Hasil Pencarian
Tanggal Publikasi: 29 Jun 2024
Assessing Investment Allocation Funds on the Growth of Total Assets Among Islamic Insurance Firms in Indonesia
The objective of this research is to examine the impact of Islamic insurance funds' asset allocation, which includes mudharabah deposits, sovereign sukuk, corporate sukuk, and Islamic mutual funds, on the asset growth of Islamic insurance funds in Indonesia. This study employs quantitative methodology, utilizing Vector Autoregression (VAR) and Ordinary Least Square (OLS) to analyze data series spanning from January 2016 to April 2023. The findings of the ordinary least squares (OLS) analysis indicate that the proportion of funds invested in Islamic mutual funds, government sukuk, corporate sukuk, and mudharabah deposits has a substantial and positive impact on the expansion of Islamic insurance assets. Moreover, the findings from the VAR indicate that a positive and statistically significant short-term relationship exists exclusively with government sukuk and its impact on the expansion of Islamic insurance assets. To optimize the allocation of investment funds for investors and stakeholders, sovereign sukuk and corporate sukuk may be considered, in light of the Impulse Response Function and Variance Decomposition analysis.
Tanggal Publikasi: 27 Jun 2024
The Influence of Service Attributes on Customer Intention to Revisit Sharia Hotel with Halal Awareness as a Moderating Variable
Purpose – This research aims to analyze the effect of service attributes, including halal food and beverages, sharia-compliant hotel facilities, sharia-compliant hotel operations, and Sharia-compliant hotel design, to revisit Sharia hotels in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Bekasi (Jabodetabek) areas with halal awareness as a moderating variable.
Methodology – The data utilized consisted of 150 respondents who are Muslim consumers who have previously stayed and revisited Sharia hotels in the Jabodetabek area. Sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) and processed through partial least squares (PLS) analysis.
Findings – This research found that Sharia-compliant hotel operations and design significantly and positively influence consumers' intention to revisit Sharia hotels in Jabodetabek. However, halal food and beverages, as well as Sharia-compliant hotel facilities, ddid not have a significant impact on repeat visits. Halal awareness, as a moderating variable, has not been able to strengthen the influence of Sharia hotel service attributes on repeat visits
Tanggal Publikasi: 24 Jun 2024
The aim of this research is to test and analyze the effect of applying the Expected Loss Method on earnings quality in the context of the pandemic surrounding. The research sample consisted of 16 Islamic commercial banks registered with the Financial Services Authority for the 2019-2022. Using panel regression analysis techniques processed through STATA 18, this research measures earnings quality with discretionary loan loss provisions (DLLP). Control variables include liquidity, which is proxied by the financing-to ratio (FDR), efficiency by BOPO, and bank size by Ln Total Financing. The results show that the impact of EFL on earnings quality is positively significant. This means that the higher the implementation of EFL, the greater the increase in DLLP, which indicates a further decline in earnings quality. During the pandemic, DLLP 27.98 demonstrated a higher value compared to non-pandemic periods, indicating a decline in earning quality during that period. This research provides input for regulators in drafting regulations related to CKPN, which is prone to being used as an earnings management tool. For investors, these findings can help in evaluating bank performance to make better investment decisions.
Tanggal Publikasi: 24 Jun 2024
The Influence Of Brand Awareness, Brand Image, And Brand Trust On The Decision To Purchase HP Laptops In The Jabodetabek
The personal computer industry, especially in the classification of
laptop, is one of the largest industries in Indonesia, which has massive
sales. In this sector, products from several global-scale computer
companies have long been the choice of Indonesian consumers,
including HP as its one of leading brand for laptop. This aim to analyze
the effect of brand awarness, brand image, brand trust on HP laptop
purchasing decisions in Jabodetabek who use HP Laptop. The
population in this study were 100 then the whole was taken to be
sampled who use HP laptop. Methods of data analysis using the
validity and reliability of the questionnaire, multiple regression analysis.
