
Hasil Pencarian


Tanggal Publikasi: 16 Mar 2024

Determinant Analysis of Employee’s Interest in Making Personal Financial Planning

Personal financial planning needs to be done by an employee. However, in practice there are several problems that hinder this such as: the low level of financial knowledge in Indonesian society, the lack of financial discipline, and the large number of consumption levels that exceed the limit. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence employee interest in making personal financial planning. The financial attitude, social influence, and financial self-efficacy variables will act as independent variables that will affect the dependent variable, namely personal financial planning. This research was conducted in the Bekasi area by taking a sample of 172 respondents. The sampling method used purposive sampling and analyzed using Structural Equation Model-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). The result is that the financial attitude and financial self-efficacy variables have a positive and significant effect on personal financial planning and the social influence variable has no effect on personal financial planning.


Tanggal Publikasi: 16 Mar 2024

The Influence of Islamic Financial Literacy, Income, and Lifestyle on Financial Management among Housewives

This research discusses the influence of Islamic financial literacy, income, and lifestyle on financial management among housewives (a case study in Jabodetabek). The research adopts a quantitative approach using Multiple Linear Regression method, focusing on a case study in Jabodetabek. The data for this study were collected through questionnaires distributed to respondents who are Muslim housewives with income. The findings of this research are as follows: 1) Islamic financial literacy does not have a significant influence on financial management among housewives. 2) Income has a significant influence on financial management among housewives. 3) Lifestyle has a significant influence on financial management among housewives. 4) Islamic financial literacy, income, and lifestyle collectively have an influence on financial management among housewives. Keywords: Islamic financial literacy, financial management, financial planning.


Tanggal Publikasi: 7 Mar 2024

The influence of brand image, halal label, and religiosity on the purchasing attitude of local halal cosmetics in Bogor


In the rapidly growing cosmetics industry, consumers are becoming increasingly conscious of the quality and halal certification of the products they use. People living in Bogor, especially those with strong religious orientations, tend to seek cosmetics that meet quality standards and align with their religious values.


This study examines the influence of brand image, halal label, and religiosity on the purchasing attitude of local halal cosmetics in Bogor.


This quantitative descriptive research employs the SEM-PLS approach, utilizing Smart PLS version 3.0 software. The sample data comprises 105 respondents.


The results of the F-test showed that the significance value (sig) is 0.000 < 0.05, indicating that brand image (P-value = 0.048), halal label (0.000), and religiosity (0.000) significantly and positively influence the purchasing attitude of local halal cosmetics.


This research provided insights for local halal cosmetics companies on the importance of brand image and the halal label of their products for customers. For policymakers, it highlights the importance of halal regulation to protect customers from using non-halal cosmetics products.


This study provides insights into the purchasing attitude of Muslims regarding cosmetics products in Indonesia.


Tanggal Publikasi: 6 Mar 2024

A Qualitative Assessment of Islamic Social Finance and Village Funds on the Poverty Level during the Covid-19 Pandemic

This study aims to examine the role of Islamic social finance funds i.e. Zakat, Infaq, Shadaqah, Waqf, and village funds on the poor’s financial viability during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study employs a qualitative method. Data collection in this study was obtained from field observations and in-depth interviews with informants. The informants were classified into three categories: government representatives, Islamic social finance experts, and the recipients of funds in Bogor Regency. This research uses Miles & Huberman's qualitative data analysis technique. This study shows that Islamic social funds and village funds impact the poverty level of the poor impartially. However, Islamic social finance and village funds could assist the poor’s financial viability and provide capital for business during the pandemic. To have an impactful program, the experts suggested an integrated scheme of institutional collaboration and community consolidation.


