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Tanggal Publikasi: 24 Agt 2021

Analisis Pengaruh Motivasi, Pengetahuan, dan Aspek Syariah terhadap Kesiapan UMKM Memasuki Era Digital

Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mencari tau pengaruh motivasi, pengetahuan, dan aspek syariah terhadap kesiapan pelaku UMKM dalam memasuki era digital, terkhususnya para pelaku usaha mikro di wilayah Kabupaten Bogor. Pada penelitian ini metode yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif, dengan teknik pengambilan sample Cluster Random Sampling. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menyebar angket yang berisikan beberapa pernyataan terkait variabelvariabel yang ditentukan yang kemudian dijawab oleh pelaku UMKM dengan pernyataan sangat tidak setuju, tidak setuju, setuju, dan sangat setuju. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa: (1) variabel motivasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap variabel kesiapan, (2) variabel pengetahuan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap variabel kesiapan, (3) variabel aspek syariah berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kesiapan variabel.


Tanggal Publikasi: 13 Agt 2021


Islam telah memberikan tuntunan kepada manusia agar mengkonsumsi dan menggunakan sesuatu yang halal dan terbaik (thayyib). Halal bermakna sesuatu yang boleh untuk dilakukan, digunakan atau dikonsumsi menurut hukum Islam. Oleh karenanya artikel ini mencoba menganalisis hubung kait antara prinsip Halal dengan preferensi tingkah laku pengguna dengan menggunakan analisis normatif. Adakah individu pengguna tertakluk kepada hieraki keperluan terhadap produk halal ataupun sebaliknya. Melalui pendekatan kualitatif dengan reka bentuk kajian deskriptif, artikel ini mendapati bahwa preferensi tingkah laku pengguna sangat dipengaruhi oleh nilai-nilai agama yang diyakininya. Dan ini sesuai dengan analisis daripada theory planned behaviour. Artikel ini turut melihat bahwa penggunaan atau perbelanjaan harta yang menyampingkan konsep halal dan keperluan tahsiniyyat yang maksima adalah tergolong dalam penggunaan atau perbuatan yang tercela


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Agt 2021

Halal Food and Compliance: A Bibliometric Analysis

Purpose: Researchers have been actively investigating various issues concerning food and halal compliance framework. The analysis is focused on descriptions of the characteristics and trends of keywords, authors, journals and citations. This study reviews articles in order to map the problems, models, solution approaches and more importantly, the future directions of this field. Design/methodology/approach: Our method employs 204 articles on food and halal compliance research indexed by Scopus. Various techniques from statistics, bibliometric, and analytics are systematically deployed to gain insights on how the literature address these topics. The data was then processed and analyzed using the VOSviewer application program to select the bibliometric mapping of research developments on food and halal compliance Findings: The results showed that the visualization of the mapping of research developments in this theme was divided into three clusters. Cluster one consists of 53 topics, cluster two consists of 42 topics, cluster 3 consists of 32 topics. Research limitations/implications: This study focuses on articles that discuss food and halal compliance framework


Tanggal Publikasi: 13 Jul 2021


This study aims to examine the determinants of Islamic banks’ compliance with the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No.105 on Mudharabah principles. The sample, selected using purposive sampling, was 96 observed data of Islamic Banks (IBs) in Indonesia between 2009 and 2017. The data were analyzed using panel data regression. Using the multiple regression analysis techniques, this study demonstrated a significant positive influence of the effectiveness of the Shariah Supervisory Board (SSB), the effectiveness of audit committees, tenure of CFO, and third party funds from the Mudharabah contract for the compliance level of the IBs financial reports with SFAS No.105. Meanwhile, the CFO educational background had a significant negative effect and institutional ownership did not have any significant effect on the compliance level. Thus, to attain a higher level of compliance with SFAS 105, the Indonesian IBs must improve the quality of the reporting system monitor through the effectiveness of SSB and the audit committees


Tanggal Publikasi: 16 Jun 2021

Monetary Policy, Islamic Finance, and Islamic Corporate Governance: An International Overview

It can be easily seen from the different reports of the International organizations like IMF and World Bank that most of the Muslim countries are under developed and have a very low per capita income except the producer of natural resources. Majority of them are facing social and economic problems, low literacy rate with highly unskilled labor force. Most of the Muslim population in these countries are living under poverty, unemployment rate is very high, and health condition is very poor. Except few, most of them are dependent on their deprived agricultural sector. Their social and economic problems are a major constraint in the development of their economies. Academicians and experts are in view that policies which are implemented in these countries are not well suited to these economies. Especially they blame to the monetary policy which is generally implemented through the channel of interest rate. In their view, interest is not allowed and it is clearly mentioned in their holy book, Al‐Qur’an. Before going to deep in this area, it is better for us to discuss the objective of the monetary policy in conventional as well as in an Islamic economy.