The results of this study indicate that the brand awarness, brand image
and brand trust variables simultaneously and partially have a significant
effect on purchasing decisions (a survey of HP laptop users specifically
for the Jabodetabek area). The coefficient of determination is 0.772
which indicates that the ability of the independent variables to predict
the dependent variable is 77%. 23% is influenced by other factors not
examined by the author
Tanggal Publikasi: 24 Jun 2024
The Influence Of Brand Image, Brand Satisfaction And Brand Trust On
H&M Customer Brand Loyalty In The Jabodetabek Area
Fast fashion is a phenomenon in the clothing industry that offers the
latest fashion trends at low prices and fast production times. one of the
famous brands is H&M. In Indonesia, H&M has spread to 19 cities in the
last 8 years.This study aims to analyze the effect of brand image brand
satisfaction brand trust on H&M customer brand loyalty in the
Jabodetabek area. Data collection was carried out by distributing online
questionnaires via G-form. Multiple linear regression methods are used
as data processing methods. The results of this study partially the
Brand Image variable has no significant effect on brand loyalty, and the
Brand Satisfaction variable, and Brand Trust have a significant positive
effect on Brand Loyalty. Simultaneously all dependent variables affect
the Brand Loyalty variable. In this study, all independent variables can
influence the dependent variable by 58%.
Tanggal Publikasi: 24 Jun 2024
This research aims to discover how classical Muslim scholars named Abu Ubaid and contemporary academics think about the existence and Islamic law regarding digital currency. This library research uses meta-analysis, sentiment analysis, and critical analysis. This research uses secondary data from scientific journal articles published in 2017-2023. The data source in this research was obtained from the Dimension database. The research results show that there are 106 pieces of scientific literature about digital currency from an Islamic perspective and 35 scientific kinds of literature about Abu Ubaid in the economic field with fluctuating literature development. Digital currency is not based on Abu Ubaid's thinking about the function of money because digital currency is a virtual currency that does not have underlying assets and many elements of uncertainty and other harm. Contemporary research studies also indicate a prevailing inclination towards negative rather than positive sentiment regarding the presence and implementation of Islamic law in digital currency. The dar'u al-mafasid muqaddam ala jalb al-masalih principle might help resolve the dispute between those who permit and those who forbid it. This research can be used as reference material for relevant research in the future and is helpful as material for public reflection and evaluation for policymakers to revitalize the application of digital currency by Islamic principles.
Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Jun 2024
This study highlights the current state of green sukuk research, conducted through journals filled with descriptions of digital objects. This analysis focuses on the character and writing style of keywords, authors, and journals. The data analyzed amounted to 123 studies published in Dimensions (https://dimension. ai). Descriptive statistical methods were used, and bibliometric analysis was performed using R Biblioshiny to determine bibliometric maps. The number of articles discussing the green sukuk theme has been quite large in recent years. Many journals have published articles on green sukuk, most of which is the Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research which contains several authors who investigate the topic with various keywords, the most prolific author is Musari K., and the most widely used keyword is" green, sukuk and Islam". This study provides an overview of trends in topics, keywords, journals, and authors in popular articles about green sukuk. It provides information for researchers focused on this area. Overall, green sukuk holds immense potential to emerge as a key instrument in financing sustainable projects in the future. With concerted support from all stakeholders, green sukuk can serve as a catalyst for achieving inclusive and environmentally responsible sustainable development on a global scale. This theme can be expanded for the future.
Tanggal Publikasi: 21 Jun 2024
Criticisms The Government's Role of Zakat Regulation in Indonesia for Improving the Zakat Potential
This research was conducted to determine previous research trends regarding zakat regulation as well as the sentiment from these studies regarding the policy and implementation of zakat regulations in Indonesia. The methodology used in this research is a qualitative method with descriptive statistics on secondary data from 151 literature studies related to zakat regulation published and available on over a period of 7 years (2017-2023). The data analysis techniques used are meta-analysis and sentiment analysis which are processed using Microsoft Excel 2019 and SentiStrength software. Then, to reveal this problem in depth and comprehensively, a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) study was also carried out. The research results show that the publication of scientific literature regarding zakat regulation in Indonesia continues to increase every year, indicating that this field is quite interesting to discuss for researchers and has extensive research space and continues to develop. This study can be used as a reference in identifying influential authors, articles and journals so that future researchers will find it easier to find references that have a big influence on the development of literature on zakat regulation in Indonesia. Apart from that, by knowing what things were criticized from the negative perceptions of previous researchers regarding the policy and practical application of zakat regulation in Indonesia, it is hoped that this research can become evaluation material for regulators and policy makers to revitalize existing regulations to realize their potential.
