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Tanggal Publikasi: 6 Jun 2024

Pengaruh Tingkat Literasi Wisata Halal, dan Perilaku Wisatawan Terhadap Minat Berwisata Halal di Provinsi Riau

This research aims to analyze the effect level of halal tourism literacy and tourist behavior towards interest in visiting halal tourism with a focus on halal tourism in Riau Province. This research uses the PLS-SEM (Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling) method to illustrate the results of regression analysis related to testing the relationship between independent and dependent variables. The results of this research reveal that the variables of halal tourism literacy and tourist behavior have a significant effect on interest in visiting halal tourism, which means that the better the public's literacy towards halal tourism, the better the public's attitude towards halal tourism. Vice versa, the better the public's attitude towards halal tourism, the higher the interest in visiting halal tourism. Therefore, it is important to cultivate a positive image of halal tourism to ensure halal tourism in Indonesia, especially in Riau Province.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2024

The Role of Perceived Service Quality and Islamic Financial Literacy on Customer Loyalty In NTB Syariah Bank

Islamic banks need to develop strategies to increase customer loyalty. It prevents customers from switching to other banks and ensures business survival. This is especially true for Islamic regional banks with relatively homogeneous customer bases. This study investigates the impact of perceived service quality and Islamic financial literacy on customer loyalty in NTB Syariah Bank, which is recognized for its excellence in regional banking. Through purposive sampling, data is gathered via questionnaires from 85 respondents after filtering through 112 respondents and analysed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Key findings reveal that service quality significantly influences customer loyalty, with empathy and tangibility emerging as crucial factors. Empathy is crucial in fostering positive customer experiences and building long-term relationships. A high level of tangibility can enhance customer confidence and satisfaction. Additionally, the study underscores the positive correlation between service quality, Islamic financial literacy, and customer loyalty. Practical implications highlight the importance of enhancing financial literacy and fostering trust in Islamic banking through regulatory support and educational initiatives. This research fills a gap in understanding regional bank practices and offers insights for tailored financial literacy programs in rural communities.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2024

Pengaruh Transparansi dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Keputusan Muzakki Membayar Zakat di BAZNAS Kabupaten Kepualauan Meranti

This study aims to identify how Transparency and Service Quality influence Muzakki's decisions to pay Zakat at Baznas Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti. Data in this study is processed using quantitative analysis through the partial least square (PLS) approach in the Structural Equation Model (SEM), utilizing the statistical software SmartPLS 3.0. The data collection instrument was a Likert scale questionnaire. The research sample was taken using non probability sampling method, with purposive sampling technique, resulting in 150 respondents from Muzakki in Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti.The results of this study indicate that the transparency towards Muzakki's decision to pay zakat on the path coefficients with the original sample value of 0.129 means it has a positive effect with the t-statistic value obtained of 1.278 with a p-values value of 0.202 which is greater than 0.05, thus having a non-significant effect. The service quality variable has a positive and significant effect on Muzakki's decision to pay Zakat at Baznas Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti. The transparency and service quality variables together have a simultaneous influence on Muzakki's decision to pay Zakat by 47%, while the remaining 53% is explained by other external variables not investigated in this study.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2024

Analisis Komparatif Teori Konsumsi Mazhab Monzer Kahf, Abdul Manan dan Yusuf Al-Qardhawi

This study aims to compare consumption theories according to the perspectives of Monzer Kahf, Abdul Manan, and Yusuf Al-Qardhawi. It employs a formal literature review method to compare the consumption theories of these three figures, utilizing qualitative analysis of relevant literature and texts such as books, articles, and journals authored by the three thinkers. The research findings indicate that Monzer Kahf, Abdul Manan, and Yusuf al-Qardhawi have different approaches to understanding consumption in the context of Islamic economics. Monzer Kahf emphasizes the importance of consuming goods without extravagance or wastefulness and paying attention to the benefits of those goods. Abdul Manan underscores the significance of creating fair income and wealth distribution. Meanwhile, Yusuf al-Qardhawi emphasizes the importance of consuming by considering necessary needs, including spending wealth for goodness, avoiding miserliness, combating wasteful actions, and adopting a modest attitude in spending wealth. Thus, the three consumption theories according to the perspectives of Monzer Kahf, Abdul Manan, and Yusuf Al-Qardhawi share similarities in emphasizing the importance of moderate consumption, avoiding miserliness, and meeting the basic needs of individuals and society.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2024