Tanggal Publikasi: 16 Jun 2021

Monetary Policy, Islamic Finance, and Islamic Corporate Governance: An International Overview

In a typical literature, one can see that monetary transmission works through the channel of interest rate, and policy analyst are observing its impact on inflation, for example, if nominal interest rate increases it leads to incremental change in the user cost of capital, therefore, leading to an overall decrease in general prices level. Because higher interest rate has a negative impact on consumption (postponement) and also on desired investment due to which prices are going down. Another important channel of monetary transmission is the exchange rate. It is observed that an increase in the domestic interest rate has positive impact on the strength of currency which ultimately leads to downward pressure on the prices of tradable goods. A stronger exchange rate has a negative impact on net exports and aggregate demand. It is also an undeniable fact that appreciating currency increases the activities of the economy. Likewise, financial market development or institutional policy frameworks, and other country characteristics have impact on the transmission of monetary policy. Generally, in developing countries, majority of the households and firms are dependent on the bank lending.


Tanggal Publikasi: 16 Jun 2021

Investigating Zakat Institution Performance in Indonesia

This study aims to seek the impact of zakat accounting standards (PSAK Shariah No.109) adoption on the financial performance of zakat institutions. This study employed the Difference in Difference (DiD) test and Panel data regression using the data from 5 national scale zakat institutions in Indonesia from 2006 to 2019. This study found a difference in zakat institution performance between the pre and post-adoption of PSAK Shariah No.109, both in the DiD test and Panel data regression model.


Tanggal Publikasi: 15 Jun 2021

Determination of organisational essential needs as the basis for developing a ma sla  hah-based performance measurement

The purpose of the study is twofold: first, it is to develop each aspect of ma sla  hah  darūriyah (essential needs), i.e. dīn (faith/religion), nafs (soul), ʿaql (intellect), na sl (descendants) and mal (wealth), into various aspects of organisational essential needs; second, it is to formulate ma sla  hah-based performance measurement. Design/methodology/approach – The research is an exploratory study that uses a two-stage design: defining the research question and developing the research design. The research question is how each element of ma sla  hah  darūriyah can become an element of organisational essential needs. The research design developed is to formulate ma sla  hah-based performance measurement. Findings – The study concludes that ma sla  hah  darūriyah could be developed as a basis for identifying organisational essential needs. The five elements of ma sla  hah  darūriyah are developed into the following organisational essential needs: worship orientation, internal process orientation, talent orientation, learning orientation, customer orientation and wealth orientation. Ma sla  hah-based performance measurement uses five variables: strategic objective, measure, formula, target and strategic initiatives and applies the modified plan – do – check – action cycle: performance planning, performance implementation, performance evaluation and performance action. Practical implications – Organisational essential needs can be developed by Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) into performance measurement. IFIs have six essential needs that can be developed into performance variables. Key performance indicators that can be developed for each need are worship orientation (social responsibility, regulatory compliance and Sharīʿah compliance); internal process orientation (innovation process, digital adaptation and employee satisfaction); talent orientation (career development, talent pool, compensation and benefits); learning orientation (training programme, training evaluation and return on training investment); customer orientation (customer engagement, customer satisfaction, customer survey and promotion programme); wealth orientation (profitability, cost-cutting, share prices, dividends, cost efficiency and financial sustainability). Originality/value – This paper contributes to new knowledge. The study attempts to discuss the organisational essential needs based on the ma sla  hah  darūriyah concept, while previous studies discussed organisational needs based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. In developing performance measurement, organisational performance is measured in a balanced manner. According to the concept of ma sla  hah, not only financial factors but also worship, internal processes, talents, learning and customers define organisational needs. Thus, organisational needs are considered not only in terms of material factors but also in terms of spiritual (worship) factors


Tanggal Publikasi: 11 Jun 2021

Sejarah pemikiran ekonomi Islam

Pada kesempatan ini kami dengan bangga menyampaikan kepada stakeholders, hasil kerjasama yang telah dilakukan antara Bank Indonesia dengan Komite Nasional Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah (KNEKS) dan berbagai perguruan tinggi dalam mempersembahkan buku “Sejarah Pemikiran Ekonomi Islam”. Buku ini adalah buku yang menyajikan informasi beragam pemikiran ekonomi Islam dari pemikir Islam masa awal Islam sampai dengan modern saat ini. Kelebihan buku ini bukan saja menyajikan buku dengan sangat lengkap dengan para pemikirnya, tetapi juga dilengkapi dengan analisis yang membandingkan dengan sejarah pemikiran ekonomi konvensional