Tanggal Publikasi: 20 Jun 2024
Use of ChatGPT to Improve Digital Enterprise Business Performance
Artificial intelligence-based technologies, such as Chat GPT, are increasingly being applied in online businesses to improve business performance in businesses. This research uses qualitative research to explore the impact of using GPT Chat on online business performance among digital business actors using a phenomenology approach. In this research, data collection was carried out using a structured interview method. The data analysis method used in this research is thematic analysis. The results of data analysis show that using ChatGPT helps complete tasks faster, makes it easier to complete tasks, helps acquire new knowledge, helps acquire new skills, helps find innovative ideas, using ChatGPT can improve your service delivery to customers, helps identify problems faced by the company, helps in making decisions for the company, helps make better quality decisions and helps make more effective decisions.
Tanggal Publikasi: 19 Jun 2024
Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan Syariah Terhadap Minat Menggunakan Fintech Peer to peer (P2P) Lending Syariah: Studi Kasus Masyarakat di Jabodetabek
This study aims to analyze the influence of variables such as knowledge, ability, attitude, and trust on the interest in using Shariah Peer to peer (P2P) Lending Fintech: A Case Study of Communities in Jabodetabek. The data source of this research is primary data derived from a sample of residents in Jabodetabek. Data collection was conducted by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents. The analysis method used is Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (SEM-PLS) technique using SmartPLS.3 software. The results of this study indicate that all four variables significantly influence interest and engagement of the community in using Shariah fintech services. It emphasizes the complexity of factors influencing the adoption of Shariah financial technology.
Tanggal Publikasi: 13 Jun 2024
The study aimed to assess the impact of graduates
from Islamic boarding schools and general schools on Quran
memorization levels and academic grades of Hafidzpreneur
students. The method used was a dummy variable regression
with data processing using Microsoft Excel 2016. The primary
data used were collected through questionnaires distributed to
Hafidzpreneur students via Google Forms. The data were
analyzed using regression analysis, partial F-test, and
simultaneous F-test. The R-squared value in this study was
0.416, indicating that the dependent variable (Quran
memorization) can be explained by the independent variables
(graduates from Islamic boarding schools and general schools,
and academic performance) to the extent of 41.6%. The
remaining 58.4% can be explained by other variables. The
study found that graduates from both Islamic boarding
schools and general schools negatively affected Quran
memorization, as indicated by a probability of 0.34 > α = 0.05.
Additionally, academic performance negatively influenced
Quran memorization, with a probability of 7.52 > α = 0.05. The
study concluded that students from both Islamic boarding
schools and general schools, as well as academic performance,
do not significantly affect the level of Quran memorization
among Hafidzpreneur students. The study has significant
implications in increasing understanding about the
relationship between graduates from general and Islamic
boarding schools on Quran memorization and academic levels.
The study's results can help educational institutions develop
new programs that combined religious and general education,
particularly for students interested in becoming
Tanggal Publikasi: 8 Jun 2024
This study examines the factors influencing the adoption of Sharia FinTech among cooperative and non-cooperative users that can help them provide better and more efficient services. Moreover, this research uses the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) method that has been modified using quantitative analysis by distributing online questionnaires with a total of 154 respondents in the DKI Jakarta and West Java provinces. Data processing and hypothesis testing were conducted using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) which showed that variables PU, PUE, TRU, BI, and PR have a significant impact on ATT. Meanwhile, BI, PR, and UI have been proven to influence TRU, PUE has been proven to influence PU, and ATT has been proven to influence INT. Additionally, GS and UI do not affect ATT, and PR does not affect TRU for users' adoption of Sharia FinTech services. This study contributes to the literature on Sharia FinTech service adoption by providing a more comprehensive view of user attitude determinants by combining trust in FinTech services with TAM.