How Financial Risk Affects Indonesia Sovereign Sukuk Market Development

Global bond market attention is starting to witness very interesting developments in the development of Sukuk. However, the academic literature on the determinants of the development of the Sukuk market is still new and very limited. Using the Vector Autoregression (VAR)/Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) method, this study examines how the financial risk component influences the development of the Indonesian sovereign Sukuk market. Data was collected from Bank Indonesia and Indonesia’s Directorate General of Financing and Risk Management on the External Debt Statistics database for ten years from 2013Q1-2023Q1. The results of this study indicate that the foreign Debt Service Ratio (DSR) and Exchange Rate (EXC) significantly affect the development of the sovereign Sukuk Market. The foreign DSR has a negative effect, while the EXC positively affects the development of the sovereign Sukuk market. Meanwhile, the ratio of foreign debt to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has an insignificant effect on the development of the sovereign Sukuk Market. The findings advocate policymakers in Indonesia on the importance of strengthening financial stability and regulating the issuance of Sukuk in accordance with the associated financial risks to develop the Sukuk market properly.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2024

Interest of Muslim Youth: Purchasing Halal Korean Restaurants in West Java

Purpose: The objective aim this study is to investigate the factors influencing young Muslims' inclinations in West Java to purchase Korean food through visits to Halal-certified Korean restaurants, Employing the Knowledge-Based Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) framework as the main variables under investigation.

Design/Method/Approach: The research methodology utilizes purposive sampling, targeting individuals aged between 16 and 30 years old. Data analysis employs the Structural Equation Modeling with Partial Least Squares (PLS-SEM) method.

Findings: Consumer knowledge exerts a positive and notable influence on attitudes, similar to the effects observed with attitudes and subjective norms, which positively and significantly influence the interest of Muslim youth in Halal-certified Korean restaurants. However, perceived behavioral control variables could not be identified as factors significantly influencing the purchase interest of Muslim youth in MUI-certified Halal Korean restaurants.Originality/Values: This article presents several updates, including geographical scope limitations, explanations of the variables used, and novelties in the research period. It is anticipated that the research's findings will significantly enhance marketing tactics and the administration of Halal-certified Korean restaurants in the culinary industry. Additionally, it is hoped that it will also assist business players in this sector in understanding the factors driving the purchase interest of Muslim youth to increase visits to Halal-certified Korean restaurants.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2024

Analyzing Consumer Preferences in Selecting Halal Tourism Destination

Purpose: This paper examines consumer behavior, specifically the Indonesian society's preference for making halal tourism in the Riau region a tourism destination.

Design/Method/Approach: The methodology applied in this research is quantitative with the SEM-PLS approach. Sampling was done using purposive sampling method. The number of respondents involved was 256 people with an age range of 16 to 55 years old. This study adopts variables based on the Theory of Planned Behavior, which identifies three exogenous latent variables (ɛ), namely Attitude, Subjective Norm, and Perceived Behavioral Control. Meanwhile, the endogenous latent variable (η) in this research is the Preference for Halal Tourism.

Findings: The results of this study revealed that the perceived behavioral control variable has the largest, positive, and significant influence.

Originality/Values: The implications of this research can assist in the development of the halal tourism industry in Indonesia, particularly in the Riau region. Industry players and stakeholders can take steps and policies to enhance aspects such as subjective norms and perceived behavioral control to meet tourists' preferences. Academics can also contribute to advancing digital literacy, research, and innovation in the halal industry, thereby making a significant contribution to the dynamic and innovative digital ecosystem within the halal value chain.


