
CALL FOR PAPERS Waraqat Vol. VIII No. 2 Juli - Desember 2023

Jurnal Waraqat kembali membuka kesempatan bagi Penulis, Dosen, dan Pemerhati Bidang Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman untuk submit karya terbaiknya.

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Big data adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan volume besar, keragaman, dan kecepatan tinggi data yang dihasilkan oleh berbagai sumber, seperti sensor, perangkat mobile, media sosial, transaksi bisnis, dan banyak lagi. Big data juga melibatkan data yang bervariasi dalam format dan jenis, termasuk teks, gambar, audio, dan video.


Ada tiga karakteristik utama dari big data yang dikenal sebagai "3V" yaitu:

1. Volume: Big data melibatkan jumlah data yang sangat besar. Ini bisa berarti terabytes, petabytes, atau bahkan exabytes data, yang jauh lebih besar dari apa yang dapat ditangani oleh sistem tradisional.

2. Velocity: Data yang dihasilkan dalam konteks big data sering kali datang dengan kecepatan tinggi. Contohnya adalah data streaming dari sensor IoT (Internet of Things) atau data dari media sosial yang terus-menerus diperbarui.

3. Variety: Big data mencakup berbagai jenis data, termasuk data terstruktur (misalnya, data dalam database relasional), data semi-terstruktur (misalnya, data dalam format XML atau JSON), dan data tak terstruktur (misalnya, teks dalam posting media sosial atau dokumen). Kombinasi dari berbagai jenis data ini menambah kompleksitas analisis big data.


Selain "3V," beberapa tambahan karakteristik telah ditambahkan ke konsep big data, seperti "Variability" (variabilitas dalam kecepatan dan jenis data), "Veracity" (keandalan dan keakuratan data), dan "Value" (kemampuan untuk mendapatkan wawasan berharga dari data tersebut).

Tujuan dari analisis big data adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pola, tren, dan wawasan yang dapat membantu organisasi dalam pengambilan keputusan yang lebih baik. Ini bisa digunakan di berbagai industri, termasuk bisnis, ilmu pengetahuan, kesehatan, dan banyak lagi. Solusi teknologi seperti sistem penyimpanan data yang skala-able, algoritma pemrosesan data yang cepat, dan teknik analisis data maju digunakan untuk mengatasi tantangan yang terkait dengan big data.

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Kunjungan ke Forum Pesantren Palembang, Direktur LPPM diajak sharing ke 2 ponpes dengan tema "Young Muslimpreneur: Membangun Negeri dengan Islamic Startup"

Rabu-Kamis, 02-03 Agustus 2023 telah dilaksanakan kegiatan sharing session oleh direktur LPPM Dr. Hendrasto M.Si., CPC dengan tema  "Young Muslimpreneur: Membangun Negeri dengan Islamic Startup" di Pondok pesantren Nurul Huda Sukawinatan dan Pondok pesantren Al Khoir Palembani.

Kegiatan Sharing Session ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan pengusaha Muslim muda yang tangguh dan sesuai Syariah, Menciptakan pekerjaan baru dan mengurangi pengangguran, Mengambil peran untuk kebangkitan ekonomi umat. Muslimpreneur merupakan konsep berwirausaha halalan thayyiban, karena nilai yang dianutnya adalah perilaku jujur dan amanah sehingga dinilai cocok bagi generasi muda khususnya kalangan santri ataupun mahasiswa.

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TIEF-EJIF Virtual Workshop is coming. Submit your abstract and full paper until August 25th, 2023


Following the success of the past five editions of the Turin Islamic Economic Forum (TIEF) and European Journal of Islamic Finance Workshop, we are organizing a new virtual workshop to contribute to the knowledge of the broad Islamic economics and finance themes as: 

1. Accounting for Islamic finance rules

2. Islamic finance tools

3. Asset management and infrastructures

4. ESG Islamic finance

5. Smart cities in Islamic worlds

6. New technologies for Islamic financial management

7. Islamic central banking system

8. Halal food and beverage issues

9. Halal tourism


CONFERENCE LANGUAGE & SUBMISSION   Authors are invited to submit their full papers in English using Word format. Both theoretical and empirical papers are considered. Submissions should be made through email: [email protected]


Selected papers presented at the conference will be published in a special issue of the European Journal of Islamic Finance (ISSN: 2421-2172). 