Tanggal Publikasi: 6 Mar 2024

MSEs have an important role in regional and national economic growth. However, the current performance of MSEs is not optimal due to the limitations they face. So there needs to be a deeper analysis of empowerment and religiosity in maximizing MSE performance. This research aims to analyze the influence of empowerment and religiosity on MSE performance. The data analysis method in this research uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and is processed using Partial Last Square (PLS) analysis and Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The research sample used in this research was 137 MSEs assisted by mosques in Yogyakarta. The data used in this research is primary data, namely it comes from statements presented in the form of a questionnaire survey given to target respondents. The research results show that empowerment has an effect but is not significant on the performance of MSEs assisted by mosques in Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, religiosity has a significant effect on the performance of MSEs assisted by mosques in Yogyakarta.


Tanggal Publikasi: 6 Mar 2024

The Effect of Empowerment and Religiosity on the Performance of Mosque-assisted MSEs in Yogyakarta

MSEs have an important role in regional and national economic growth. However, the current performance of MSEs is not optimal due to the limitations they face. So there needs to be a deeper analysis of empowerment and religiosity in maximizing MSE performance. This research aims to analyze the influence of empowerment and religiosity on MSE performance. The data analysis method in this research uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and is processed using Partial Last Square (PLS) analysis and Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The research sample used in this research was 137 MSEs assisted by mosques in Yogyakarta. The data used in this research is primary data, namely it comes from statements presented in the form of a questionnaire survey given to target respondents. The research results show that empowerment has an effect but is not significant on the performance of MSEs assisted by mosques in Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, religiosity has a significant effect on the performance of MSEs assisted by mosques in Yogyakarta.


Tanggal Publikasi: 2 Mar 2024

Reexamining the Notion of Wealth Management: Insights from the Qur'an and Hadith

Populasi Muslim diproyeksikan meningkat sebesar 26% pada tahun 2030, mencapai sekitar 2,2 miliar orang patut menjadi perhatian industri keuangan Syariah. Saat ini, pasar keuangan syariah global bernilai US$ 2,2 miliar pada tahun 2021 dan diperkirakan akan mencapai valuasi US$ 3,02 miliar pada tahun 2027 dan diperkirakan akan mencatat Tingkat Pertumbuhan Tahunan Majemuk (CAGR) sebesar 10,2% selama 2022-2027. Oleh karena itu, kebutuhan pengelolaan kekayaan Islam berkembang sangat pesat. Baru-baru ini, pengelolaan kekayaan Islam atau Islamic wealth management sebagai suatu produk dan jasa adalah salah satu industri jasa keuangan baru yang muncul dan menarik banyak orang kaya untuk dikelola aset mereka dengan nilai-nilai dan prinsip-prinsip yang patuh syariah. Namun, manajemen kekayaan Islam berbeda dari konsepsi Barat tentang manajemen kekayaan dari landasan filosofis. Oleh karena itu, konsep landasan filosofis manajemen kekayaan Islam sangat penting untuk dipahami dengan baik dalam mengelola kekayaan dari perspektif Islam. Studi ini memiliki tujuan sederhana yaitu berusaha untuk mendefinisikan kembali konsep kontemporer pengelolaan kekayaan dari perspektif Islam yang berasal dari Al-Qur'an dan Hadith dan mengusulkan model konsep yang pengelolaan kekayaan dari kerangka Islam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen kekayaan Islam, yang bersumber dari Al-Qur'an dan Hadis, berpusat pada konsep Tawhid sebagai pilar utama dan ketaatan terhadap syariah sebagai hukum yang mengatur umat Muslim. Proses manajemen kekayaan Islam meliputi dua aspek utama: penciptaan kekayaan dan pengeluaran yang terdiri akumulasi, proteksi dan distribusi kekayaan. Penciptaan kekayaan erat kaitannya dengan pencapaian tujuan pengeluaran yaitu untuk mempromosikan maqashid syariah dan mendorong keadilan serta kesejahteraan guna mencapai falah (kesuksesan dan keberhasilan baik di dunia maupun di akhirat).