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2024

Implementation of the Zakat Village Index 2.0 in Supporting Zakat Community Development Programs

this research can serve as a reference for zakat institutions or the government in disbursing zakat funds


Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2024


A financial report audited by public accountants carries significant responsibility as the basis for decision-making for stakeholders and serves as a symbol of the reliability of financial information for an entity. However, several cases of ethics and regulatory violations have occurred in some prominent KAP in Indonesia. This phenomenon underscores the importance of enforcing ethical codes for the public accounting profession. This research aims to analyze the ethical code of the public accounting profession based on the perspective of Islamic teachings contained in Al-Hadiths. Employing a qualitative descriptive method and an interpretative approach, data were gathered from various sources, including hadiths, scholarly journals, and existing codes of ethics for public accountants. The findings depict that Islamic ethics emphasize good behavior in daily interactions, grounded in principles such as justice, ihsan, honesty, responsibility, and diligence. These principles serve as guidelines for public accountants to perform their duties with integrity, responsibility, high levels of honesty, and ensuring the accuracy of financial information in line with Islamic principles. Furthermore, the code of ethics for public accountants in the Islamic perspective emphasizes principles of integrity, objectivity, competence, professional care, confidentiality, and professional behavior. The implications of this research underscore the importance of understanding and applying Islamic ethical principles in accounting practices to achieve professionalism aligned with religious teachings. Thus, this research is expected to provide valuable contributions to enriching understanding of the relationship between Islamic ethics and accounting practices and promoting the adoption of practices in harmony with the moral values of the hadiths.


Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Mei 2024

Exploring Spiritual Engagement Among Youth In High-Risk Areas

This study examines the spiritual and religious engagement of young people in high-risk neighborhoods to uncover their role as internal protective mechanisms against substance abuse. Through qualitative research, the study explores participants' perspectives and practices related to spirituality. The findings reveal a nuanced understanding of spirituality, with religious devotion and internalization emerging as prominent themes for nearly a third of participants (29.35% overall). The importance of connecting with Allah, fostering inner strength, ethical considerations, and the intertwined pursuit of self-knowledge and knowledge of God are emphasized and comprise about one-fifth, nearly one-fifth, about 15%, and nearly 12% of participants, respectively. In addition, religious practices such as obligatory prayer, recitation of ma'thurat, participation in zikir and reading religious texts, especially the Qur'an, are widely practiced among the participants. These practices are practiced by more than 30%, about 22%, over 17% and about 15% of the participants, respectively. These findings highlight the multiple ways in which religious engagement fosters discipline, spiritual empowerment, leadership, community support and personal reflection, and is thus a critical component in promoting healthy lifestyles and resilience to substance abuse among youth in a high-risk environment.


Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Mei 2024

Exploring Protective And Risk Factors Among Youth In High-Risk Areas

This study examines the complex dynamics of protective and risk factors that impact substance abuse among youth in high-risk neighborhoods. Using a qualitative methodology based on interviews with young people from these neighborhoods, it illuminates the nuanced subtleties that shape their experiences. Internally, the findings reveal significant vulnerabilities among young people, with a notable proportion experiencing a lack of spiritual knowledge and practice (43%)and succumbing to curiosity (38%). Stress pressure (14%) and initiation through smoking (5%) were also identified as factors contributing to their vulnerability. From an external perspective, the negative influence of peers (28) emerged as an important risk factor, followed by inadequate parental education (24%) and family involvement with drugs (19%). The negative effects of a negative neighborhood environment (17%), parental separation (9%) and type of occupation (4%) were also evident. However, amidst these risks, certain protective factors were also identified. Internal spiritual knowledge and practice (33%), awareness of the dangers of drugs (30%), positive peer influence (24%) and assertiveness (13%) demonstrated resilience to negative influences. Robust external protective factors included the ability to choose friends (42%), the positive influence of family (43%) and the ability to avoid drug hubs (14%), emphasizing the importance of social support structures and informed choices in risk reduction. This research emphasizes the complexity of protective and risk factors impacting young people in high-risk areas and provides valuable insights for policy makers, practitioners, and communities to develop targeted interventions aimed at promoting resilienceand safeguarding the wellbeing of vulnerable young people.


Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Mei 2024

Empowering Youth in High-Risk Areas: Assessing the Impact of a Psychospiritual Prevention Program on Drug Abuse Prevention

Substance or drug abuse is one of the biggest threats to the nation. One of the main factors contributing to the failure of staying abstinent is the lack of social support from the community. The models of prevention programs are mostly adopted from the Western model, which seems to be unfit for the local context. Hence, there is a significant need to explore new strategies in which the protective and spiritual elements are practiced in the community in Malaysia against drug abuse. The emerging themes for Malaysians’ protective and spiritual factors are useful for conceptualizing and developing a psychospiritual prevention module for the community in Malaysia using the Sidek Module Development Model (2005). The objective of this research is to evaluate the influence of a psychospiritual prevention module on (1) spiritual awareness, (2) locus of control, (3) knowledge, and (4) self-assertiveness. To achieve this, participants were assigned to either an experimental or control group during both the initial assessment and follow-up evaluation. This study employed a quasi-experimental design involving two distinct youth cohorts, each consisting of 33 individuals in both the experimental and control groups. The experimental group participated in a psychoeducational intervention conducted in seven sessions by trained staff, whereas the control group received no intervention. The comparative analysis between the pre- and post-tests revealed a significant increase in the mean scores for spirituality (from 172.24 to 188.12 in the post-test and 191.79 in the follow-up test), locus of control (from 68.76 to 76.79 in the post-test and 87.52 in the follow-up test), knowledge (from 28.91 to 41.48 in the post-test and 72.09 in the follow-up test), and self-assertiveness (from 99.48 to 106.42 in the post-test and 119.42 in the follow-up test) in the experimental group. In contrast, the three variables examined did not exhibit noteworthy increases within the control group. The new evidence-based module can create synergy between government agencies and the community in drug prevention.


Tanggal Publikasi: 31 Mei 2024

The Influence of Service Attributes on Customer Intention to Revisit Sharia Hotel with Halal Awareness as a Moderating Variable

Purpose – This research aims to analyze the effect of service attributes, including halal food and beverages, sharia-compliant hotel facilities, sharia-compliant hotel operations, and Sharia-compliant hotel design, to revisit Sharia hotels in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Bekasi (Jabodetabek) areas with halal awareness as a moderating variable.

Methodology – The data utilized consisted of 150 respondents who are Muslim consumers who have previously stayed and revisited Sharia hotels in the Jabodetabek area. Sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) and processed through partial least squares (PLS) analysis.

Findings – This research found that Sharia-compliant hotel operations and design significantly and positively influence consumers' intention to revisit Sharia hotels in Jabodetabek. However, halal food and beverages, as well as Sharia-compliant hotel facilities, ddid not have a significant impact on repeat visits. Halal awareness, as a moderating variable, has not been able to strengthen the influence of Sharia hotel service attributes on repeat visits.


Tanggal Publikasi: 28 Mei 2024

Analisis pengaruh promosi, live streamers, dan tekanan waktu terhadap keputusan pembelian pada fitur shopee live

This research analyzesthe influence of promotions, live streamers, and time pressure on purchasing decisions made through the Shopee Live feature. The method employed in this study is quantitativedescriptive. This research's population and sample size totaled 193 individualsin Jabodetabek Area. The sampling technique utilized is probability sampling with purposive sampling. The statistical analysis conducted in this research employed Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) with SmartPLS 4.0 software. The research findings indicate that promotions have a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions through the Shopee Live feature. Additionally, live streamers exert a significant positive influence on purchase decisions via the Shopee Live feature. Moreover, time pressure demonstrates a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions through the Shopee Live feature.The Shopee Live feature is expected to increase effective promotional strategies, namely personal sales and direct marketing carried out by live streamers, so that customer awareness of the Shopee Live feature continues to increase, thereby influencing purchasing decisions. Furthermore, the Shopee application is expected to provide more sales promotions and also provide time limits when conducting live streaming.