  • Abstract deadline: 14 July 2023
  • Full paper deadline: 23 October 2023
  • Notifications: Within eight days after the abstract and then paper submission by the scientific committee.
  • Registrations: 31 October - 20 November 2023
  • Full paper virtual presentations by the author(s): 23 November 2023



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Tuesday 12th – Thursday 14th December 2023
Venue: Kuala Lumpur


Theme: Driving the Agenda for a Sustainable Humane Economy


Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) &

International Association of Islamic Economics (IAIE)

Paper contributors are advised to observe the following deadlines:
● Papers submission deadline:  15th August 2023
● Notification of acceptance of papers:  15th October 2023
● Deadline for presenters and participants registration: 15th November 2023


The First International Conference on Islamic Economics held in Makkah al-Mukarramah in 1976, was the watershed for the new discipline of ‘Islamic Economics’. Almost five decades later, the Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences (KENMS) of the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) is once again honoured to manage and host the 15th International Conference on Islamic Economics and Finance for the third time, tentatively to be held from the Tuesday 12 to Thursday 14 December 2023 in Kuala Lumpur. The theme of the conference is Driving the Agenda for a Sustainable Humane Economy.


Recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, financial and economic crises coupled with challenges from climate change, provide the OIC countries an opportunity to embrace Islamic economics and finance as indigenous approaches to guide their economic policy responses. For this to happen, theoretical foundations of both Islamic economics and finance, as well as their links to policymaking and implementation need greater attention and integration. The world is complex and everything is connected to everything. Hence, proper planning is a part of developing a responsive and responsible Islamic Economics and Finance. The 15th ICIEF 2023 provides the platform for bringing together academics, researchers and policymakers from the Muslim world to discuss the challenges faced and how greater effort can be made towards achieving our preferred future.


The teaching, research and practice of Islamic economics and finance have made tremendous strides globally over the last 50 years. The establishment of higher education institutions like the IIUM and development finance institutions like the Islamic Development Bank, respectively, have provided important avenues for practical implementation of education programs as well as increasing financing for economic and financial cooperation among OIC-member countries. It is important to plan for a sustainable humane future- one that recognises efficiency goes hand-in-hand with equity. However, in order to plan effectively, one must be aware of where we are, how we arrived here, what the challenges are, have a clear vision of where we want to go as well as a plan for the future. Development of research and practice of Islamic economics and finance requires commitment by all the stakeholders as well as the establishment of viable links between theory and policymaking by academics and policymakers.

Taking into account the state of the art and the direction of the fields of Islamic economics and finance, the 15th ICIEF focuses on the way forward toward developing the discipline of Islamic economics and finance and increasing their application especially in the economies of the OIC countries. Hence, the conference is devoted to not only theory development and application of the theory but also policy-related issues concerning, but not necessarily limited to, the following areas: Islamic Economics, Islamic Finance, Policy-Issues and Related areas in Sustainability, Shariah, Accounting, Management and Marketing.


Islamic Economics – Islamic economic system and Islamic economy; theoretical and policy studies to achieve sustainable humane development; historical and comparative economic studies; comparative economic models; Islamic economic thought; review articles useful as teaching materials at the university level.


Islamic Finance – emerging issues relating to sustainable Islamic finance; alternative financial and monetary systems from the Islamic perspective; Innovation, AI and FinTech; stability of Islamic financial system; risk-sharing in Islamic finance; Islamic finance infrastructure institutions.


Policy Issues and Prescriptions for the OIC countries – poverty and inequality; entrepreneurship development; micro and small enterprise development; legal, tax and regulatory frameworks from the Islamic economics perspective; Islamic monetary and fiscal policies including zakah and awqaf-based social safety-nets; economic indebtedness; the role of the IsDB in sustainable economic development; trade and cooperation among the OIC countries.


Other Related Areas – Sustainability, Maqasid al-Shariah and its relations to IEF; issues relating to Islamic accounting and its application to IEF; Islamic approaches to management and marketing; Islamic economics and finance education and research.


