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Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Des 2023

This study intends to determine how Tazkia Islamic Institute Hafidzpreneur students actually apply the rules of Islamic consumerism when they shop online. The descriptive qualitative approach method is employed in this research. The Tazkia Islamic Institute's Hafidzpreneur Matriculation Campus students who like shopping online were interviewed for this study's primary data. The findings demonstrated that the majority of students across different batches had implemented the principles of Islamic consumption, with the class of 2020 having the highest percentage of students doing so when shopping online. Whenever it comes to shopping, students adopt sharia principles, abstain from usury, focus on maslahah (the goodness of this world and the hereafter), and direct their expenses toward Allah's way through infak, alms, and waqf. Furthermore, the students underscored the need to maintain hygiene when shopping online, steering clear of garbage (israf) and gharar when transacting online. Ethical behavior and philanthropic concepts have also been applied by students to their online purchases. This is consistent with the practical application of Islamic economics.


Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Des 2023

Analysis of Islamic Work Ethic on Job Satisfaction with Intrinsic Motivation Mediation Variables in Millennial Generation Employees

This research aims to determine the impact of Islamic work ethic on job satisfactionwith intrinsic motivation mediation variables in millennial generation employees. This type of research uses a quantitative description with explanatory research using a sample of 101 respondents. The data analysis method used in this research is descriptive analysis method, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with SmartPLS 3 software. The results show that Islamic work ethic has a significant and positive effect on job satisfaction both directlyand indirectly. using the mediating variables of intrinsic motivation and job satisfaction


Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Des 2023

Concentration Level and Market Power of Islamic Bank Industry: Analysis of Pre and Post Bank Syariah Indonesia Merger

This paper attempted to examine the concentration and the degree of market power in the Indonesian Islamic Bank Industry during the pre and post-Bank Syariah Indonesia mega-merger. However, using the Strategic Tripod concept, this paper explored the response of the competitor pursuant to the merger. This paper used two main secondary data sources, which were 2 quarterly financial reports before the merger and 1 quarterly financial report after the merger of 34 Islamic bank data, and applied the Herfindhal-Hircsmann Index and Concentration Ratio of the top 5 Islamic banks. This paper discovered that the concentration ratio was at a moderate level. Moreover, based on the CR5 calculation result, Islamic banks have an oligopoly market structure. As for the response to the mega-merger, this paper divides 34 islamic banks into 3 clusters which are full-fledged Islamic banks (Bank Umum Syariah), Private Owned Islamic Subsidiary (Unit Usaha Syariah), Province Owned Islamic Subsidiary (Unit Usaha Syariah Bank BPD). Based on the strategic tripod, the strategy of the Islamic full-fledged bank orchestrates resources to win the competition. The privately owned Islamic Subsidiaries are taking advantage of their resource sharing with their parents. Meanwhile, the Province Islamic subsidiary's strategy relies on the regulations determined by the bank shareholders, who, in this case, are the government province.


Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Des 2023

How Do Halal Component and Marketing Drive Muslim Consumers?

This research addresses a specific issue within halal marketing, emphasizing its novelty. Despite widespread recognition in marketing literature of the roles played by various halal components and strategies in influencing consumer purchase intentions, there is a distinct research gap in the lack of studies focusing on specific categories. This study aims to fill that gap by examining the relationship between halal awareness, certification, and other marketing elements in shaping the halal purchase intentions of Mixue consumers in Indonesia. Structural equation model analysis of data from 156 Mixue consumers revealed positive correlations between halal awareness, certification, and brand with purchase intentions, while food quality and promotion showed negative and non-significant relationships. Theoretically, the research strives to advance a conceptual model of halal purchase intentions by integrating halal components with marketing elements, contributing to marketing literature with a specific focus on Mixue and its consumers in Indonesia. The practical implications involve a deeper understanding of factors influencing halal product purchase intentions, aiding marketing decision-making and business strategies in this rapidly growing market.