Tanggal Publikasi: 25 Mei 2024

Decoding Preferences: Unraveling Factors Influencing the Selection of Islamic Banking in the Minas District Community

Despite economic growth in the Minas district, the development of Islamic banks remains under-researched, making it an interesting topic for investigation.This study aims to assess the impact of knowledge, religiosity, and community attitudes on savings interest in Islamic banks. The variables considered are knowledge (X1), religiosity (X2), attitude (X3), and savings interest rate (Y). Using a quantitative descriptive approach with Struc-turalEquationModellingPartialLeastSquares(SEMPLS),we collected primary data from questionnaires targeting individuals aged 15 years and above in Minas District, Siak Regency, Riau Province. The results show that knowledge and religiosity have a positive and significant influence on Islamic banks, while attitude shows no significant influence. ThesefindingsprovidecrucialinsightsintothedeterminantsofIslamic banking services at the local level.They suggest that Islamic banks and stakeholders should develop more effective marketing and educational strategies to improve community knowledge,religiosity,and attitudes towards Shariah finance.Ultimately,this will promote interest in saving, especially in the Minas district.


Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Mei 2024


Pendidikan merupakan salah satu upaya dalam membentuk kepribadian individu dari tingkat pendidikan dasar hingga perguruan tinggi. Individu yang memiliki peran sebagia mahasiwa/i memiliki tugas utama sebagai agent of change yakni menjadi pusat perubahan dalam sebuah lingkungan Kepribadian adalah keseluruhan sikap, perasaan, ekspresi, temperamen, ciri-ciri khas dan prilaku seseorang. Sikap, perasaan, ekspresi dan tempramen itu akan terwujud dalam tindakan seseorang jika dihadapkan pada situasi tertentu. Kesatuan sikap, perasaan, ekspresi, tempramen dan perilaku seseorang tentunya akan berbeda antara laki-laki dan Perempuan yang cenderung ekspresif dalam menunjukkan emosinya sehingga konflik antar satu dan lainnya mudah terjadi yang tentunya akna menghambat proses sosialisasi khususnya bagi mahasiswi yang memiliki kecenderungan introvert.  Subjek penelitian ini adalah 20 mahasiswi IAI Tazkia yang memiliki kecenderungan tipe kepribadian introvert. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 5 tahapan sosialisai 57% mahasiwi masih dalam tahap Penerimaan dimana dalam tahap ini individu masih terfokus untuk dapat menerima norma-norma sosial yang ada di sekitar asramanya. Hasil ini menunjukkan perlu adanya pendampingan khususnya bagi mahasiswi yang introvert agar dapat berhasil dalam bersosial.


Tanggal Publikasi: 17 Mei 2024

Analysis of The Relationship Between Financial Distress and Manipulation in Islamic Commercial Banks After COVID-19

This study aims to analyse financial distress and potential financial statement manipulation in Islamic commercial banks. In addition, this study analyses the relationship between the two. Financial distress is measured by the Altman Z-Score m,odelBeneish M-Score measures potential financial statement manipulationh M-Score. The analysis techniques used are descriptive qualitative and Pearson CorrelatioUsinging data from 12 Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia for the period 2020 - 2022, the results of the Altman Z-Score calculation show that Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia are financially healthy. This indicates the effectiveness of Islamic bbanks'business strategies, especially in facing the Covid-19 pandemic. The results of the Beneish M-Score calculation prove that Islamic banks are not included in the manipulator category. The Pearson Correlation Coefficient shows that there is no significant relationship between financial distress and financial statement manipulation at Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia. The tight supervision by regulators closes the opportunity for manipulation of financial statements. In addition, the characteristics of Islamic banks that are dominated by funds from retail customers can explain the insignificance of the relationship between financial distress and financial statement manipulation.