The following list is meant to give a more detailed picture of areas/topics:

i. Theoretical, Historical, Shariah, Maqasid al-Shariah and Institutional Aspects of Islamic Economics and Finance

ii. Poverty, Inequality, Socio-Economic Justice and Human Development in the Humane Economy: Theory and policy dimensions; Trade and Economic Cooperations

iii. Islamic Social Economy and Finance: Theory, Practice and Policy innovations; SDGs and the role of Islamic finance; country case-studies

iv. Management and Business Ethics, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, and Corporate Social Responsibility from an Islamic Perspective

v. Islamic Finance, Banking, Corporate Finance, and Capital Markets for a Sustainable Humane Economy

vi. AI, FinTech, Risk Management and Stability of the Islamic Financial Services Industry

vii. Climate change; sustainability studies; managing externalities for a sustainable humane economy

viii. Accounting, Auditing and Reporting for Good Governance; Regulatory and Legislative Landscape for a sustainable humane economy

ix. Central Banking, Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reforms for a Sustainable Humane Economy

x. Innovation, Technology and the Development of a Sustainable Humane Economy

The Organisers welcome theoretical, empirical and policy papers that will serve to evaluate the current strengths of the disciplines of Islamic economics and Islamic finance and to also chart out possible future directions. Keynote speeches as well as Panel Forums will also be organised.


The conference will accept papers in both English and Arabic.
Approximately 100 papers are expected to be presented during the two days.
Approximately 250-300 participants are expected to attend the event.


1.     Paper submissions must comply with the following guidelines:
● Paper must be either in English or Arabic.
● Original papers not published or submitted for other events.
● Paper must be in Microsoft Word format. Do not submit ZIP files.
● Do NOT include the authors’ names in the main submission of the paper, as papers will be subject to double-blind peer review.
● Full tentative title of the manuscript must be included on the paper.
● Abstract is required and should be between 200-250 words. Please limit the use of acronyms, abbreviations and references in the abstract.
● Keywords for the article: 3-5 keywords are sufficient.
● Referencing: we recommend the Harvard referencing system.
● Please do not submit duplicate copies of the papers.
● Please limit the number of pages to 30 or less (including references).


2.     Final Paper Submissions:
● Authors whose first drafts have been submitted before the deadline and accepted will be invited to submit final drafts of their research papers based on the peer-reviewers’ recommendations for revision.
● Selected papers presented to the Conference will be considered for possible publication in the International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting (formerly IIUM Journal of Economics and Management, indexed by Web of Science Core Collection), Intellectual Discourse (IIUM, indexed by Scopus), and Islamic Economics Studies (IRTI) and KAAU Journal of Islamic Economics Indexed in SCOPUS. We are also working to get more journals on the list.
● Papers presented may also be selected to be published in edited volumes emanating from the Conference.


Subject to the availability of funds, one author of selected accepted papers may be sponsored a round-trip economy class air ticket and/or hotel stay during the conference days only. The author who wishes to avail of conference sponsorship must be the corresponding author


● The conference fee will be announced later.
● For more info, please visit our website at
● For queries, kindly e-mail the 15th ICIEF Secretariat at [email protected]


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30th – 31st August 2023 (Hybrid Mode - Online and in Person), Malang – Indonesia


Website, Registration & Submission:


SDGs are the commitment of world leaders to be able to defend the world in a sustainable manner. Indonesia is no exception, as it is participating, although currently it is ranked 92nd based on the SDGs index. In response to this, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) is holding an International Conference on Humanities and Social Science (ICHSos) with the theme "Towards Economic Sustainability and Social Equality in the Technological Era," which will be held offline on August 30, 2023. This ICHSOS event is an international seminar, the third ever hosted by UMM. 
The purpose of this international seminar is to invite all parties who have an interest in global issues regarding social technology and social humanities, one of which is improving the quality of the education and training system, adding insight to all stakeholders at the international seminar and opening international forums where participants have the opportunity to convey ideas, experience, expertise, and knowledge regarding global issues regarding social technology, practice, and educational development as an effort to develop quality in the field of education and training.