Tanggal Publikasi: 8 Jun 2024
This study aims to see the Factors Affecting Loan Quality on Sharia Fintech Lending in Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative method of case studies by collecting secondary data through from OJK. This article looks at the Factors of current loans and non-current loans starting in early 2021 to 2023 for Sharia FinTech in Indonesia by adopting the multiple linear regression method and dummy variables to analyze data on more than two free variables. The estimates show factors for gender, age and domicile in FinTech lending in Indonesia. Furthermore, gender does not appear to significantly impact the number of loan recipients or the outstanding loan amount, age and domicile variables have a significant impact on these factors. Age categories show a positive impact on the number of loan recipients and the outstanding loan amount. Meanwhile, individuals outside of Java are more likely to be loan recipients compared to individuals in Java. These findings recommend that financial services authorities intensively encourage new innovative Sharia FinTech business models for lending to expand digital financial inclusion by providing financing for people (P2P) who are not touched by banks.
Tanggal Publikasi: 6 Jun 2024
Analisis Dampak Kinerja Pengelolaan Zakat Dalam Pengentasan Kemiskinan Pada Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir
The population of Ogan Komering Ilir Regency in 2020 was 769,348 people. The poverty rate in 2020 reached 123.34 thousand people, then in 2021 it increased to 124.78 thousand people. The increasing poverty rate is a problem for the performance of zakat managers, while zakat itself is a form of poverty alleviation effort. This research is to determine the impact of zakat management performance in alleviating poverty in Ogan Komering Ilir district and the factors that influence the performance of zakat management in poverty alleviation. Quantitative descriptive analysis method. The total respondents in this study were 100 respondents from zakat management employees in each district, sub-district, sub-district/village of Ogan Komering Ilir district. In this research, a new variable is added in the performance of zakat management, namely the muzakki trust variable. The analysis method in this research uses Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results of this research show that zakat management performance factors influence poverty alleviation by 59.2% and the remaining 40.8% is influenced by other variables. Overall, the performance of zakat management has a positive and significant effect on poverty alleviation.
Tanggal Publikasi: 6 Jun 2024
Pengaruh Tingkat Literasi Wisata Halal, dan Perilaku Wisatawan Terhadap Minat Berwisata Halal di Provinsi Riau
This research aims to analyze the effect level of halal tourism literacy and tourist behavior towards interest in visiting halal tourism with a focus on halal tourism in Riau Province. This research uses the PLS-SEM (Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling) method to illustrate the results of regression analysis related to testing the relationship between independent and dependent variables. The results of this research reveal that the variables of halal tourism literacy and tourist behavior have a significant effect on interest in visiting halal tourism, which means that the better the public's literacy towards halal tourism, the better the public's attitude towards halal tourism. Vice versa, the better the public's attitude towards halal tourism, the higher the interest in visiting halal tourism. Therefore, it is important to cultivate a positive image of halal tourism to ensure halal tourism in Indonesia, especially in Riau Province.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2024
The Role of Perceived Service Quality and Islamic Financial Literacy on Customer Loyalty In NTB Syariah Bank
Islamic banks need to develop strategies to increase customer loyalty. It prevents customers from switching to other banks and ensures business survival. This is especially true for Islamic regional banks with relatively homogeneous customer bases. This study investigates the impact of perceived service quality and Islamic financial literacy on customer loyalty in NTB Syariah Bank, which is recognized for its excellence in regional banking. Through purposive sampling, data is gathered via questionnaires from 85 respondents after filtering through 112 respondents and analysed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Key findings reveal that service quality significantly influences customer loyalty, with empathy and tangibility emerging as crucial factors. Empathy is crucial in fostering positive customer experiences and building long-term relationships. A high level of tangibility can enhance customer confidence and satisfaction. Additionally, the study underscores the positive correlation between service quality, Islamic financial literacy, and customer loyalty. Practical implications highlight the importance of enhancing financial literacy and fostering trust in Islamic banking through regulatory support and educational initiatives. This research fills a gap in understanding regional bank practices and offers insights for tailored financial literacy programs in rural communities.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2024
Pengaruh Transparansi dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Keputusan Muzakki Membayar Zakat di BAZNAS Kabupaten Kepualauan Meranti