Tanggal Publikasi: 9 Jun 2021

Kepatuhan Syariah Dalam Akad Mudharabah dan Musyarakah

Sharia Financial Institution is an institution that is engaged in serving the needs of the community or customers in the economic and banking sectors. This paper explores the importance of sharia compliance aspects in mudharabah and musyarakah contract products. The objective to be achieved in this paper is to describe to the public, especially sharia banking stakeholders, the importance of sharia bank activities, especially mudharabah and musyarakah contracts that are guided by Islamic rules in their business. The literature used in this study comes from literature studies that refer to books, the internet and journal papers that have the same topic as the discussion being studied. The results of the study explain that the Sharia Supervisory Board (DPS) has an important role in realizing mudharabah and musyarakah contract products based on sharia aspects. This is implemented in the form of serious supervision and monitoring in accordance with the main functions and duties of the DPS itself. By doing so, it is hoped that public trust will continue to grow and develop so that their confidence to continue to believe and be loyal to Islamic banks will be maintained.


Tanggal Publikasi: 5 Jun 2021

Webinar: IAIS Malaysia Online Research Camp for Academic and Policy Research

Following the success of the 2019 and 2020 research camps, IAIS Malaysia, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, organised its annual “Research Camp for Academic and Policy Research” via online on 22-23 June 2021. The camp provided researchers, lecturers, and postgraduate students with in-depth insight into how to produce high-quality academic papers and manage academic references efficiently. It also equipped participants with essential skills for conducting both academic and policy research. During the two-day event, participants learned the basics of how to formulate policy issue papers, utilise the Oxford style of writing, write newspaper articles, reference Islamic sources, and manage academic references.


Tanggal Publikasi: 5 Jun 2021

Online Islamic Finance Training Series: Waqf and Waqf-Based Islamic Financial Products

Waqf has a long history in Islam. It has played — and, in many cases, continues to play — a pivotal role in the advancement of the socio-economic well-being of the Muslim community. Throughout the centuries, waqf has funded many magnificent architectural monuments and public infrastructures all over the


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2021

Do Funerals Funds by Informal Institution Comply with Microtakaful Principles? 

Research on funeral funds on a homeowner association has never been performed before. Meanwhile, previous studies on the funeral fund in insurance companies, 'rukun kematian,' and mosques are used as a reference.  The research aims to analyze whether the funeral funds managed by informal institutions correspond with the micro takaful principle. Method is a descriptive analysis is used by comparing the survey in two groups, namely residential and village areas, of 31 communities spread across Java Island. The research variables developed include calculation, collection method, and amount of funeral fund contribution, alongside the calculation and amount of benefits. Although the funeral funds' variables have not fulfilled the micro takaful principle, there are interesting findings. These include that the calculation of contribution for the two groups, namely the residential and village areas, is performed by mutual agreement through community deliberations. In the village, the collection method is by direct payment from members of the public to the officers, which is different from the residential areas, where it is picked up by the officers. Furthermore, the amount of funding contributions to the community in the villages is around Rp. 3.001 and Rp. 5,000, while the total is over Rp. 10,000 in residential areas. The informal funeral funding scheme (IFFS) has become a mutually beneficial culture of Indonesian society, which fosters strong humanity and brotherhood. This scheme can be formulated in micro-takaful cooperatives to ensure that the benefits trickle down for every member of the community, including Muslims and non-Muslims.


Tanggal Publikasi: 18 Mei 2021

Review on Islamic Social Reporting (ISR) Research.

This study aims to determine the development and trend map of Islamic Social Reporting (ISR) outbreak research that is published by a reputable journal in the theme of Islamic economics and finance. The data analyzed were more than 91 publications of Scopus indexed publications. The export data is then processed and analyzed using the R Biblioshiny application program to find out the bibliometric map of the development of Islamic Social Reporting research. The results showed that the number of publications on the development of Islamic Social Reporting research experienced a significant increase. The results show that the highest number of document types are journal articles. The most popular authors are Amran A, and the most popular keyword topics are Islamic, reporting, and social. Islamic Social Reporting has become an important part of the discussion of the financial business; not only in banking, but also in the corporate business.


Tanggal Publikasi: 11 Mei 2021

Shariah Governance in the Face of Value-Based Intermediation: Islamic Banking to Thrive Beyond Halal

Islamic finance has grown globally by leaps and bounds over the past three decades. In Malaysia, the success of the Islamic finance industry is heavily attributed to the comprehensive market structure and regulatory framework. With its current maturity and capacity, the industry is set to move forward to the next level with more sustained growth. Accordingly, Bank Negara Malaysia has issued the Strategy Paper on Value-based Intermediation (VBI) in March 2018 which deliberates the strategies to strengthen the roles and impact of Islamic finance towards not only a balanced social and commercial ecosystem, but also towards sustainable financial system. This paper discusses the role of Shariah governance in the implementation of VBI in the Islamic banking industry. In particular, this paper explores on how the board, management, and Shariah committee could contribute to the success of VBI within the scope of Shariah Committee composition and its integration with the board, as well as the management’s daily oversight of the banks’ activities. Indeed, an impactful implementation of VBI would require the participation and cooperation from various key stakeholders, but more importantly is the commitment from the internal drivers, i.e. the board, management, and Shariah Committee.