The Sub-themes of the conference cover but not limited to the followings:
• Economic Development
• Accountability and Finance Risk
• Environmental, economic and social benefits of climate change mitigation
• Carbon emissions mitigation
• Accounting for Carbon Emissions
• Zero Waste Management
• Environmental Policies and Planning
• Decision-making and decision support systems for risk and disaster management
• Green Diplomacy
• Green Policy
• Environmental Governance
• Social Inclusion
• Financial Inclusion
• Sustainable Cities
• Innovation Policy
• Urban Governance
• Communication for environmental issues
• Green Social Work


The conference is supported by:
Journal of Innovation in Business and Economics (JIBE) Accredited Sinta 2
Jurnal Reviu Akuntansi dan Keuangan (JRAK) Accredited Sinta 2
Journal of Local Government Issues Accredited Sinta 2
Jurnal Akademi Akuntansi (JAA) Accredited Sinta 3
Jurnal Sosial Politik (Jurnal Sospol) Accredited Sinta 3
Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis (JMB) Accredited Sinta 4
Jurnal Inovasi Ekonomi (JIKO) Accredited Sinta 4
Jurnal Partisipatoris (JP) Accredited Sinta 4.


All accepted papers will be published in CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group)


There will be Best Papers Awards with prize money.


1. Full Paper Deadline: 31 July 2023
2. Acceptance Notification: 5 August 2023
3. Payment deadline: 20 August 2023
4. Camera-ready Paper: 25 August 2023
5. Conference Date: 30-31 August 2023


Secretariat ICHSoS 2023
UMM Campus III, Jl. Raya Tlogomas No.246, Malang, East Java, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected]

Contact Person:
Dwi Irawan +62 857-3248-5677
Happy Febrina +62 818-0511-0022


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“The North American Conference on Islamic Finance”

Texas-20 & 21 October 2023, (Hybrid)


Topics and Registration fee
Free registration fee for 5 selected papers from Tazkia




Full paper deadline: 25 July 2023
Submit your paper to [email protected] (format title: NACIF Registration_Author(s) Name)

Contact Person :

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"Dan sebaik-baiknya manusia adalah yang paling bermanfaat bagi manusia lainnya (HR Al-Qadlaa'iy).


Pembicara: Rama Syahti, MM Ketua Umum MTTI (Majelis Ta'lim Tuli Indonesia)

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International Conference on Qur'anic Studies and Tafseer (INCQURST 2023)



International Conference on Qur'anic Studies and Tafseer

Science and education occupy a great position in Islam, it is the hope of fostering society and a source of strength in the face of various challenges in the field of life. So that the Qur'an and al-Sunnah also pay great attention to science and education, it can be proven by the many verses of the Qur'an and nabawiyyah hadiths that contain noble teachings about science and education, both practical and philosophical.


This, evidenced practically by the generation of salafuna al-shalih, was passed down from generation to generation: rabbinical science and education, which was able to maintain the continuity of the Islamic tsaqafah imprinted in the bosom of this generation of devotees, and contained in the treasures of the books of turats.


Moreover, the Qur'an, made clear by al-Sunnah details the characteristics of the educated human being represented by the term ulul albab, mentioned no less than sixteen times in the Qur'an. Where this rabbinical conception shows a superior education system: based on Islamic aqidah and proclaimed for a noble purpose, namely shaping the Islamic personality in everyone.


It is undeniable that this country is being hit by life crises, including crises in the field of education, as education experts and practitioners have expressed in their research. Throughout 2017 the number of brawls continued to rise, violence among students became more brutal, causing an increasing number of victims from falling students.


So departing from this background, it should revitalize qur'ani education, education that makes the Qur'an and al-Sunnah as guidelines, Islamic creeds as its principles. Positively, the need for qur'ani education is supported by the high enthusiasm of the younger generation to learn and memorize the Qur'an, then the ZAD al-Insaniyyah Foundation was encouraged to contribute to the people, by establishing an official institution of higher education, in the form of the ZAD College of Qur'anic Sciences (STIQ), by obtaining cooperation support with one of the well-known Tafsir Academies in Saudi Arabia, and getting a positive response from the public and practitioners of Islamic education.


STIQ ZAD Cianjur as part of higher education is an institution where academics are required not only to learn and teach, but there is a tri dharma of higher education that must be done by students and lecturers as part of academics, namely education, research and community service. For the field of education, of course, it is something that is common for students, as well as lecturers.