This study aims to identify how Transparency and Service Quality influence Muzakki's decisions to pay Zakat at Baznas Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti. Data in this study is processed using quantitative analysis through the partial least square (PLS) approach in the Structural Equation Model (SEM), utilizing the statistical software SmartPLS 3.0. The data collection instrument was a Likert scale questionnaire. The research sample was taken using non probability sampling method, with purposive sampling technique, resulting in 150 respondents from Muzakki in Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti.The results of this study indicate that the transparency towards Muzakki's decision to pay zakat on the path coefficients with the original sample value of 0.129 means it has a positive effect with the t-statistic value obtained of 1.278 with a p-values value of 0.202 which is greater than 0.05, thus having a non-significant effect. The service quality variable has a positive and significant effect on Muzakki's decision to pay Zakat at Baznas Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti. The transparency and service quality variables together have a simultaneous influence on Muzakki's decision to pay Zakat by 47%, while the remaining 53% is explained by other external variables not investigated in this study.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2024
Analisis Komparatif Teori Konsumsi Mazhab Monzer Kahf, Abdul Manan dan Yusuf Al-Qardhawi
This study aims to compare consumption theories according to the perspectives of Monzer Kahf, Abdul Manan, and Yusuf Al-Qardhawi. It employs a formal literature review method to compare the consumption theories of these three figures, utilizing qualitative analysis of relevant literature and texts such as books, articles, and journals authored by the three thinkers. The research findings indicate that Monzer Kahf, Abdul Manan, and Yusuf al-Qardhawi have different approaches to understanding consumption in the context of Islamic economics. Monzer Kahf emphasizes the importance of consuming goods without extravagance or wastefulness and paying attention to the benefits of those goods. Abdul Manan underscores the significance of creating fair income and wealth distribution. Meanwhile, Yusuf al-Qardhawi emphasizes the importance of consuming by considering necessary needs, including spending wealth for goodness, avoiding miserliness, combating wasteful actions, and adopting a modest attitude in spending wealth. Thus, the three consumption theories according to the perspectives of Monzer Kahf, Abdul Manan, and Yusuf Al-Qardhawi share similarities in emphasizing the importance of moderate consumption, avoiding miserliness, and meeting the basic needs of individuals and society.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2024
How Financial Risk Affects Indonesia Sovereign Sukuk Market Development
Global bond market attention is starting to witness very interesting developments in the development of Sukuk. However, the academic literature on the determinants of the development of the Sukuk market is still new and very limited. Using the Vector Autoregression (VAR)/Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) method, this study examines how the financial risk component influences the development of the Indonesian sovereign Sukuk market. Data was collected from Bank Indonesia and Indonesia’s Directorate General of Financing and Risk Management on the External Debt Statistics database for ten years from 2013Q1-2023Q1. The results of this study indicate that the foreign Debt Service Ratio (DSR) and Exchange Rate (EXC) significantly affect the development of the sovereign Sukuk Market. The foreign DSR has a negative effect, while the EXC positively affects the development of the sovereign Sukuk market. Meanwhile, the ratio of foreign debt to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has an insignificant effect on the development of the sovereign Sukuk Market. The findings advocate policymakers in Indonesia on the importance of strengthening financial stability and regulating the issuance of Sukuk in accordance with the associated financial risks to develop the Sukuk market properly.
Tanggal Publikasi: 1 Jun 2024
Interest of Muslim Youth: Purchasing Halal Korean Restaurants in West Java
Purpose: The objective aim this study is to investigate the factors influencing young Muslims' inclinations in West Java to purchase Korean food through visits to Halal-certified Korean restaurants, Employing the Knowledge-Based Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) framework as the main variables under investigation.
Design/Method/Approach: The research methodology utilizes purposive sampling, targeting individuals aged between 16 and 30 years old. Data analysis employs the Structural Equation Modeling with Partial Least Squares (PLS-SEM) method.
Findings: Consumer knowledge exerts a positive and notable influence on attitudes, similar to the effects observed with attitudes and subjective norms, which positively and significantly influence the interest of Muslim youth in Halal-certified Korean restaurants. However, perceived behavioral control variables could not be identified as factors significantly influencing the purchase interest of Muslim youth in MUI-certified Halal Korean restaurants.Originality/Values: This article presents several updates, including geographical scope limitations, explanations of the variables used, and novelties in the research period. It is anticipated that the research's findings will significantly enhance marketing tactics and the administration of Halal-certified Korean restaurants in the culinary industry. Additionally, it is hoped that it will also assist business players in this sector in understanding the factors driving the purchase interest of Muslim youth to increase visits to Halal-certified Korean restaurants.