Tanggal Publikasi: 29 Des 2023

Investigation Of E-Business Motivation Among Batik SMES In Indonesia 

Purpose: This research explores how to establish a conceptual framework for an empirical model of e-business motivation in small organizations, while most ebusiness studies focus on large companies. To explain SMEs' tactics and features, notably family businesses' increased e-business motivation. Theoretical Framework: Technological developments have an impact on changing business management patterns, many business opportunities can be captured by companies including small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to be able to expand the market and increase sales. Design/Methodology/Approach: ANOVA analysis was used for quantitative analysis. This research took a sample of 122 Batik SMEs from the Batik center villages of Klaten, Jarum, Beluk, Banyuripan, and Kebon Regencies. The sampling method was purposive, namely by using batik SMEs that have used social media or websites to carry out promotions and sales. Findings: SMEs in the innovator category were more driven than reactors. Innovative companies succeeded in internet marketing, communication, and profit. However, the two groups employed e-business for study similarly. This shows that innovators and reactor companies have not fully adopted the e-business market or industry surveys. Implications of Research: This research shows that the success of e-business practices, especially electronic promotion and selling, will increase with strategic orientation that strives for innovation, as market coverage expands, and business duration increases. Originality/Value: E-business strategies and competencies in small businesses are infrequently investigated, whereas major enterprises are extensively studied. demonstrates that SMEs have distinct firm structures and HR development programs than major companies, hence their e-business practices will differ.


Tanggal Publikasi: 28 Des 2023

Efficiency Comparison between Conventional and Islamic Rural Banks in Sumatra during the COVID-19 Pandemic

This study aims to examine and compare the efficiency of conventional rural banks and Islamic rural banks in their roles as intermediary institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sumatra, Indonesia. Furthermore, the efficiency determinants were further analysed to find some variables that affect rural banks’ efficiency. Non-Parametric approach, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), and Tobit Regression are employed in this study. The results show that Islamic rural banks have better efficiency performance compared to conventional rural banks, but that there is a fluctuating efficiency trend experienced by both types of rural banks during the observation period. In addition, the potential improvement result indicates that financing and operating revenue variables are the main causes of rural bank inefficiency. Furthermore, the Tobit Regression result finds that capital and bank size significantly improve the efficiency level, but that risk significantly reduces bank efficiency.


Tanggal Publikasi: 23 Des 2023

Analyzing the Volatility of Non-Core Deposits in Indonesian Islamic Banks: Sharia Restricted Intermediaries Accounts (SRIA) as Stabilizer?

Objective–This research delves into the causes of Non-Core Deposit by applying the Austrian Business Cycle Theory (ABCT) in the case of Islamic Bank. To examine it. This paper is using some internal and external factors in exploring the volatility of Non-Core Deposit in Islamic Bank for both Full-Fledged and Islamic Window Bank. Furthermore, this paper also proposes the future model of Islamic bank using new product namely Sharia Restricted Intermediaries Account (SRIA)

Design/methodology–The study centers on core deposits as the dependent variable, drawing data from the Indonesian Financial Service Authority and Central Bank of Indonesia websites spanning from June 2014 onwards. This study uses internal variables which are Third-Party Fund, Cost of fund, and Vostro while Conventional Interest Rate and Bank Indonesia Rate as external variables as the independent variable. Methodologically, Vector Auto Regression (VAR) and Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). To propose the future model, this paper do the descriptive analysis.

Results–The Total Third-Party Funds and Cost of Fund of Conventional Banks exerting significant negative effects to Non-Core Deposit. As a solution, a two-stage implementation plan is proposed: in the short term, separating funds based on purpose and introducing guarantees, while in the long term, introducing Sharia Restricted Intermediaries Account (SRIA) without LPS guarantees to promote stability and risk sharing.