However, in the field of fact research in the field, it still shows a lack of students and lecturers who do it.


To answer these problems, STIQ ZAD Cianjur intends to hold an International Conferencen on Qur'anic Studies and Tafseer.


International Conference on Qur’anic Studies and Tafseer aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of International Conference on Qur’anic Studies and Tafseer. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of International Conference on Qur’anic Studies and Tafseer. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of International Conference on Qur’anic Studies and Tafseer.



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Journal: Management & Accounting Expose


In 2022, we have indexed by SINTA 5. We will publish high-quality original/research articles only with a plagiarism limit of up to 25%. And also, references must be using Mendeley. We intend to improve the high standards of excellence, visibility, and further development of the Journal.

Vol 6, No 2 (Dec 2023)
📍 Submission: July - Sept 2023
📝 Review: August - Nov 2023
📆 Publish: Dec 2023

Fee Publication: IDR 300K

🔎 Journal Link

🔎Author Guidelines Link

🔗 Journal Template Link

📲 Contact Editorial
Euis Widiati - 087781136077
Ani Siska - 081399264689

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The 9th International Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance Conference (9th IIMEFC)

The 9th International Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance Conference (9th IIMEFC)

Accelerating Digitalization in Sharia Economy and Finance for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in the Post Pandemic Recovery"

25th – 26th October 2023 (Hybrid Mode - Online and in Person), Jakarta – Indonesia



The 9th International Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance Conference (IIMEFC) and call for papers shall be held as part of the Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival (ISEF) 2023. This conference will cover topics published in the Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance (JIMF) year 2023 that arise from the development of the global Islamic economy in an environment of new normal and digital transformation. JIMF is an international peer-reviewed journal published quarterly by Bank Indonesia Institute which has been accepted for inclusion in SCOPUS. JIMF publishes important research contributions to a wide range of Islamic economics, monetary, and finance, including work along empirical, methodological, and theoretical lines.



The purpose of this “Call for Papers” are 1) to serve as the avenue for some desirable areas and questions in the field of Islamic economics and finance and to list and reiterate the topics that arise from the development of the global Islamic economy in an environment of new normal and digital transformation. 2) to discuss issues with respect to strengthening the ecosystem of the Islamic economy in the new normal, within the Islamic economics and finance frameworks. The 9th International Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance Conference (9th-IIMEFC) will provide an ideal platform for dialogue and discussion among practitioners, academics, higher-degree students, researchers, as well as policymakers around the world.



The Sub themes of the-conference cover but not limited to the followings:

  • Digital Transformation and Role of Islamic Economy
  • Islamic Monetary Policy in the Post Pandemic and Digital Era
  • Islamic Financial Development and Cyber Currency
  • Islamic Economic and Finance for Inclusive and Sustainable Development
  • Integration Islamic Commercial and Social Finance in Digital Era
  • Digital Innovation in Islamic Finance
  • Islamic Entrepreneurship and the Role of Digitalization
  • Green Economy and Finance under Islamic Perspectives
  • The Islamic viewpoints on Global Talent Development in Digital Era
  • Recent Development and Innovation in Halal Industry



Registration and Submission Open  : 14th March 2023

Deadline for Submission of Final Paper : 31th July 2023

Acceptance Notification of Accepted Papers : 25th September 2023

Conference Dates : 25th – 26th October 2023



Keywords for the article 2 - 4 keywords are sufficient; JEL Classifications: 2 - 4

Only full papers along with the abstracts, maximum 10,000 words, should be submitted and follow a scientific approach, which include but not limited to:

Title: The title of the article should be no more than 12 words;

Introduction; Literature Review; Methodology; Results and Analysis

Conclusion and Recommendation



JIMF (Journal of Islamic Monetary Economics and Finance) with rewards;

Authors are recommended to follow the guideline of the respected Journal in the website.