Tanggal Publikasi: 29 Feb 2024

Metode Pengajaran Talaqi, Takrir, dan Tasm’i terhadap Hafalan Al-Quran Hafidzpreneur Mahasiswa IAI Tazkia

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan dalam pencapaian hafalan AlQur'an di antara mahasiswa yang menggunakan metode Talaqi, Takrir, dan Tasm'i di Hafidzpreneur IAI Tazkia. Pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis dilakukan dengan Anova one-way dan uji Scheffe. Hasil analisis menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan dalam pencapaian hafalan Al-Quran antara ketiga metode tersebut (F hitung = 16,371, F tabel = 3,031, p < 0,001). Penelitian ini mengungkap bahwa metode Tasm'i adalah yang paling efektif dalam mencapai hafalan Al-Quran berdasarkan uji Scheffe. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang jelas antara metode Talaqi, Takrir, dan Tasm'i dalam konteks pencapaian hafalan Al-Quran pada mahasiswa Hafidzpreneur IAI Tazkia.


Tanggal Publikasi: 29 Feb 2024

Faktor-Faktor Yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Target Hafalan Al Quran Pada Program Tahfidz di Perguruan Tinggi Islam

Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung terhadap target hafalan mahasiswa/i dikampus IAI Tazkia Bogor program tahfidz dan prestasi akademik sebagai variable intervening. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknik yang digunakan analisis jalur (Path Analysis). Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling dengan populasi penelitian yaitu mahasiswa/i kampus B’a matrikulasi program hafidz preneur IAI Tazkia Bogor sebanyak 283 mahasiswa/I dengan sampel penelitian mahasiswa/i yang belum tercapai hafalan 30 juz sebelum masuk kampus Tazkia sebanyak 73 Mahasiswa/i yang dipilih menggunakan rumus Slovin. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melalui pengisian data kuisoner yang berupa skala model Likert dengan menyebarkan kuisoner berupa google form. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi target hafalan berupa game online, sosmed, organisasi, dan akademik terhadap target hafalan, Secara langsung, game online tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan dan arahnya negatif terhadap prestasi akademik, game online tidak berpengaruh signifikan secara langsung dan arahnya negatif terhadap target hafalan. sosmed memiliki pengaruh signifikan secara langsung dan berdampak positif terhadap prestasi akademik. sosmed tidak berpengaruh signifikan secara langsung dan arahnya positif terhadap target hafalan. Organisasi tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan secara langsung terhadap prestasi akademik maupun terhadap pencapaian target hafalan dan arahnya positif. akademik tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan secara langsung dan berdampak negatif terhadap pencapaian target hafalan. Secara tidak langsung, melalui faktor akademik, baik game online, sosmed, maupun organisasi tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap pencapaian target hafalan. Pengaruh game online, sosmed, organisasi, dan akademik berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap target hafalan mahasiswa/I kampus B’a matrikulasi IAI Tazkia.


Tanggal Publikasi: 29 Feb 2024

Zillennial Perceptions of Sharia Governance Implementation and Its Implications on the Reputation, Trust, and Loyalty of Islamic Banks

This study aims to analyze zillennial perceptions of the implementation of sharia governance and its implications for the reputation, trust and loyalty of Islamic banks. This research is quantitative research using primary data. The object of this research is zillennial customers of Bank Syariah Indonesia with a sample size of 107 respondents using purpose sampling technique. The analysis method used is Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS). The results found that the influence of sharia governance significantly and positively contributed to improving the reputation, trust and loyalty of Islamic banks. Then, the reputation of Islamic banks increases customer trust and customer trust increases customer loyalty to Islamic banks. Finally, customer trust increases customer loyalty to Islamic banks. Therefore, it is necessary for Islamic banks to be able to implement sharia governance properly, in order to increase the reputation, trust and loyalty of Islamic banks. Future research can explore more deeply related to the variables of this study, where further research can use or add other variables that are also related and use other more comprehensive analysis methods.