Tanggal Publikasi: 18 Des 2023

Urgency and Internal Control Practices in Islamic Boarding Schools in Indonesia: Principal and Accountant Perspectives

Internal control in Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) plays a crucial role in ensuring their sustainability. This research aims to analyze principals' perceptions regarding the importance of internal control for pesantren in Indonesia. The study employs a quantitative method with descriptive statistical analysis and differential testing using SPSS 26 software. The sole variable utilized is internal control, encompassing all its indicators as instruments. The findings of this research indicate that principals perceive internal control as highly significant for the management of their pesantren, serving as a foundation and guideline to ensure adherence to the institution's vision, mission, and initial objectives. Furthermore, the study identifies relatively sound practices of internal control within pesantren, although there is room for improvement according to accountants' perceptions. Additionally, the differential test results reveal that there is no significant difference between the groups of pesantren tested, both in terms of urgency as perceived by principals and in terms of practices as evaluated by accountants.


Tanggal Publikasi: 15 Des 2023

The Roles of Export of Coffee Commodity and Macroeconomics Factors on Unemployment in Indonesia

Coffee as the second largest agricultural commodity export has contributed to the economies
of various countries, including Indonesia. In addition to looking at the role of coffee commodity
exports, an analysis of macroeconomic factors' impact on Indonesia's unemployment rate is also
analyzed. Because it is known that the unemployment rate is not only caused by one sector but
some things influence it, including macroeconomic factors. This study analyzes the role of coffee
commodity exports and macroeconomic factors, including GDP, inflation, and interest rates, on
Indonesia's unemployment rate. The data used in this study is interpolated secondary data for the
period 2000 to 2021. The estimation method used in this study is Robust Least Square
(ROBUSTLS) which will then be estimated again using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag
(ARDL) method as a robustness test. The estimation results using the ROBUSTLS method prove
that coffee commodity exports and macroeconomic factors significantly affect Indonesia's
unemployment rate in aggregate. This form of influence is negative for coffee commodity exports
(ExpCof), gross domestic product (GDP), and interest rate (IR). While inflation (Inf) has a
positive impact on the unemployment rate (Ump). These findings are reinforced by the estimation
results using the ARDL method with the result that ExpCof, GDP, and Inf have a significant
relationship to Ump, while Inf is not significant as the findings from the estimation results using
the ROBUSTLS method.


Tanggal Publikasi: 15 Des 2023

Generation Z Purchasing Behavior Profile in the Digital Economy: Normative Analysis in Online Market

This research aims to detail Generation Z's purchasing behavior in the online market. This research provides an in-depth view for e-commerce companies and marketers to develop more effective strategies in attracting and retaining Generation Z. This research method is normative descriptive research. The type of research used is exploratory research. Data collection techniques involve literature reviews from various journal sources and related literature. The data analyzed is secondary data and the data analysis method involves normative analysis to identify the differences between "das sollen" (should) and "das sein" (actual conditions) in the purchasing behavior of Generation Z in the digital economy. This research reveals that Generation Z has a high affinity for using smartphones when shopping online, indicating a dependence on mobile technology in the digital economy era. Generation Z is more active in shopping online compared to previous generations, indicating the important role of digital platforms in shopping behavior patterns. Continuous recommendations from this research emphasize the importance of continuous adaptation to technological changes and the dynamics of Generation Z consumer behavior. Businesses are expected to combine innovative marketing strategies with responsive shopping experiences to attract and retain Generation Z as loyal consumers


Tanggal Publikasi: 13 Des 2023


The research aims to identify and collect issues related to the halal industry discussed by users' activities, sentiments, and content on Twitter. The method used involved collecting 135,050Twitter conversations over a two-year period from July 21, 2021, to March 15, 2023, utilizing the Drone Emprit Academic (DEA) machine. Text data mining techniques were employed with the assistance of the DEA system, which included sentiment analysis, Social Network Analysis (SNA), and other descriptive analyses. The research findings indicate that the highest number of tweets related to the halal industry originated from Indonesia, followed by Malaysia and the United Kingdom. These tweets were predominantly contributed by millennials and zillennials and were characterized by a 71% positive sentiment, 27% negative sentiment, and 2% neutral sentiment.Furthermore, the Social Network Analysis (SNA) revealed integration and collaboration between the halal industry and Islamic financial institutions, suggesting the potential for creating a halal ecosystem. This research serves as a guideline for policymakers in the halal industry sector to evaluate public sentiment and formulate appropriate advancement strategies. Additionally, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of social media data analysis in the context of the halal industry and offers directions for future research.