Registration and submission of Full Paper can be done electronically through:  



There will be Best Papers Awards with prize money



Free registration

Index by : Scopus | Sinta S1


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Program Bantuan Penelitian Berbasis Standar Biaya Keluaran pada PTKI dan Bantuan Litapdimas (Pendukung Mutu Penelitian, Publikasi Ilmiah, dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat) pada Satuan Kerja Diktis Tahun Anggaran 2023

Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Islam Nomor 153 Tahun 2023 tentang Petunjuk Teknis Program Bantuan Litapdimas (Pendukung Mutu 
Penelitian, Publikasi Ilmiah, dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat) Tahun Anggaran 2023, dengan ini disampaikan hal-hal sebagai berikut:

1. Direktorat Pendidikan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam (Diktis) membuka pendaftaran Bantuan 
Penelitian Berbasis SBK pada PTKI dan Bantuan Litapdimas yang akan dibiayai di 
tahun anggaran 2023. Bantuan ini akan dilakukan pendaftaran, proses penilaian hingga 
pengumuman nomine di tahun anggaran 2023 dengan rencana jadwal sebagai berikut:

NoUraian KegiatanWaktu
1Pengumuman dan Sosialisasi02-05 Juni 2023
2Registrasi Proposal dan Submit05 Juni - 03 Juli 2023
3Seleksi Administrasi (Desk Evaluation)03 Juli - 17 Juli 2023
4Penilaian Reviewer17-31 Juli 2023
5Pengumuman Calon Nomine07 Agustus 2023
6Seminar Proposal21-23 Agustus 2023
7Pengumuman Penerima Bantuan31 Agustus 2023


2. Klaster yang dibuka dan penerima Bantuan Penelitian Berbasis SBK pada PTKI dan Bantuan Litapdimas Tahun Anggaran 2023.


3. Proses mulai pendaftaran, seleksi, penetapan hingga laporan bantuan dilakukan secara online dan unggahan berkas (softcopy/paperless) pada aplikasi yang diakses melalui  laman dan/atau melalui web service masing-masing PTKIN yang terkoneksi dengan laman litapdimas.

4. Pendaftaran proposal semua bantuan sebagaimana dimaksud pada angka 2 (dua) akan ditutup pada Senin, 03 Juli 2023 pukul 23:59 WIB. Ketentuan lebih lanjut mengenai masing-masing bantuan dapat dilihat pada Petunjuk Teknis Program Bantuan terlampir.


5. Penyelenggaraan program bantuan ini akan dibebankan pada DIPA Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Islam Tahun Anggaran 2023 yang tahap penetapan penerima bantuan dan
pencairannya menunggu setelah dipastikan tidak terjadi refocusing anggaran dan dibukanya blokir anggaran oleh Kementerian Keuangan. 

6. Penyelenggaraan program bantuan ini tidak ada pungutan apapun yang dibebankan kepada para pengusul bantuan. 

7. Sehubungan dengan hal di atas, diharap Bapak/Ibu Rektor/Ketua PTKIN/PTKIS dan Pimpinan Kopertais untuk menyampaikan informasi ini dan mendorong agar civitas akademika di lingkungan PTKI yang bersangkutan berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan ini. Kejelasan tindak lanjut bantuan ini, kami mengundang para civitas akademika di lingkungan PTKI untuk mengikuti sosialisasi program Bantuan Penelitian Berbasis SBK 
pada PTKI dan Bantuan Litapdimas Tahun Anggaran 2023 secara daring melalui platform zoom meeting yang akan dilaksanakan pada: 

Hari, Tanggal : Selasa, 06 Juni 2023
Waktu : 10:00 s/d 12:00 WIB 
Zoom Meeting ID : 816 8902 5005 

(Log in Pukul 09:45 WIB) 

Join Zoom Meeting : 
Passcode : Litapdimas 

8. Hal-hal yang belum diatur akan diinformasikan lebih lanjut dan dapat dilihat pada dan

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Monday Forum: Pengenalan Platform Baru LPPM



🕰 Senin,12 Juni 2023/23 Dzulqa'dah 1444 H
⏳ 09.30 - 11.00 WIB


📚  Seri 016📚
*Pengenalan Platform Baru LPPM*


🧑🏻‍🎓  Speaker: *Dr. Nur Hendrasto M.Si., CPC*
_Dosen IAI Tazkia_
_Direktur Lppm IAI Tazkia_


🎙 Zoom Meeting 🎙

Meeting ID : 862 561 7759
Passcode : amanah


Organized by:
Institute of Research and Community Empowerment

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