Tanggal Publikasi: 20 Apr 2021

The impact of oil price and other macroeconomic variables on the Islamic and Conventional Stock Index in Indonesia

The Islamic capital market plays an important role in the growth of the economy in Indonesia. During its development, the performance of the stock index in a country is often influenced by other stock indices in other countries. This study tries to analyze dependence of macroeconomic variable towards JII and IHSG price, using Autoregression Distributed Lag (ARDL). The results show that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and exchange rate (EXC) significantly affect the movement of the JII and IHSG price index. This indicates that the movement of the JII and IHSG index in the short term is influenced by domestic production and exchange rate. Furthermore, the results of the research show a little uniqueness in the crude oil price (COP) variable and the issue of energy consumption in the future.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Apr 2021

Hajj Investment Fund: A Bibliographic Study of The Hajj Economy

This study explores the development of research on the hajj’s economy (pilgrimage) published in reputable journal papers. The data analysed included more than 66 indexed research publications. The entire sample of journal publications has been published during the 18 years from 2003 to 2020. The export data is then processed and analysed using the VOSviewer application to determine a bibliometric map of the research’s development. The results show that the number of publications on the development of hajj’s economic research from 2003-2020 experienced a fluctuating increase, and most papers were published in 2019 with 15 articles (22,7%). Network visualisation showed that the map of the research was divided into 4 clusters. Cluster 1 consists of 15 topics; cluster 2 consists of 11 topics; cluster 3 consists of 11 topics, and cluster 4 consists of 10 topics. The findings of this study are in the form of suggestions for alternative research on the hajj investment fund.


Tanggal Publikasi: 15 Jan 2021

Determinant of Sharia Bank's Financial Performance during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Financial performance as a measuring instrument to know the process of implementing financial resources owned by the company. The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the banking sector, resulting in poor financing due to debtors' disbursements as a result of the large number of people losing their jobs and difficulties in financing payments. This research aims to analyze the financial performance of Islamic Banks during the Covid-19 pandemic, using records of annual financial statements from 2011 to 2020 through Multiple Linear Regression testing and linearity testing of the model used Ramsey test. As a result of this study, the results of the t test found that the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Operating Costs to Operating Income (BOPO), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) had a positive and significant effect on financial performance (ROA) while Not Performing Financing (NPF) had a negative and insignificant effect on financial performance (ROA). Furthermore, simultaneously capital adequacy ratio (CAR), Operating Costs to Operating Income (BOPO), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) and Not Performing Financing (NPF) significantly influenced the financial performance (ROA) of Sharia banks in Indonesia


Tanggal Publikasi: 10 Jan 2021

Islamic library: History, classification, and waqf role

Islam provides a great impetus for humans to pursue knowledge. The first verse revealed from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is Iqra, which means “to read”. The Qur’an uses repetition to instill certain concepts in the consciousness of its listeners. Allah (God) and Rab (Sustainer) are repeated 2,800 and 950 times, respectively, in the Alquran and Ilm (knowledge) 750 times. The need to preserve the Alqur’an aroused a passion for compiling writings in various forms, which paved the way for establishing the earliest libraries in the Muslim world. Libraries in Islamic history occupy an important position. Its existence is very difficult to separate from the development and progress of science and Islamic civilization, especially in the 8-10 century AD. This study aims to determine Islamic library research trends published by leading journals. The data analyzed consisted of 663 indexed research publications. The data is then processed and analyzed using the VoS viewer application to determine the bibliometric map of the development of Islamic research libraries. There were at least 7 types of Islamic libraries in the golden age of Islamic civilization: independent library, public library, mosque library, palace library, university library, ribat library, and bimartisan or hospital library. The seven types of Islamic libraries are almost entirely waqf-based.


Tanggal Publikasi: 2 Jan 2021


Garbage is a classic and unsolved problem in Indonesia. According to data from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), Indonesia's amount of waste reaches 67.8 million tons consisting of 57% organic, 15% plastic, 11% paper, and 17 other waste. However, a garbage bank has established, even though its role still minimal compared to the City Waste Power Electric (PLTSa). By using ANP (Analytic Network Process) this qualitatively descriptive paper shows that the essential aspects from PLTSa are Institution and community. The problem of PLTSa is divided into three aspects such as expensive, 3T, and environment. In this case Waqf institutions such as education, socialization and cost. The issues of society are literacy, habits, lazy. Mapping solutions, in-depth studies, collaborations, webinars. Strategies in improving the environment security, among others, are the synergy of waqf institutions with the government, BOT system between Waqf Institutions and private businesses, and the last collaboration between waqf institutions and waste banks.