Tanggal Publikasi: 13 Des 2023

Development Of Conventional Savings And Loan Business Activities Into Sharia Savings And Loan Business Activities

Seeing the potential of the Muslim majority in this country and the euphoria of desire from the leader in the region to apply the Sharia economic principle. However, it is not by the quantity of the successful conversion of the conventional Savings and Loans Business Cooperatives into Sharia Saving and Financing Cooperatives. This research aims to identify problems, formulate solutions, and design strategies for converting conventional Savings and Loans Business Cooperatives into Sharia Saving and Financing Cooperatives. This research uses the Analytic Network Process (ANP) method by collecting opinions from various experts, such as practitioners, regulators, and experts in converting conventional Savings and loan cooperatives into Sharia Savings and loan cooperatives. This research discovers that there were similar opinions on the problems, that internal aspects caused the low conversion rate. Stakeholder interests and human resource needs are the dominant internal problems influencing the most. To solve this problem by processing data from all the respondents based on average results, the priority is the aspect of education and communication. The second priority is the aspect of gradual conversion. The proposed solution will be more effective using a market-driven strategy and rational persuasion. The implication is that the government and other stakeholders can promote the education and communication sector, where education in the form of internships and DPS or Sharia Economics training will have a significant impact.


Tanggal Publikasi: 12 Des 2023

Discussion on Halal Assurance for Micro and Small Business: A Bibliometric and Content Analysis

The integration and comprehensiveness of the halal system are essential for ensuring halal assurance. The issue of halal certification has become a topic of interest, particularly when considering micro and small businesses. Various perspectives have been examined in the study of halal certificates. In Indonesia, the implementation of Halal Assurance Law no 33 Year 2014 has made halal certification mandatory at the national level. This requirement poses challenges, particularly for small and micro businesses that typically have limited resources. Various bibliometric studies have been done on small and micro businesses and similarly have been conducted on halal topics as well. However, no bibliometric study has been done on small and micro businesses in the context of halal and halal assurance implementation. This research analyzes current trends and discussions surrounding halal studies in relation to micro and small businesses. The Google Scholar Database is utilized to ensure broader coverage. The research employs bibliometric analysis and systematic literature review to address the research questions. The study reveals that limited resources are frequently cited as a significant problem for micro and small enterprises. To ensure the implementation of halal assurance practices in these businesses, sustainable support is necessary, considering their constrained financial capabilities


