crisis period, sukuk with ijarah were superior both in risk and return compared to mudharabah, so that the optimal portfolio composition was to maximize the composition of ijarah. However, in the post-crisis period (improvement of economic conditions) and long-term measurements, the composition of the existing portfolio is more varied depending on the goals of each investor, either to maximize returns or to minimize risk. However, in the post-crisis period (improvement of economic conditions) and long-term measurements, the composition of the existing portfolio is more varied depending on the goals of each investor, either to maximize returns or to minimize risk. The optimal portfolio combination (referring to the benchmark rate) between sukuk mudharabah and sukuk ijarah is 0% mudharabah: 100% ijarah for the period 2014 – 2016 with a return rate of 3.9 and a risk of 0.49, 81% mudharabah : 19% ijarah for the period 2016 – 2018 with a return rate of 2.71 and a risk of 0.65, and 85% mudharabah: 15% ijarah for the period 2014 – 2018 with a return rate of 2.77 and a risk of 0.79. This combination can form an efficient frontier that provides a comparison of the same level of return and risk.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2022


This article seeks to discuss the renewal of thought into a Muslim (internal renewal) through the internalization of universal insights in Islam. Islamic declarations and statements are universal and flexible to the demands of the times will be realized through understanding and understanding of Islam itself in a kaffah (comprehensively). This research is a conceptual study by utilizing sources of literature. The author will review data from the source of the library with various points of view to determine the value of Islamic universality, including in terms of theology, law, humanity, anthropology, and psychology. The author will carry out internalization efforts through the cultivation of a strong understanding of insight into Islam. Thus a Muslim will be able to renew the pattern of thinking precisely according to the purpose because renewal without insight is nonsense.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2022

7 Prinsip Pendapatan : Seri Keuangan Keluarga Sakinah

Kali ini sakinah finance ingin berbagi beberapa pendapatan yang harapannya dapat dijadikan Bujukan untuk mengelola keuangan pribadi atau keluarga kita. Siapa tahu salah satu atau sebagian prinsip prinsip gitu dapat menjadi solusi masalah keuangan kita selama ini. Menurut penelitian dan observasi kami, ada tiga prinsip dalam mengelola keuangan syariah yaitu (1) memasang niat, (2) memastikan apa yang dihasilkan dan dibelanjakan adalah halal dan toyib (3) mulai bekerja atau berbisnis di waktu masih pagi (4) Silaturahim (5) menunaikan zakat Infaq, sodaqoh, hibah wakaf, (6) tobat jika ada kesalahan dan (7) selalu sabar dan syukur. dalam Islam, terkait penggunaan harta, kita diajarkan untuk tidak berlaku pelit atau boros, karena keduanya merupakan sifat yang tercela. Sementara itu sampai hari ini belum ada seseorang dikatakan pelit atau boros dalam penggunaan harta. Kenapa? Karena harta, Tuhan, dan kelas sosial setiap orang selalu berbeda. Lantas bagaimana agar kita tidak terjerumus ke dalam sifat atau situasi politik dan boros tersebut? Kita butuh perencanaan yang tepat berdasarkan prinsip syariah, dan itulah alasan utama kenapa buku ini dihadirkan untuk anda sebuah buku seri sakinah finance tujuh prinsip pendapatan.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2022

Dewan Redaksi Jurnal Riset Akuntansi & Komputerisasi Akuntansi

Fenomena kurangnya kompetensi auditor syariah internal menjadi dasar untuk pengembangan penelitian ini dengan tujuan untuk menguji pengaruh kompetensi terhadap efektivitas audit syariah internal dengan mempertimbangkan peran dukungan manajemen senior. Data penelitian dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner dan diperoleh 34 responden yang merupakan auditor internal di empat bank umum syariah di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan pengujian statistik dilakukan dengan menggunakan smart.pls. Hasil penelitian ini menegaskan bahwa kompetensi tidak berpengaruh pada efektivitas audit syariah internal dan dukungan manajemen senior tidak memoderasi hubungan antara kompetensi dan efektivitas audit syariah internal. Dukungan manajemen senior diidentifikasi sebagai moderasi homologizer. Penelitian ini memberikan insight bahwa efektivitas audit syariah internal tidak akan terwujud jika kompetensi auditor internal tidak ditingkatkan, terutama kompetensi terkait pengetahuan auditor tentang muamalah syariah/fiqih atau audit syariah yang dapat dibuktikan dengan kepemilikan sertifikasi terkait syariah. Jika ingin efektivitas audit syariah internal meningkat maka manajemen senior dapat merancang pendidikan berkelanjutan bagi karyawannya untuk meningkatkan kompetensi di bidang syariah/fiqih muamalah/audit syariah


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jan 2022

Wealth Management and Investment in Islamic Settings

The theory of wealth management suggested that investors and households always behave like rational economic agents and take rational decisions and maximize their utility. However, they have certain constraints based on their socio-economic environment. Their ultimate objective is to get economic, social, psychological, and religious security. Therefore, they expect that the market should behave efficiently to earn a good return. However, since 1987, the financial markets all over the world have suffered several financial crises; in the resultant outcome were numerous bankruptcies and huge fertilities. This posited rather market inefficiency, asymmetric information, or irrational behavior of the market agents. It is also leading to a major problem for the old retired individuals. These dysfunctions are a disposition effect, regret aversion, loss aversion, cognitive dissonance, anchoring, mental accounting, overconfidence, over-and under-reaction, reference-dependent preferences, confirmation biases, herding behavior, hindsight bias, and many other behavioral biases. All these attributes made the financial markets extremely complex. Over and above asymmetric information contributed more to this apathy due to moral hazards and adverse selection.