Tanggal Publikasi: 5 Mei 2024


This research aims to analyze the prohibition on giving wages to foundation organs (founders and trustees) from an Islamic perspective, especially on the principles of justice. This research is included in the type of qualitative descriptive research (non-statistical) using the library research method (literature review) through a juridical-normative and conceptual approach. The results of the research show that from an Islamic perspective, the prohibition on giving salaries or wages to foundation organs, especially to foundation Trustees and Supervisors, can be said to be a form of injustice, where the management (with some limitations) is entitled to a salary, while the Trustees and Supervisors are not allowed to receive it. Therefore, when the administrators and related parties in the management of the foundation, including Trustees and Supervisors, work in accordance with a mutually agreed contract, agreement, or contract, then wages for performance must be paid fairly and transparently, according to the agreement and willingness of both parties.


Tanggal Publikasi: 5 Mei 2024

The Influence of Attitudes, Safety, and Quality on Interest in Subscribing Halal Cosmetic Products

Purpose: This study aims to analyze the effect of consumer attitudes, safety, and product quality on interest in subscribing to halal cosmetic products, with a focus on generation Z considering the trend and public awareness of halal products, especially cosmetics, is increasing every year.

Design/Method/Approach:  This study uses a quantitative approach with a questionnaire as an instrument to collect primary data from 108 generation Z respondents who have used halal cosmetic products in Riau Province, and applies Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Square (SEM - PLS) analysis techniques.

Findings:  This study uses a quantitative approach with a questionnaire to collect data from 108 generation Z respondents in Riau Province who use halal cosmetic products, and applies SEM-PLS for data analysis. The results show that generation Z consumer attitudes and product quality have a positive and significant influence on the interest in subscribing to halal cosmetic products with coefficient values of 0.430 and 0.439, respectively

Originality/Values: These findings provide important insights for the halal cosmetics industry in designing more effective marketing strategies to meet the needs of generation Z consumers who are increasingly concerned about halal products, as well as to expand market share in this industry.


Tanggal Publikasi: 30 Apr 2024

Analisis Historis Kebijakan Fiskal IslamFathimiyah Mesir, Mamaalik, Safawi Persia, dan Mughol India

Sejarah kebijakan fiskal dalam Islam selama masa Fathimiyah dan Mamaalik di Mesir, Syafawiyah di Persia, serta Mughol di India, dapat dibagi menjadi dua fase utama: fase kejayaan dan fase kemunduran. Pada fase kejayaan, catatan sejarah menunjukkan bahwa manajemen fiskal di bawah pemerintahan kekhalifahan-khalifahan tersebut menghasilkan surplus pendapatan. Keadaan ini berkontribusi pada stabilitas ekonomi dan keamanan negara. Fathimiyah, Mamaalik, Syafawiyah, dan Mughol di India menerapkan kebijakan fiskal yang mendorong peningkatan pendapatan negara dari sektor-sektor beragam seperti pertanian, perdagangan, dan industri. Sumber pendapatan terbesar negara berasal dari pajak, tīmār, muḳāṭa’a, perwakafan, dan ghanimah.Pendapatan yang tinggi digunakan untuk mendukung kemajuan negara melalui pembiayaan perluasan wilayah, pembangunan infrastruktur, pendidikan, dan kesehatan. Namun, pada fase kemunduran, Fathimiyah, Mamaalik, Syafawiyah, dan Mughol mengalami defisit anggaran. Penurunan pendapatan negara, kegagalan westernisasi perekonomian, biaya perang yang tinggi, dan tingginya utang negara menjadi faktor-faktor penyebab terjadinya defisit dalam kebijakan fiskal mereka