Tanggal Publikasi: 4 Des 2023


Cash waqf is a form of contemporary waqf that has great potential in the modern world. In Indonesia, despite its potential of 180 trillion per year, cash waqf collection, management, and distribution are not optimal. Nonetheless, the infrastructure sector in Indonesia faces obstacles, particularly in terms of funding. The innovation of the CWLFRA (Cash Waqf Linked DINFRA) model is, therefore, a solution to these two issues, as the proposed model is the result of an integration between efforts to optimize cash waqf and infrastructure financing via the Infrastructure Investment Fund (DINFRA). In this CWL-FRA innovation, waqf funds will be allocated to the mauquf 'alaih from the profits of infrastructure investment funds, which will become a source of long-term usable assets. As a result, the purpose of this academic paper is to develop a model capable of bolstering the ecosystem of Islamic social financial institutions and maximizing the potential achievement of cash waqf in Indonesia as a means of implementing sustainable finance and an effective instrument in reviving national economy through infrastructure development. In addition, this study seeks to determine the viability of the potential for developing the productivity of cash waqf in an effort to increase the effectiveness of achieving cash waqf to support economic sustainability with infrastructure potential. Nine respondents representing academicians and expert practitioners from both the waqf and infrastructure sectors filled out questionnaires to collect data. According to the results of the Delphi test, all respondents believed that there was a relationship between the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) indicators, indicating that this model is implementable. Moreover, based on the level of agreement of respondents, this model has the potential to contribute positively to national economic recovery, become a sustainable source of social funds, optimize the potential of waqf in Indonesia, strengthen the ecosystem of waqf social finance institutions, and improve the quality of management and maintenance of Indonesia's infrastructure. These findings demonstrate that integrating financial waqf with existing public infrastructure could positively affect the sustainability of national economic development. The novel aspect of this paper is the proposed cash waqf management system, which can serve as a useful reference for policymakers and waqf institutions seeking to develop a more effective waqf concept in terms of collection, administration, and distribution. Consequently, this study aims to demonstrate the potential for cash waqf, which can be integrated with DINFRA's product through the innovation of the CWL-FRA model, to become an investment instrument and offer a diversity of options to the waqf community.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Des 2023

Development of Digital Payment Systems in Indonesia

This research explores the dynamics and development of the digital payment system in Indonesia along with rapid technological transformation, including the growth of the digital finance industry and a shift in consumer behavior towards non-cash transactions. The aim of this research is to analyze the impact of the development of digital payment systems on the existence of cash in the digital economy era as well as reduce risks that may arise from the use of digital payment systems and prevent price increases due to the amount of cash in circulation. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Data was analyzed involving measuring and testing data by considering theoretical concepts related to the development of digital payment systems. The results of this research indicate that technological progress in the digital economy era, especially in the development of digital payment systems, has increased rapidly. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the use of e-commerce and digital wallets, triggering digital transformation in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector. Efforts from governments, regulators and service providers to maintain user security and privacy are important steps to build public trust in digital payments.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Des 2023


Cash waqf is a form of contemporary waqf that has great potential in the modern world. In Indonesia, despite its potential of 180 trillion per year, cash waqf collection, management, and distribution are not optimal. Nonetheless, the infrastructure sector in Indonesia confronts obstacles, particularly in terms of funding. The innovation of the CWLFRA (Cash Waqf Linked DINFRA) model is, therefore, a solution to these two issues, as the proposed model is the result of an integration between efforts to optimize cash waqf and infrastructure financing via the Infrastructure Investment Fund (DINFRA). In this CWL-FRA innovation, waqf funds will be allocated to the mauquf 'alaih from the profits of infrastructure investment funds, which will become a source of long-term usable assets. As a result, the purpose of this academic paper is to develop a model capable of bolstering the ecosystem of Islamic social financial institutions and maximizing the potential achievement of cash waqf in Indonesia as a means of implementing sustainable finance and an effective instrument in reviving national economy through infrastructure development. In addition, this study seeks to determine the viability of the potential for developing the productivity of cash waqf in an effort to increase the effectiveness of achieving cash waqf to support economic sustainability with infrastructure potential. Nine respondents representing academicians and expert practitioners from both the waqf and infrastructure sectors filled out questionnaires to collect data. According to the results of the Delphi test, all respondents believed that there was a relationship between the SWOT indicators, indicating that this model is implementable. Moreover, based on the level of agreement of respondents, this model has the potential to contribute positively to national economic recovery, become a sustainable source of social funds, optimize the potential of waqf in Indonesia, strengthen the ecosystem of waqf social finance institutions, and improve the quality of management and maintenance of Indonesia's infrastructure. These findings demonstrate that integrating financial waqf with existing public infrastructure could positively affect the sustainability of national economic development. The novel aspect of this paper is the proposed cash waqf management system, which can serve as a useful reference for policymakers and waqf institutions seeking to develop a more effective waqf concept in terms of collection, administration, and distribution. Consequently, this study aims to demonstrate the potential for cash waqf, which can be integrated with DINFRA's product through the innovation of the CWL-FRA model, to become an investment instrument and offer a diversity of options to the waqf community.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Des 2023