Tanggal Publikasi: 23 Feb 2024

The Islamic Social Finance in Poverty Alleviation: R Bibilioshiny Method Approach

The concept of Islamic social finance has gained significant attention in recent years as a tool for poverty alleviation. Islamic social finance refers to the use of Islamic financial instruments to address social and economic issues, including poverty, through zakat, infaq, shadaqah, and waqf. This research explores the application of Islamic social finance for poverty alleviation through the case study of the R Bibilioshiny program. Researchers conduct quantitative methods for data collection, primarily utilizing the Scopus database with the keyword "Islamic Social Finance on Poverty Alleviation". This research employs the R Bibilioshiny program application to process and visualize data obtained from the Scopus database. From the conceptual structure results in the thematic maps discussion, it is found that the most frequently appearing keywords closely related to the research are banking, poverty alleviation, and microfinance. This serves as a benchmark for influence, especially banking and microfinance as Islamic social finance in poverty alleviation efforts. The research finds that the R Bibilioshiny program has been successful in reducing poverty and improving the socio economic status of participants. The success of the R Bibilioshiny program highlights the potential of Islamic social finance as a tool for poverty alleviation. However, there are also challenges that need to be addressed, including the lack of awareness and understanding of Islamic social finance among the general public, and the need for more rigorous monitoring and evaluation of Islamic social finance programs to fully realize this potential, greater awareness and understanding of Islamic social finance is needed, as well as more rigorous monitoring and evaluation of Islamic social finance programs to ensure their effectiveness and sustainability.


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Feb 2024

Stakeholder Perception on Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) Effectiveness in Islamic Banking

Based on stakeholder theory, the main goal of a company is to maximize and create added value for all stakeholders. In general, some argue that the existence of an organization or company aims to create value for shareholders, they are also expected to be socially responsible for the society in which they operate. This study try to describe and explain the level of effectiveness of Islamic Bank CSR in ethical and philanthropic responsibilities indicators based on stakeholder perceptions using Structural equation model (SEM). This study found that Islamic banks in Indonesia have been considered quite effective in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility. This study enlightens and recommends that Islamic Banks be actively involved in the activities of Corporate Social Responsibility so as to be effective in promoting Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs). In the end, there are several conclusions, namely suggesting that Islamic Banks in Indonesia should not only rely on marketing strategies in spiritual terms to attract customers to use their products, but to get customers by being actively involved in CSR activities. The impact is not only to attract customers, but also to contribute to the social life and welfare of the community and the surrounding environment.


Tanggal Publikasi: 20 Feb 2024

Faktor-Faktor     yang     Berpengaruh      terhadap            Minat Berwirausaha pada Mahasiswa Hafidzpreuneur

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh tingkat sosial ekonomi, pendidikan kewirausahaan, dan lingkungan terhadap minat berwirausaha Mahasiswa Hafidzpreneur IAI Tazkia. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode penelitian Regresi Linear Berganda (RLB). Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling denganpengambilan sample sebanyak129 orang pada Mahasiswa aktif Hafidzpreneur IAI Tazkia. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melalui pengisian data kuisoner yang berupa skala model Likert dengan menyebarkan kuisoner berupa google form. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Tingkat sosial ekonomi berpengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadapminat berwirausaha Mahasiswa Hafidzpreneur IAI Tazkia. Tingkat sosial ekonomi dari latar belakang apapun memungkinkan untukmemiliki minat berwirausaha. Pendidikan kewirausahaan berpengaruh positif terhadap minat berwirausaha. Pendidikan kewirausahaan yang tinggi akan mendorong minat berwirausaha lebih besar pada Mahasiswa Hafidzpreneur IAI Tazkia. Lingkungan berpengaruh positif terhadap minat berwirausaha. Lingkungan yang tinggi akan mendorong minat berwirausaha lebih besar pada Mahasiswa Hafidzpreneur IAI Tazkia. Dengan nilai Rsquare atau Rkuadrat didapatkan hasil 0,4692, artinya sebanyak 46,9% dapat dijelaskan secarabersama-sama oleh ketiga variabel independen sedangkan sisanya sebesar53,1% dijelaskan oleh faktor-faktor lain diluar penelitian ini.