Analisis Strategi Pemsaran pada Perusahaan Jasa Travel Haji dan Umrah di Era New Normal

The growth of Umrah and Hajj travel business before the COVID-19 pandemic significantly incfreased. The COVID-19 pandemic caused Umrah and Hajj travel companies to experience losses. The new normal policy after the pandemic allows Umrah and Hajj travel companies to reopen their businesses. However, companies need to implement appropriate marketing strategies to maximize their profits. The goal of this research is to analyze the external and internal factors of X Tour & Travel, as well as the strategies usedto increase the sales of umrah and hajj packages in the new normal era.The methods used were SWOT analysis, CPM, and QSPM.Research has shown that increased public enthusiasm for performing umrah and hajj is a primary opportunity for X Tour & Travel. Thethreat factors for X Tour & Travel include the lack of significant solutions from governments when policies change, high levels of business competition, and Saudi Arabia's unstable regulations in the new normal era. According to the QSPM matrix, the strategies that X Tour & Travel can implement include utilizing pilgrims' testimonies and endorsements on social media to provide insight to the public about umrah according to the sunnah, using various media and developing affordable umrah packages to cater toa wider community. 


Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Nov 2023

Uncovering Halal Label Food Purchase Intention Behavior in Indonesia: A Twitter Analytics and SEM-Based Investigation

This study examined the factors that influence the intention to buy food labeled halal among Muslim consumers in Indonesia using mixed methods, this research used qualitative analysis by identifying trending topics related to 2.665 conversations on halal labels on Twitter in Indonesia using Drone Emprit Academic (DEA) and NVivo 12 Plus to uncover the underlying perception. A quantitative hypothesis was then developed based on the qualitative investigation and the adoption literature. Survey data was collected from 407 Muslim consumers in Indonesia using SEM-PLS. The results showed that the variables halal labeled food intention, halal labeled food safety, and halal labeled food knowledge showed a significant and positive influence on the intention to buy halal labeled food and repeat purchases of halal labeled food. This shows increasing consumer awareness about product halalness, health, and perceived value, which in turn encourages consumer interest to buy food products labeled halal.


Tanggal Publikasi: 29 Nov 2023

Determinants of the Level of Sharia Financial Literacy among Muslimah in Jabodetabek 

As being known, financial literacy by definition, is knowledge, skills, and beliefs in which in many references influence attitudes and behavior of an individual to improve the quality of decisionmaking and financial management in order to achieve welfare.  In Islamic financial literacy, welfare is falah. This study aims to determine the determinants of Islamic financial literacy levels in 391 productive age Muslim women in Jabodetabek. Methods of data analysis in this research using purposive sampling method and using SEM-PLS analysis. The results showed that of the four variables studied, the financial knowledge variable had no significant influence on Islamic financial literacy. While three other variables (financial attitude, financial behavior and religiosity) show significant influence to Islamic financial literacy


Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Nov 2023

Zakat, Accounting of Zakat, SAK Design of Zakat Accounting Guidelines Based on Comparative Analysis of PSAK 109 and FAS (9) AAOIFI"

This research will examine Sharia Accounting specifically which deals with the analysis of Zakat based on comparative analysis of PSAK 109 with FAS (9) AAOIFI and makes a draft of Zakat Accounting Guidelines based on comparison of PSAK 109 with FAS (9) AAOIFI which can be applied in Indonesia. The research used in this research is a descriptive qualitative research that is a method that describes, describes, compares a data and a situation and explains a situation in such a way that a conclusion can be drawn, with in-depth interviews, discussions and literature studies in order to obtain information from primary and secondary sources, using content analysis, literature review and SWOT.