Tanggal Publikasi: 20 Feb 2024

Investment Behaviour in Retail Green Sukuk: Case of Indonesia

This paper attempts to analyse the investment behaviour in the retail green sukuk (RGS) issued by the Indonesian government. The research framework is based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), while the Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS) was employed as a research method. Online questionnaires were distributed to potential retail investors. A total of 113 respondents met the requirements and were used as the sample in this research. The findings show that decision to invest in RGS is influenced by intention and perceived behavioural control (PBC). Meanwhile, attitude and subjective norms have significant influence on the intention to invest in the RGS. Attitude is found as the strongest predictor of intention and is influenced by knowledge about RGS, environmental awareness and religiosity. Based on these findings, it is recommended that the government should intensify campaigns about sukuk and green issues. The promotion of RGS should be targeted to the religious individual/community with sufficient literacy of sukuk and awareness of the green issues.


Tanggal Publikasi: 2 Feb 2024


Laporan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan literasi tentang pedoman laporan keuangan pesantren; memberikan pelatihan penggunaan aplikasi SANTRI, dan mendampingi pesantren dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan sesuai standar PSAK yang berlaku. Kegiatan pendampingan dilakukan selama enam bulan dengan melibatkan pesantren di Bogor dan Tangerang, dan memilih lima pesantren yang memiliki komitmen yang tinggi untuk program penyusunan laporan keuangan. Kegiatan diselenggarakan dalam bentuk webinar/workshop tentang Pedoman Akuntansi Pesantren, pelatihan aplikasi SANTRI untuk admin pesantren, dan kegiatan pendampingan implementasi aplikasi SANTRI pada pesantren terpilih. Dari kegiatan webinar/workshop Pedoman Akuntansi Pesantren terlihat peningkatan pemahaman peserta tentang akuntansi pesantren yang ditunjukkan meningkatnya rataan nilai post-test. Setelah pelaksanaan pelatihan software SANTRI juga terlihat antusiasme peserta untuk mengikuti kegiatan pendampingan penyusunan laporan keuangan. Namun dari 266 peserta yang mendaftar untuk kegiatan pendampingan, hanya lima pesantren terpilih terdapat dua Pesantren yang berhasil mengikuti
kegiatan hingga penyusunan saldo awal laporan keuangan dengan aplikasi SANTRI. Beberapa kendala yang dihadapi dalam proses PKM ini adalah kualitas sumber daya manusia (SDM) pesantren yang kurang memadai untuk penggunaan aplikasi SANTRI, kurangnya koordinasi antara pengurus pesantren dan pihak yayasan, kendala pelaksanaan pendampingan yang dilaksanakan secara online serta kendala teknis terkait sulitnya mengidentifikasi aset-aset pesantren.


Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Jan 2024

Islamic Service, Branding, And Advertising Influence 212 Mart Co-Op Consumer Loyalty

Purpose: This thesis explores the impact of Islamic Service Quality, Islamic Branding, and Islamic Advertising on consumer loyalty within the 212 Mart Co-ops. Employing a quantitative approach, this study aimed to understand the dynamics of consumer loyalty in this context.

Methodology/approach: Quantitative data were gathered through questionnaires, and Multiple Linear Regression was utilized for analysis. This study adopted a quantitative methodology supported by the SPSS program for data management and analysis.

Results/findings: This study reveals the significant influences of Islamic Service Quality and Islamic Branding on consumer loyalty in the 212 Mart Co-ops. However, Islamic Advertising does not exhibit a notable impact on consumer loyalty. Interestingly, Islamic service quality and branding collectively exert a significant influence on consumer loyalty.

Limitations: Acknowledging its boundaries, the study was confined to quantitative data, potentially influenced by biases in questionnaire responses. Additionally, the exclusion of other variables that impact consumer loyalty is recognized as a limitation.

Contribution: This research makes a noteworthy contribution by emphasizing the considerable impact of Islamic Service Quality and Islamic Branding on consumer loyalty within the 212 March Co-op. This study provides valuable insights for marketers and policymakers, suggesting avenues to enhance these aspects for an overall improvement in consumer loyalty.aspects for an overall improvement in consumer loyalty.



Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Jan 2024

Determinants of Brand Advocacy in Academia: Analyzing the Role of Service Quality and Lecturer Competence

his study delves into the interplay between the quality of educational services and lecturer competence at IAI TAZKIA and their effects on brand advocacy. Analyzing data from 305 graduates and students across seven cohorts (2015-2021) and academic disciplines, it employs structural equation modeling (SEM) to explore these dynamics. The findings reveal that while lecturer competence does not significantly impact brand advocacy, the quality of educational services does. Specifically, postgraduate programs are perceived to offer the highest service quality, whereas Islamic Accounting and Islamic Business Management are viewed less favorably. Islamic Broadcasting Communication, a new field, needs more specialized faculty. Regarding lecturer competence, postgraduate students report the highest levels, with Islamic Economics instructors deemed more competent than those in Sharia Accounting, despite the latter's "A" accreditation. Brand advocacy is lowest among Sharia Business Management graduates, whereas postgraduate programs see the highest engagement in brand advocacy efforts. The research aims to position the campus as a benchmark for improving lecturer competence and service quality, enhancing institutional brand advocacy and competitive standing.


Tanggal Publikasi: 27 Jan 2024


This study aims to analyze the impact of the effectiveness of internal audit in improving sharia compliance in this case effectiveness is highly dependent on the independence of internal auditors. The subjects of this research are all internal auditors who work for Islamic banks in East Java province. The sample used in this study was taken through purposive sampling method. This study uses a type of quantitative research with hypothesis testing. In this study using Partial Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) analysis used for validity tests and reliability tests with the help of analytical tools in the form of Smart-PLS 4.0 software. The results of this study indicate that the internal auditor independence variable has no significant effect on sharia compliance. The internal audit effectiveness variable has a significant effect on sharia compliance. The internal auditor independence variable has a significant influence on the effectiveness of the internal audit. And the internal auditor independence variable has a positive effect on Sharia compliance by means of internal audit effectiveness


Tanggal Publikasi: 26 Jan 2024

Analisis Faktor Faktor Kepatuhan Muzaki Menyalurkan Zakat Profesi Pada Badan Amil Zakat Nasional Kabupaten Rokan Hulu


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh sikap, Norma subjektif, kontrol perilaku, kemanfaatan, keingintahuan, dan religiusitas terhadap perilaku kepatuhan zakat dengan niat sebagai variabel Intervening pada BAZNAS Kabupaten Rokan Hulu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Teknikpengumpulan data dilakukan dengan survei.

Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Wajib Zakat Profesi di lingkungan pemerintah daerah kabupaten Rokan Hulu sebanyak 5.000 orang. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah secara nonproability sampling yaitu sampling insidental.

Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sikap, norma subjektif, kontrol perilaku, kemanfaatan dan niat tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepatuhan zakat. Sedangkan keingintahuan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku kepatuhan. Selain itu, sikap dan keingintahuan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap niat. Sedangkan norma subjektif, kontrol perilaku, dan kemanfaatan tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap niat.


Tanggal Publikasi: 18 Jan 2024

Pengaruh Kemudahan, Manfaat, Keamanan Terhadap Keputusan Penggunaan QRIS BSI Mobile

Digital technological developments have advanced in almost every area of life, including travel, purchasing, donations, tourism, and other digital-based economic activities. As part of the expansion of the payment system, Bank Indonesia introduced the Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS). To facilitate the transaction process, QRIS combines several QR codes from different payment system service providers. This research aims to see how the exogenous variables of convenience, benefits and security influence the endogenous variables of the decision to use Qris Bsi Mobile. This type of research is descriptive quantitative with a SEM-PLS approach. the application used by Smart Pls version 3.0. The sample data used was 100 respondents. The results show that the convenience variable has a positive but not significant effect on the decision to use Qris Bsi Mobile with a P-value of 0.329. Furthermore, the benefit and security variables have a positive and significant influence on the decision to use Qris Bsi Mobile with a P-value for the benefit variable of 0.001 and the security variable of 0.004. It is hoped that future researchers will use other variables that have a significant influence to improve the results of further research.